Operators To OWNERS
This is a professional development podcast dedicated to helping veterinarians and veterinary students discover and impliment the habits and routines necessary to develop professionally and personally.
Operators To OWNERS
2M ago
Consensus recommendations on calf- and herd-level passive immunity in dairy calves in the United States
Find the Big 3 Infographic at otovets.com/cuttingedge
Find the full article at: https://www.journalofdairyscience.org/article/S0022-0302(20)30383-0/fulltext
See the referenced research graphs by joining OTO at otovets.com/facebook
Big Take Away #1: The proposed model showed statistically significant decreases in morbidity between the poor and fair categories was observed with 10% reductions in morbidity and 5.7% percent reductions between the good and excellent categories.
This herd level mo ..read more
Operators To OWNERS
1y ago
On today's thoughts from the truck episode, I ponder a little bit about a quote and this quote, for a context comes from one of my top seven of all time books; biggest, most impactful books that I have read. One of these books, out of the seven, that lie on my mind altering, life altering type shelf at home.
This book is called High Performance Habits by Brendan Burchart. Highly recommend reading this book and looking into it, but in this book, the author, who is a self-help, self-development type guru selected a quote from Andrew Carnegie, and if you don't know who Andrew is, he was an indu ..read more
Operators To OWNERS
1y ago
Find the full article text at otovets.com/post/feeling-dumber-you-might-be-stressed Stress makes you dumber. Period. Our brains have a limited amount of working memory in them. As such our brain seeks to utilize this limited resource in the most effective way. This means that when we are stressed the brain begins to shift blood to prepare us for action. A natural and necessary response from an evolutionary perspective. The shift allows us to prepare for using this memory to aid our fight or flight centers aka limbic system. However, this blood must come from somewhere. That s ..read more
Operators To OWNERS
1y ago
Get this newsletter delivered to your Inbox every month! Signup for the Countdown to Success HERE!
Happy February OTO,
At Operators to Owners we encourage continual growth and learning. In the spirit of this initiative we will be experimenting with our monthly newsletter, the Countdown , and its layout throughout 2023. We are doing this to make it more useful to you, as well as more accessible to the veterinary community. As part of this experiment I'm proud to present to you our first audio version of the newsletter!
If you have any comments or suggestions we wou ..read more
Operators To OWNERS
1y ago
Supplementing a Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product modulates innate immune function and ameliorates bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection in neonatal calves
Link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32780814/
Ultimate Message:
We do have an ability to modulate immune responses to make them less damaging within the respiratory tract of our calves and potentially beyond that if you start to look outside of this study.
Big 3 Take Aways:
Number one, there are differences between prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics. Is one necessarily better than the other? Do you need one more th ..read more
Operators To OWNERS
2y ago
Find the full article text at otovets.com/post/feeling-dumber-you-might-be-stressed Stress makes you dumber. Period. Our brains have a limited amount of working memory in them. As such our brain seeks to utilize this limited resource in the most effective way. This means that when we are stressed the brain begins to shift blood to prepare us for action. A natural and necessary response from an evolutionary perspective. The shift allows us to prepare for using this memory to aid our fight or flight centers aka limbic system. However, this blood must come from somewhere. That s ..read more
Operators To OWNERS
2y ago
Get this newsletter delivered to your Inbox every month! Signup for the Countdown to Success HERE!
Happy February OTO,
At Operators to Owners we encourage continual growth and learning. In the spirit of this initiative we will be experimenting with our monthly newsletter, the Countdown , and its layout throughout 2023. We are doing this to make it more useful to you, as well as more accessible to the veterinary community. As part of this experiment I'm proud to present to you our first audio version of the newsletter!
If you have any comments or suggestions we wou ..read more
Operators To OWNERS
2y ago
Take the Personal Growth Initiative Assessment at otovets.com/pgi
Our Inner Work Life Tells a Story
Struggling with feelings of burnout and stress at work are not unique to the veterinary profession. In fact, this is an endemic issue that pervades almost every level of our society. Scientists have begun to classify these internalized thoughts and feelings that are brought on at work as "Inner Work Life."
We've all experienced the power of Inner Work Life at some time. The waxing and waning of motivation throughout the day, that little voice that can ramp up your emotions building ..read more
Operators To OWNERS
2y ago
In Episode 72 we introduced the concept of Salutogenesis and my feelings about it's ability to impact our profession; specifically how it has the potential to aid us in discovering our Flourishing State or that state in which we are:
"Being free from illness and distress but, more important, of being filled with vitality and functioning well in one's personal and social life." - Source
Today we discuss the four principles that make up Salutogenesis:
1) A Sense of Coherence - This is comprised of three major factors; comprehensibility, meaningfulness and manageability
2) "Other" Fa ..read more
Operators To OWNERS
2y ago
Salutogenesis is a word few of us have heard before but could be the means by which we can rejuvenate our profession. Salutogenesis is the pursuit of knowledge around the study of the origins of health, contra the origins of disease, resulting in a better understanding of the "flourshing state" of mental, physical and spiritual health.
More simply defined; salutogenic research revolves around the "top performers" and what makes them the top, vs focusing on the pathologies that cause bottom performers to become bottom. The pursuit of the factors that lead to flourshing allows ..read more