Halloween Special
Ultrasonic Film
by 101.5 UMFM
3y ago
Joined by spe­cial guest Aman­da Ste­fa­niuk — host of Mon­do Hol­ly­wood — the show focus­es on favourite Hal­loween movies and scary moments in film history ..read more
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Pre-Birthday Extravaganza
Ultrasonic Film
by 101.5 UMFM
4y ago
James wel­comes three of his most trust­ed and loy­al col­lab­o­ra­tors, Prof. Bren­da Austin-Smith, Aman­da Ste­fa­niuk and Eric Domond to dis­cuss three of my per­son­al favorite films, ​“The Ter­mi­na­tor”, ​“Night of the Comet” and ​“Bev­er­ly Hills Cop”, on this spe­cial pre-birth­day show ..read more
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The Return / Conor McNally/New To Netflix
Ultrasonic Film
by 101.5 UMFM
4y ago
James wel­comes BJ Verot and Ken Janssens as they dis­cuss their new fea­ture film ​“The Return” which will pre­mière at the Cin­e­math­que this Oct 27th!James also wel­comes Conor Mcnal­ly whose new NFB film ​“Very Present” focus­es on his fam­i­ly and iso­la­tion in our covid times!Finally, James reviews a few new movies that are out on both Net­flix and are show­ing in the Theaters ..read more
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Clark Johnson / Scott Fitzpatrick / Ron Lambert
Ultrasonic Film
by 101.5 UMFM
4y ago
James inter­views Actor/​Director Clark John­son, whose new film ​“Per­cy” was shot in Win­nipeg and is open­ing this week­end! We touch on his entire career in this engag­ing chat! James also chat’s with Scott Fitz­patrick Co-Direc­tor of the WNDX Fes­ti­val of Mov­ing Image and we dis­cuss this year’s excit­ing entries!And James chat’s with Ron Lam­bert from the Reel Pride Film Fes­ti­val and we dis­cuss the fes­ti­val’s 35th anniver­sary and their films this year ..read more
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Stephen E. de Souza
Ultrasonic Film
by 101.5 UMFM
4y ago
A rebroad­cast of a a ter­rif­ic inter­view with Stephen E. de Souza, the screen­writer of ​“Die Hard”, ​“Die Hard 2”, ​“Com­man­do”, ​“The Run­ning Man”, ​“48 Hours”, ​“Hud­son Hawk” and many oth­er films ..read more
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Eric From Edmonton
Ultrasonic Film
by 101.5 UMFM
4y ago
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The Last Porno Show / The Announcement / Rebecca Gibson / Dick Miller
Ultrasonic Film
by 101.5 UMFM
4y ago
James wel­comes direc­tor Kire Paputts and actor Nathanael Chad­wick from the film ​“The Last Porno Show” and an inter­view with Zack Bern­baum who has direct­ed the new short film ​“The Announce­ment”! Both of these films are now avail­able on Vimeo! Also we check in with Rebec­ca Gib­son who tells us all about her new Win­nipeg Film Group work­shop, final­ly we lis­ten to a clas­sic inter­view with leg­endary char­ac­ter actor Dick Miller ..read more
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White Lie / Running Water
Ultrasonic Film
by 101.5 UMFM
4y ago
James wel­comes Calvin and Yon­ah, the direc­tors of the sharp new thriller ​“White Lie”, avali­able at the Gim­li Film Fes­ti­val online. They talk about the cre­ation and pro­duc­tion of this ter­rif­ic new film! James also rebroad­casts his inter­view with Frank and Bevan, the film­mak­ers behind the local inde­pen­dent 3‑D pro­duc­tion enti­tled ​“Run­ning Water ..read more
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June 25, 2020
Ultrasonic Film
by 101.5 UMFM
4y ago
James wel­comes back Eric from Edmon­ton and Mon­do Hol­ly­wood’s Aman­da as his friends final­ly rejoin him in this new height­ened times! We dis­cuss watch­ing movies in Covid times, the­aters start­ing up again, the depart­ed Joel Schu­mach­er and The Star­dust Dri­ve-In in Morden ..read more
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Marlene Nelson - Owner/Proprietor Of Morden's Stardust Drive-In
Ultrasonic Film
by 101.5 UMFM
4y ago
This Thurs­day , James chats with Mar­lene Nel­son the Owner/​Operator of the ​“Star­dust Dri­ve-In” in Mor­den Man­i­to­ba! They are up and run­ning! And very excit­ed about their new sea­son to come!  ..read more
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