Field & Garden
Join Lisa Mason Ziegler on the Field & Garden Podcast talking flower farming, cut-flower gardening, business, and all things related!
Field & Garden
3d ago
Today I’m thrilled to share some important tips for anyone dreaming of starting a flower farming business. As I look back on my journey, I wish I had these resources when I started. This is about the three key steps that can lead to failure as a flower farmer. I’ve seen many passionate people vanish from the business, and it’s often due to skipping over some basic but crucial steps. I'd love to keep YOU from failing, and I hope these tips help you navigate the challenges of flower farming and keep your passion alive. ~Lisa
The Flower Farmer Club, presented by The Gardener's Worksho ..read more
Field & Garden
1w ago
Today I'm diving into a topic that I've never really talked about before: collaboration versus competition. Why are we so afraid of competition? Let's explore why collaboration can actually be more beneficial.
The Flower Farmer Club, presented by The Gardener's Workshop
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The Field and Garden Podcast is produced by Lisa Mason Ziegler, award-winning author of The Cut Flower Handbook, Vegetables Love Flowers, and Cool Flowers, owner of Th ..read more
Field & Garden
2w ago
Today I am here to share my thoughts on something that has had a big impact on my flower farming journey personally: community. A community is powerful no matter where you currently are on your flower farming journey. I created The Flower Farmer Club to be a safe place for us all to be motivated and encouraged, and to be a place for learning and exploration! I am so eager to join you on your adventure and I look forward to seeing you in the club.
The Flower Farmer Club, presented by The Gardener's Workshop
Shop the TGW Online Store for all your seeds and supplies!
Sign ..read more
Field & Garden
3w ago
Today, I want to dive into the topic of cool flowers and the importance of planting them in very early spring. The basic idea is to plant these flowers in cool to cold conditions to get the best performance out of them, which can happen in fall, winter, or very early spring.
Many people have been led away from planting during these unusual times. But I assure you, this is where the magic happens! For flower farmers, planting cool flowers can significantly boost your business.
We’re talking about flowers like:
Bells of Ireland
Sweet peas
S ..read more
Field & Garden
1M ago
Did you know that we have another podcast series? It’s called Seed Talk with Lisa & Layne, and it’s become really popular! This is their top podcast episode of 2024, the one with the most overall listens, and it’s about succession planting Cool Flowers.
If you like this one, please consider subscribing to Seed Talk wherever you get your podcasts. You can also watch Seed Talk on our YouTube channel (see the Seed Talk playlist there), or listen to Seed Talk anytime in the podcast section on our website.
*Winner, Best of 2024* Seed Talk with Lisa & Layne
Curious about planting cool-seas ..read more
Field & Garden
1M ago
Our most popular episode of 2024! Here, Lisa was featured on The joegardener® Show podcast, joining host Joe Lamp’l to discuss the Cool Flowers concept and how she got started growing this fantastic group of spring stunners! They covered topics such as:
How to determine which Cool Flowers you can grow in your region
When and how to start your Cool Flowers from seed
The special care requirements of flowers planted in the fall and in very early spring
What you should do to prepare in the fall even if you don’t plant until very early spring
Lisa's Book, Cool Flow ..read more
Field & Garden
1M ago
Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone in Business
Today, we're discussing stepping out of your comfort zone, a challenge many face when starting a new business.
In new ventures, like a flower farm, we often seek help from peers. While this can be comforting, it may also lead to stagnation. Spending too much time with others who are struggling can hinder our progress.
Successful individuals share key habits:
They make decisions based on facts, not assumptions.
They recognize that time is money.
They surround themselves with more successful people.
The company we keep influences our behavior. If ..read more
Field & Garden
1M ago
This episode features a takeover of our popular weekly live Q&A session on Instagram, called Ask a Flower Farmer. It was guest-hosted by Dave Dowling of Ball/ColorLink, a former flower farmer and the instructor for our online course: Flower Farming School Online: Bulbs, Perennials, Woodies, and More. Dave is always happy to share his knowledge with our listeners!
Topics Covered
Caring for dahlias in high heat
Growing ranunculus, daffodils, & tulips for a spring wedding
Overwintering snapdragons
Growing ranunculus in tunnels
Beginner-friendly fall-planted flowering bul ..read more
Field & Garden
2M ago
A Golden Opportunity: The Power of Leaves
Today, I’m excited to share one of the first lessons I learned in gardening that has shaped my entire flower farming career. This episode is all about the amazing benefits of leaves, specifically how they can transform your garden into a thriving ecosystem. Especially for those of you who might see leaves as a nuisance, I want to help you understand their true potential.
Listen to learn the "Who, What, When, Where, and Why" of adding leaves to your growing space!
Lisa's book, Vegetables Love Flowers
Blog Post, Garden Gold
Free Reso ..read more
Field & Garden
2M ago
Hello, I'm Lenny Larkin! I run B Side Farm in Oregon and have written a book called Flower Farming for Profit. My focus is on helping flower farmers grow their businesses effectively. I also offer online courses, including a short course called Profitable Flower Farming, which helps people understand the business side of flower farming. Today I'd like to answer your questions on topics ranging from business tactics to planting schedules. Let's begin!
What Are Your Thoughts on Pricing Flowers?
Pricing can be tricky! Beginners often hesitate to charge more for fear of losing customers ..read more