A Good Beer Blog
The second longest running beer blog on the planet. A Good Beer Blog is the playground of Alan McLeod, clearly Canada's favorite and surely unparalleled beer historian. Not a consultant on the side. Not even a tour guide. Beer community denier. Spits. Wants a Double Double. Unpopular globally.
A Good Beer Blog
4d ago
Well, that went well. A revival can be a dangerous thing. From Brady Bunch TV reunion specials to the second Trump administration, these things should be faced with a measure of doubt – but it’s clear that The Session version #143(!) performed well above my expectations with a great level of participation… well, at least ..read more
A Good Beer Blog
1w ago
It will! Will it? Will it take? Will it last? Errr… will it even happen? Hmm… as I mentioned, we are going to try to see if there is any interest in having a go at reviving The Session. Stan‘s excited as are Matty and Alistair. Maureen is Sessio-curious. We’ll find out tomorrow. More about ..read more
A Good Beer Blog
1w ago
We get letters. Letters and postcards plus DMs and faxes as well as, yes, all those cheery cease and desist notices. And this week the letterbox has been filled with questions about the upcoming revival of The Session – like this letter which arrived from J. Wannamaker of Bingree, Indiana: I was talking with my ..read more
A Good Beer Blog
1w ago
As announced a few weeks ago, we are going to try an homage to The Session. The Session? Not only did it have its own logo, as illustrated, The Session was the greatest invention in all of beer writing and also a gargantuan effort which ran from 2007 to 2018 led by Jay Brooks which earned ..read more
A Good Beer Blog
2w ago
I would have thought Mr. Putin’s habit of defenestration would have made the prospect of being an oligarch less than attractive. I would think the real position to aspire to is the one where you don’t need the job, no one thinks you can do the job, you don’t even necessarily fit the job ..read more
A Good Beer Blog
2w ago
It’s really good, this whole passage of time thing. It really is. Isn’t it. It is… isn’t it? Fine. Face it. The holidays are over. OVER! But that doesn’t mean the celebrations are over. For example, in the U.S. of A. we hear that it’s Prohibition Remembrance Day celebrating the 106th anniversary of the ratification ..read more
A Good Beer Blog
1M ago
Lordy. Is all the holiday cheese finally gone? Is 2024 gone? Really? Check the back of the bottom shelf. Me, I finished off the holidays with a Covid needle in my left arm and a flu shot in my right. I’d rather have had the cheese. So perhaps a short post today, given me with ..read more
A Good Beer Blog
1M ago
The now, the year now past and the eternal. That’s what it’s all about this week. You, kind reader, may consider this too much as task for one person but let us not forget my capacity to do a very poor job. Yet. How about my find of the year or rather my daughter’s find ..read more
A Good Beer Blog
1M ago
How… How… How was your Christmas? I like a Wednesday Christmas Day. Basically writes off two weeks. Beats the crap out of three years ago when we were lining up for vaccines. Much more merry now. Perhaps. By the way, have you wished someone “Merry Christmas”? Don’t worry about the “war on Christmas” crap spread ..read more
A Good Beer Blog
1M ago
Well, they would be mailed-in if we hadn’t had a postal strike here in Canada. My Christmas cards are in limbo. Parcels replaced with e-cards. How unjolly. So I have had to find other things to fill my days. Like reading. I was up to a book a week during the pandemic. This year? Not ..read more