Forest School 2020-2021
Articles on outdoor learning, active learning, planting and bloom preparation. A happy, creative and inclusive school in the heart of the city of Truro. At Forest School children enjoy coming to school and are eager to learn in our exciting and engaging environment.
Forest School 2020-2021
3y ago
Today the Forest school adventurers made campfire pizzas. We used a fajita wrap for the base, ketchup for a sauce and then sprinkled cheese for the filling. We folded them in half and wrapped them up in tin foil to cook on the fire. They were delicious ..read more
Forest School 2020-2021
3y ago
At Forest school this week we made motivational medals. We used a palm drill to create a hole in the log slice and then we decorated it with a picture of something that makes us happy. To make the rope we used a hand drill to twist two pieces of will together. It was so much fun! Finally we had a celebration award ceremony where we presented our medals to each other talking about our special qualities.
We carefully used a palm drill to make a hole. It was hard work!We used a hand drill to twist the wool together. We needed to work as a team ..read more
Forest School 2020-2021
3y ago
Today the Forest school adventurers cooked popcorn on the campfire. It required lots of patience waiting for the kernels to pop in the heat. It was so exiting watching them pop and transform. (It was also very delicious to eat ..read more
Forest School 2020-2021
3y ago
Today at Forest School we recapped our knowledge about classifying things into two groups either ‘ living things or things that have been alive’ or ‘non living things.’ We all agreed that a stick would be classified in the group ‘living things or things that have been alive’ because was part of a living tree.
We took part in a mini beast hunt! We then discussed as a class where certain mini beasts live and why. The children could identify that woodlice and centipedes like to live under log stumps because they like dark and damp. We also thought about why a pond is ..read more
Forest School 2020-2021
3y ago
Today the Forest school Adventurers made their own wooden reindeer. We carefully used a bow saw, hacksaw and a drill. We are delighted with our jolly reindeer- they look amazing! The children were so helpful towards each other and enjoyed helping each other ..read more
Forest School 2020-2021
3y ago
Today we imagined travelling back 7000 years to the Neolithic era of the Stone Age. The Stone Age was a long period of time where there were several different species of human who used stone tools. Eventually our species, homo sapiens, took over.
The Stone Age was divided into three periods:
Paleolithic, circa 3.3 million – 11, 700 years ago: from the first use of stone tools.
Mesolithic, in Europe circa 10,000 – 4700 year ago: more sophisticated use of polished stone tools.
Neolithic, in Britain circa 5000 – 3900 years ago: early stages of farming.
At Forest school we imagined waking up in t ..read more
Forest School 2020-2021
3y ago
The Forest School Adventurers group set ourselves a challenge to cook campfire damper bread. (This was a first for everyone including me, the teacher!) We were delighted with the delicious end result and enjoyed adding honey to our cooked bread. Yum!
What a delicious taste!Delicious bread!Yummy bread ..read more
Forest School 2020-2021
3y ago
Today the Forest School Adventurers practised their whittling skills. Before we started using any tools we discussed importance of our ‘blood bubble,’ this is a dedicated area around us to make sure we keep ourselves safe and other people safe. We had to think about how we sat (we keep our knees together and whittle away from our body and legs.) We started by using a potato peeler to strip the bark from some willow. We then progressed onto using a whittling knife. All the children used the tools safely and with great success. Well done ..read more
Forest School 2020-2021
3y ago
Today we discussed what makes something ‘living?’ We sorted and classified things according to whether they are living, dead, or never alive. We discussed whether a deciduous tree is dead in Winter. We even had time to explore Forest School independently and choose our own activities ..read more
Forest School 2020-2021
3y ago
As part of our topic about inventors we investigated making our own canals. We have been learning about the importance of water as a method of transportation in Britain before the Industrial Revolution. The invention of canals revolutionised the way items could be transported in bulk. The fact the canals travelled in straight lines meant hat goods would arrive at destinations quicker too (rather than relying on meandering rivers.) We were set the challenge of constructing our own canal to make water travel at least one metre without our help ..read more