46 - Being Worthy While Not Doing.
Survival Kit for The Mental / Bipolar Sundays
by san canessa
1y ago
Bringing in notes of compassion when relating to not doing; an opportunity to reflect and notice our internal systems and mechanism while experiencing down time. To support this podcast: subscribe, write a review, share it with a buddy, and email me at mentalpopcorntime@gmail.com. Cheers ..read more
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45 - Reminders from the Tropics : Focused Attention!
Survival Kit for The Mental / Bipolar Sundays
by san canessa
1y ago
Welcoming the spring and the heat of the tropics. A litte reminder of focused attention and the power behind this little tool. To support this podcast, subscribe, write a review and share it with a buddy! Email me at mentalpopcorntime@gmail.com ..read more
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44 - Break-Down to Break-Through with Queen of Air.
Survival Kit for The Mental / Bipolar Sundays
by san canessa
1y ago
A snowy coffee time chat with Gina in the Santa Fe mountains. Tool of the week: BREATHE. Check of Queen of Air at www.soundcloud.com/queenofair and find her in Spotify as Gina Gibbons. To support, write a review, subscribe, share with a buddy and email me your mental tool kit at mentalpopcorntime@gmail.com ..read more
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43 - A Trip to the Animal Cemetary with Kim
Survival Kit for The Mental / Bipolar Sundays
by san canessa
1y ago
Driving to the store with Kim, through the Crestone Mountains and landing in Cielo Azul, an animal cemetary. Talks of the feminine and integrating energies in order to align with mental health. Journeying through life and cycles. To support this podcast please subscribe, write a review, share it with a buddy and email me at mentalpopcorntime@gmail.com for any questions and interests. Gracias ..read more
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42 - Fuck It. An Act of Freedom.
Survival Kit for The Mental / Bipolar Sundays
by san canessa
1y ago
A short manifesto around mind-ing your own thoughts and energy! It’s not easy to create new neuropath ways but Fuck It, we shall create them anyways. Thanks for listening! I go slightly into the works of Human Design which you should check out www.human design.com. To support this podcast please subscribe, share it with a buddy, write a review, and email me at mentalpopcorntime@gmail.com ..read more
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41 - In Conversation with Christen Minnick : Healing Cycles of Abuse
Survival Kit for The Mental / Bipolar Sundays
by san canessa
1y ago
Thank you so much to Christen Minnick for joining us this week and for sharing vulnerable stories around cycles of abuse and trauma. Deep gratitude for the resource of community and the power that arises when we lean into education and literacy. You can reach Christen at minnickchristen@gmail.com To support this podcast you can subscribe, write a review, share it with a buddy and email me at mentalpopcorntime@gmail.com ..read more
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40 - Our Inner Systems and Inner Child with Dr. Alejandra Herrera
Survival Kit for The Mental / Bipolar Sundays
by san canessa
1y ago
A dive deep with Dr. Herrera regarding mental health, the health care system, our inner child and journey. One step at a time, the organism is always a work in progress and there is indeed so much to learn and continue to discover. For inquiries please email mentalpopcorntime@gmail.com. To support this podcast please subscribe, write a review, tell a buddy. Gracias ..read more
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39 - January Wrap Up With San Canessa
Survival Kit for The Mental / Bipolar Sundays
by san canessa
1y ago
A wrap up of this months interviews and rant about current state of affairs regarding mental health literacy and meaning. Expanding our vocabulary and listening to other folks stories is a key factor, in charge of new - neuropathways baby! To support this podcast please subscribe, write a review, share it with a buddy and/or email me at mentalpopcorntime@gmail.com ..read more
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38 - The Gnarly Monsters of Misdiagnosis with Rose Costello.
Survival Kit for The Mental / Bipolar Sundays
by san canessa
1y ago
A drive through the tunnels of grief and misdiagnosis with Rose Costello. We are diving into food, cooking, dancing, and movement. Tool for the week: getting to know your program! Join us in conversation and peer education. To support this podcast please subscribe, write a review, share with a buddy and email me at mentalpopcorntime@gmail.com ..read more
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37 - Understanding Your Load & PEER literacy with Ariel Erglis.
Survival Kit for The Mental / Bipolar Sundays
by san canessa
1y ago
Join a peer conversation with two bipolar neurodivergents this week. Tool of the week : know and understand your load! A quest to create more content and solidarity for those experiencing mental illness and the dance, the martial arts, and the patience that this super power requires. Ariel Erglis joins us from Sydney with a cup of coffee. To support this podcast please share, write a review, tell a friend, and email me at mentalpopcorntime@gmail.com ..read more
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