Watercolor Affair Blog
Hi, I'm Anthony. My love affair with painting began when I was a kid. I started this website to share everything I've learned about watercolors in the hopes that it might help & inspire others to pursue the same creative voyage.
Watercolor Affair Blog
2M ago
Have you ever wondered how to paint delicate textures in watercolors, like on this feathery robin – building up the layers to create depth and help bring it to life? In this lesson, I’ll show you step by step how I painted this cute...
The post Painting a Robin in Watercolor (3 Techniques!) first appeared on Watercolor Affair ..read more
Watercolor Affair Blog
3M ago
If I had to start learning watercolors all over again this is exactly what I would do to get better, quicker! A lot of beginners get caught up in things that just don’t matter. For example, they obsess over the ‘perfect’ supplies or dive...
The post If I Was Starting Watercolor from Scratch – I’d Do This… first appeared on Watercolor Affair ..read more
Watercolor Affair Blog
3M ago
Here’s a question for you: have you ever wondered if you’re “talented” enough to be an artist? Maybe you look at other people’s paintings and think, “Some people are just born with it… and I’m not one of them.” Or maybe you’ve felt that...
The post Is Art a Talent or a Skill? (How to Make Real Progress!) first appeared on Watercolor Affair ..read more
Watercolor Affair Blog
3M ago
Do you remember the game Pacman? And those little ghosts that chased you all around the board…? Well… that was the inspiration for the first watercolor bookmark painting in this fun little painting series ? I had a lot of fun painting these, I...
The post Halloween Watercolor Bookmarks! first appeared on Watercolor Affair ..read more
Watercolor Affair Blog
5M ago
Here’s a question for you – Is your biggest struggle trying to make everything perfect? Maybe you hesitate to use that nice sheet of watercolor paper because you’re afraid of messing it up? Or you buy sketchbooks but never draw in them because you...
The post Is Perfectionism Ruining Your Art? Do This… first appeared on Watercolor Affair ..read more
Watercolor Affair Blog
7M ago
I get a lot of requests for recommended synthetic watercolor brushes. Whether this is because you prefer a vegan-friendly option, or you’re just looking for a cheaper alternative to those expensive sable brushes… Below I’ll explain all the differences you need to know ?...
The post Synthetic Watercolor Brushes (What You Need to Know!) first appeared on Watercolor Affair ..read more
Watercolor Affair Blog
8M ago
This is a photo of my first ever watercolor palette:
I found this in a tiny art store in my home town of Coventry. It was thanks to this that I first discovered watercolor painting.
(The art shop doesn’t exist anymore… It was in a street called “Spon Street” full of medieval buildings that survived the bombing raids of the 1940’s… I loved going there to buy new pencils and art supplies).
Even though I cherished this little palette, looking back it probably wasn’t the best choice
Today I want to show you what I think is the best travel palette for watercolors… and I’ll explain my reasons why ..read more
Watercolor Affair Blog
8M ago
Many discussions about color, color mixing and art in general often refer to “warm” or “cool” colors.
But what does this mean? The concept can be tricky and confusing if you don’t get it!
People often tell me they struggle with this idea. And because I refer to it so often in various lessons, below I’m going to explain in detail just exactly what warm and cool colors are…
Also, the reason why you can’t figure out warm and cool colors isn’t because you don’t understand color theory… (although that does come in handy)… It’s more likely because you haven’t mastered the idea of “relative color tem ..read more
Watercolor Affair Blog
9M ago
I think you’ll agree…
Color is important for artists
But did you know that understanding the properties of color can make a big difference to your art practice?
Sounds a bit boring right? Well… I used to have a hard time getting the right colors in my paintings and spent ages mixing paints to get it right! It was so frustrating! But when I learned about certain color properties, everything changed. Suddenly, I could mix colors more easily, and my paintings started to look so much better. It made the whole process a lot more fun and rewarding!
Here’s the thing I realized…
The ..read more
Watercolor Affair Blog
10M ago
I’m a bit of a watercolor boffin!
I like to get to the bottom of things. To find the explanation to artistic mysteries.
Well, this is one of them.
And you’ve probably noticed this yourself if you’ve read your paint labels (You have, haven’t you?!)
So… Why is it that some paints all have the same single pigment in their formula, but they have a completely different color appearance?
I’ve had this question several times from readers and members of my course. So I thought I’d lay it out for the benefit of everyone (even if you’re not a boffin).
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, take ..read more