Future of Work Campus - The podcast
Welcome to the Future of Work Campus - the Podcast! The show designed to help future-proof you and your team.
Every week, we cover the latest trends and research, coupled with industry expert insights so you can not only survive, but thrive in this fast changing world of work.
Future of Work Campus - The podcast
3y ago
It is official - this is the final episode of The Future of Work Campus Podcast.
But don't worry- this is not the end. In fact, it is the start of a new chapter and new podcast, called: Your Brand. Your Future.
How you change is how you succeed and being able to build your Brand, tell your story and evolve with times is how you stay relevant.
Your Brand. Your Future. is designed to help you clarify, communicate and commercialise your Personal Brand.
The actions you take today determine the results you get tomorrow so to take the driver's seat and get to where you wa ..read more
Future of Work Campus - The podcast
3y ago
Big News:
I'm retiring the Future of Work Campus ... the membership and also the podcast!!
But don't stress - it is not the end! It is the beginning of a new chapter and you're invited to be part of this new journey!
In this episode, I talk you through the why but more importantly - the how - of the decision and how I landed there.
Connect with Petra Zink on LinkedIn
Subscribe to the new podcast: Your Brand. Your Future ..read more
Future of Work Campus - The podcast
3y ago
The biggest reason why people get stuck where they are is because of the fear of change. They are hesitant to pull the plug, to go all in with something they really care and are passionate about.
Because of the uncertainty of what’s next.
Not knowing how people will respond to their change of thoughts and direction.
The potential loss of an audience.
Having to start from scratch.
But guess what?
The only constant is change and not evolving means you’re slowly but surely irrelevant.
So don’t be one of them.
Don’t wait until your life or career, well a ..read more
Future of Work Campus - The podcast
4y ago
Whether you prepare for your first leadership role or want to improve your leadership skills- this episode is for you.
Dr Maike Neuhaus shares with us:
The 3 principles of self-leadership
what the difference is between those who thrive and those who don't get anywhere
The correlation between self-leadership and team leadership
Enroll to the 75min live masterclass (+ access the recording) with Dr Maike Neuhaus (8th June, 12.15pm AEST)
Check out Dr Maike Neuhaus' free resources
Become a member and join us in the Future of Work Campus
Connect with Dr Maike Neuhaus on LinkedIn ..read more
Future of Work Campus - The podcast
4y ago
Have you ever felt that no one is listening to what you have to say? Or maybe you've joined conversations and thought 'I can hear them talking but don't understand a word?'
In either case - this is the episode for you!
I share 3 tips that you can implement straight away and make people want to listen to you:
1.) Avoid jargon, industry specific acronyms and language when it isn't specifically a technical training
2.) Remember the power of words: the words you tell yourself and others. It impacts the tone and voice and with that, how you come across
3.) Share your story because it connects ..read more
Future of Work Campus - The podcast
4y ago
Have you ever felt when you’re talking that no one is listening?
Or have you ever attended a meeting, conference or even simply joined a conversation and thought you can hear those people talking but you don’t understand a word?
If that sounds familiar, then you’re in for a treat because in today’s episode, I’ll share with you 3 tips and tricks you can apply immediately so next time.
Join the Future of Work Campus (monthly Career Growth Membership)
Connect with Petra Zink on LinkedIn
  ..read more
Future of Work Campus - The podcast
4y ago
Metaphors and analogies are a great way to bring a story to life. And this is nothing new; we have been using metaphors & analogies for ages.
They help us see things in new light and spice up our storytelling in that they simplify the complex & engages the audience.
We are joined by Joeri Schilders to talk about how you can spice up your storytelling with metaphors & analogies.
Want to join the live Masterclass with Joeri on the 11th May? Save your spot here
Become member of the Future of Work Campus and enjoy all the benefits, live classes and coaching sessions ..read more
Future of Work Campus - The podcast
4y ago
LinkedIn is one of the most powerful social media platforms for career and business opportunities. However, less than 1% of users actually post ... reason number one: fear.
In this episode, I tackle not only what's news on LinkedIn but also the 4 biggest fears and how to overcome them!
Enrol to the LinkedIn Academy
Join the Future of Work Campus
Give your online presence a boost and get your monthly content sorted in our live Content Creation Workshops  ..read more
Future of Work Campus - The podcast
4y ago
It can be difficult to launch a new career, but it’s not impossible, especially when you build and leverage your Brand, more specifically - your Digital Brand which makes the process easier and also a lot quicker.
The biggest benefit of you investing in a strong online profile and presence is your visibility and search-ability.
In this episode, I talk you through the exact steps you need to take in order to make your digital brand work for you!
Download the FREE Cheatsheet for my favourite digital tools
Join the Future of Work Campus (monthly Career Growth Membership)
Connect with me on Linked ..read more
Future of Work Campus - The podcast
4y ago
If you’re looking for a way to make your life easier when it comes to building and managing your online Personal Brand, then you’ve come to the right place.
In this episode, I share with you some of my all time favourites that help me keeping my social media and digital presence on track that I categorise into:
· Research tools
· Planning tools
· Communication tools
· Graphics & Images
·  ..read more