Take 5 Episode 12: English Block
CPL Podcast
by Centre for Professional Learning
2y ago
Take 5 podcasts aim to provide listeners with five points to consider for their classroom practice. How can teachers maximize the effectiveness of the time allocated in each day’s timetable for English? TRIO discusses some options in this podcast ..read more
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Take 5 Episode 11: Improving Writing
CPL Podcast
by Centre for Professional Learning
2y ago
Take 5 podcasts aim to provide listeners with five points to consider for their classroom practice. Five key points from this podcast will support teacher reflection on teaching practices that improve student writing ..read more
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Take 5 Episode 10: Teach Poetry
CPL Podcast
by Centre for Professional Learning
2y ago
Take 5 podcasts aim to provide listeners with five points to consider for their classroom practice. TRIO love poetry and this podcast offers all teachers some encouragement to include poetry in their teaching of English ..read more
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Take 5 Episode 1: Differentiation
CPL Podcast
by Centre for Professional Learning
2y ago
Take 5 podcasts aim to provide listeners with five points to consider for their classroom practice. This podcast addresses the question of differentiation within primary classrooms. Students who may need differentiation are discussed. Differentiation of content, product, process and environment are unpacked ..read more
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The Teacher's Voice in Educational Assessment
CPL Podcast
by Centre for Professional Learning
3y ago
Professor Jim Tognolini from the Centre for Educational Measurement and Assessment (CEMA), University of Sydney asserts that assessment is a central activity in all education and that its main function is to improve learning. He stresses that the teacher's voice and professional judgement are essential in this process. "Assessment is the professional judgement [of the teacher] based on an image of what the student knows and can and cannot do. [It is the] monitoring of that image along a developmental continuum over time." "We have to have confidence in assessment and our ability to do assessme ..read more
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Measuring What We Value In Education
CPL Podcast
by Centre for Professional Learning
3y ago
Professor Jim Tognolini explains how it is both possible, and important, to measure values. He explains the process that can be used to develop descriptors and rubrics to measure them. . . “Everything can be measured” “We should be measuring what we value rather than valuing what we can measure” Measuring values – “It is something so valuable for schools to take up” ‘It’s the process of working together to make explicit what you value” For information about CPL Podcast contributors, as well as Off Class episodes, Journal of Professional Learning articles and Centre for Professional Learning co ..read more
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Off Class - New to a Country School K-12
CPL Podcast
by Centre for Professional Learning
3y ago
Cath Jeffery guides you to success in regional and rural NSW… It is great to live in a country town. You can feel invested in the local history and valued in ways that build lifelong relationships. • Get to know your students and the town. • Establish boundaries very early and make it clear you are a teacher. • Focus on developing your teaching and avoid taking on too much, especially if you are a beginning teacher. • Incorporate local resources into your teaching as much as possible. • Take time to reflect on your teaching and relationship with the community. • Get to know the backgrounds of ..read more
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Low-SES Communities: Remote Possibilities Special Part II
CPL Podcast
by Centre for Professional Learning
3y ago
Jowen Hillyer emphasises the importance of understanding unique school community needs and ensuring the structure of online schooling works for families... “I think we need to check our assumptions at the door a little but too... every parent wants the best for their child but when there are competing elements... it can’t work I the same way that a dedicated digital school can. Asynchronous learning definitely works the best with check in time points so that we can spread out the device requirements in the home... The teachers were always online during their scheduled classes so that students ..read more
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When Online Works: Remote Possibilities Special Part I
CPL Podcast
by Centre for Professional Learning
3y ago
Jowen Hillyer has experience building relationships, beginning new classes and teaching well in completely online subjects... “For mastery learning and formative tasks, when you’re working in the digital space, you’ve got this immediate feedback... you can see what is going on and step in... Maintaining relationships online was something very difficult at first... understanding that you need to connect before you correct is really important... Creating a collegial environment [with a new class required] a sense of security by having a structure to every lesson that was going to be the same ..read more
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Support for Students with Disability K-12
CPL Podcast
by Centre for Professional Learning
3y ago
Claudia Vera guides you to the support needed for students with disability... Remember, as a mainstream teacher, you cannot be expected to meet those specialist needs. Specialist provision is needed for students with disability. • Additional supports or accommodations may need to be put in place to enable learning. • It is helpful knowing about a diagnosis. What is even more beneficial is to know the person. • All of the syllabus documents use a Universal Design for Learning approach. • Ask the student or their parent or carer what the student needs in order to access learning. • Talk to other ..read more
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