Eastern Region Association of Forest and Nature Schools Blog
Articles on nature-based early childhood education and outdoor learning. ERAFANS is a unified voice for nature preschools, forest kindergartens, and other nature-based early childhood programs and schools in the Eastern region of the United States.
Eastern Region Association of Forest and Nature Schools Blog
5M ago
By: McCadden, ERAFANS Online Course Facilitator
At this time of year, consider holding some form of Ancestors Celebration with the families of your students, or even the wider community. Here are a few ideas from regenerative culture design mentors Honey Sweet Harmony:
Invite families to send in photos or other items that remind them of those who have gone before, and create an artistic Honoring Our Ancestors display in the (indoor or outdoor) classroom space. Fabric, shells, sticks, leaves, nuts, bones, feathers, flowers and anything else the participants gather with consent from and gra ..read more
Eastern Region Association of Forest and Nature Schools Blog
5M ago
By: McCadden, ERAFANS Online Course Facilitator
“When we connect with our ancestors and put their wisdom into action, we are evolving our collective consciousness. We are transporting the ancient truths of our collective past and birthing them into our future. What we create out of those truths extends the wisdom of all those who have gone before us, and it provides a guide for all those who will follow.”
―Sherri Mitchell Weh'na Ha'mu Kwasset, Penobscot Nation
As the warm season in the northern hemisphere comes to completion and the cold season begins, many cultures have traditions honoring t ..read more
Eastern Region Association of Forest and Nature Schools Blog
5M ago
Exploring Circles in Autumn
By: McCadden, ERAFANS Online Course Facilitator
With the new school year beginning, it’s a natural time to introduce some new songs to your repertoire! Our latest ERAFANS Song Grove is a collection of songs sharing the theme of signs of autumn in nature and within ourselves, including some selections related to the Autumn Equinox.
Here are some additional activities you might enjoy this season:
Reflect together on circles you observe in nature - from the Earth and Sun whose dance creates the Equinoxes, to the cycle of life and death as embodied in tre ..read more
Eastern Region Association of Forest and Nature Schools Blog
5M ago
By: McCadden, ERAFANS Online Course Facilitator
As we move through the summer season, we offer this Song Book celebrating the Sun! These may be sung to children, or with them, depending on the group. Some can be sung as rounds or simply as single harmonies together, and some can go well with craft making or dancing. We’ve suggested specific activity ideas that pair well with some of the songs.
Many community song leaders tell the origin story of the song, and/or how the song came into their own life, before teaching the song. With this in mind, whenever possible we’ve included somet ..read more
Eastern Region Association of Forest and Nature Schools Blog
5M ago
Written by: McCadden, ERAFANS Online Facilitator
“We need joy as we need air. We need love as we need water. We need each other as we need the earth we share.” — Maya Angelou
Earth Day is an annual celebration honoring the achievements of the environmental movement and raising awareness of the need to protect the Earth for future generations. In the US, Earth Day is celebrated on April 22, and throughout the rest of the world on either April 22 or the Spring Equinox.
The first Earth Day was organized on April 22, 1970, and was attended by 20 million people across the US, strengthe ..read more
Eastern Region Association of Forest and Nature Schools Blog
5M ago
By McCadden, ERAFANS Online Facilitator
“As Spring rain softens the Earth with surprise
May your Winter places be kissed by light.
As the ocean dreams to the joy of dance
May the grace of change bring you elegance.
As day anchors a tree in light and wind
May your outer life grow from peace within.
As twilight fills night with bright horizons
May Beauty await you at home beyond.”
~ John O’Donohue
As Spring arrives in the North Hemisphere, many of us hear an inner stirring to go outside and dig our fingers (and maybe toes!) into the dirt, even as a final few snowfalls might yet visit us ..read more
Eastern Region Association of Forest and Nature Schools Blog
5M ago
Written by McCadden, ERAFANS Online Facilitator
In the Northern Hemisphere, we’re still in the cold season, with longer, clearer nights and greater opportunities to view the stars, moon, and planets above. In many traditions around the world, human beings have tended to go inward during the winter, becoming more sedentary and taking shelter in some form designed to help us stay warm. We’ve gathered around the fire to share stories, songs, craft-making, and transmit various other skills and teachings. Some cultures celebrate Lunar New Year at this time.
With this in mind, we offer this Song Bo ..read more
Eastern Region Association of Forest and Nature Schools Blog
5M ago
Written by Abigail Gierke, ERAFANS Grants & Development Associate
An annual report documents what an organization has accomplished in the most recent year, plans for the future, and the financial underpinnings that make it all possible. It helps organizations build trust, celebrate successes and major accomplishments, acknowledge donor and volunteer support, and helps readers understand a mission. In our case, we want to connect with you—our supporters—the lifeblood of our organization. Through our annual report, we hope you’ll get a better sense of what we do and why your support matters ..read more
Eastern Region Association of Forest and Nature Schools Blog
5M ago
Written by Heather Rose Artushin, NBTC Participant
The cold Michigan winters foster a hibernation culture that is undeniable - apart from the occasional trip to the lake or picnic at the park, much of my childhood was spent indoors. It wasn’t all bad. I fell in love with books and became a voracious reader. I made plenty of precious memories baking cookies with my mom and watching movies with my dad. We played board games and tinkered with projects. But when I moved south with my husband and 8-month-old son, making a home among the palm trees and mossy oaks in Charleston, South Carolina, I kne ..read more
Eastern Region Association of Forest and Nature Schools Blog
5M ago
Written by McCadden/Honey Sweet Harmony
As we in the Northern Hemisphere experience the shortening of days leading up to this year’s longest night on December 21, 2022, we may notice ourselves and the children in our programs naturally expressing less active outward focused energy, instead shifting towards a more diffuse, inward focus. Last year we offered a post with some wonderful ideas for weaving your own Winter Solstice traditions, including crafts and stories. Below are some additional suggestions for ways you can honor the Solstice and cold season’s energetic qualities in your act ..read more