Noncompliant - the podcast
Noncompliant is a podcast about neurodiversity, interviewing activists, historians, autistic self-advocates, and other community advocates. Season 1 (2019) focuses on topics such as AAC; autistic culture; education/inclusion; ABA and other autism pseudoscience; and human rights. Season 2 (2020) focuses on oral histories from the autistic self-advocacy movement.
Noncompliant - the podcast
2M ago
I had an amazing conversation with Nancy Marshall, a therapist and researcher, who previously worked as Child and Youth Counselor in Toronto public schools. We discussed her new, qualitative research on autistic people’s experiences with and perception of ABA. We also talked about the impact of the neurodiversity movement on autism services, and the evolution ..read more
Noncompliant - the podcast
6M ago
I was honoured to speak with the amazing Guy Stephens, founder of the Alliance Against Seclusion & Restraint about what’s new in human rights advocacy for autistic & developmentally disabled students. AASR has a groundbreaking new program, Reframing Behaviour, in partnership with the Crisis Prevention Institute, rolling out across America–neuroscience-based training for educators to eliminate ..read more
Noncompliant - the podcast
9M ago
I was so excited to speak with Dr. Ryan, a trailblazer in Canadian autism research! Her work was the first participatory autism research in Canada and it has inspired more. We talk about inclusion, autonomy, research methods, our collaborative work and how to improve services for intellectually disabled people in Canada’s west and throughout the world.
Listen to the audio below or on streaming services like Spotify, ApplePodcasts & Pandora.
Read the transcript below the audio file.
Transcript coming so ..read more
Noncompliant - the podcast
10M ago
Professor Carl Elliott’s new book The Occasional Human Sacrifice, is about whistleblowers in medicine. In this episode, we discuss the whistleblowers at Willowbrook, a residential institution for autistic and developmentally disabled people that was exposed for human rights abuses in 1972. We also talk about the experience of being a whistleblower and its impact on mental health, as well as strategies for reporters and whistleblowers.
Listen to the podcast by playing the audio file below, or on streaming sites like Spotify, ApplePodcasts, Pandora, etc
Read the transcript, below the ..read more
Noncompliant - the podcast
11M ago
Tony Spiridakis, Bobby Cannavale & Alex Plank
I was thrilled to talk with Tony Spiridakis and Alex Plank about the new film Ezra, which Tony wrote and produced alongside director Tony Goldwyn, and which Alex associate produced, acted and consulted on.
Ezra is a comedic drama starring Bobby Cannavale, Robert De Niro and Rose Byrne and introducing William Fitzgerald as the 11-year old Ezra. (Read my review of Ezra here.) We take a look behind the scenes at how the film was developed and produced on set, and how the film is aspirational for new films with autistic characters.
Listen to ..read more
Noncompliant - the podcast
1y ago
While the podcast is on a brief hiatus as I finish my book (yay!), I’m sharing this interview that Shawn Pickard hosted with me for Voices for Abilities radio. We discussed how Canadian autism policy needs to move from a charity perspective to a rights perspective and how the inclusion and neurodiversity movements are working for the changes that autistic people & families need.
Listen to the podcast by playing the audio file below, or on streaming sites like Spotify, Stitcher or ApplePodcasts.
BioAnne Bo ..read more
Noncompliant - the podcast
1y ago
I spoke with Dr. Molly Colvin and Dr. Tannahill Glen about their new book, Altered Trajectories: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacted Children’s Education, Mental Health and Neurodevelopment, co-authored with Dr. Jennifer Linton Reesman. We discussed the educational impact of school closures, as well as the mental health impact on kids. A crucial topic as we look for solutions today, both within and outside education.
Listen to the podcast by playing the audio file below, or on streaming sites like Spotify, Stitcher or ApplePodcasts.
https://noncompliantpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Ann ..read more
Noncompliant - the podcast
1y ago
Julie Kingstone & Keenan Wellar, co-leaders of LiveWorkPlay
I had the honour of speaking with Keenan Wellar, founder of LiveWorkPlay about the organization’s work helping the community welcome and include people with intellectual disabilities, autistic persons, and those with a dual diagnosis in housing, work and leisure. LiveWorkPlay is a model for the paradigm shift that is needed in developmental services!
Listen to the podcast by playing the audio file below, or on streaming sites like Spotify, Stitcher or ApplePodcasts.
https://noncompliantpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12 ..read more
Noncompliant - the podcast
1y ago
I spoke with Dr. Andrew Whitehouse from the University of Western Australia about autistic life, gut hype, same-foods, the problem of pseudoscience and the shifting nature of autism research.
Listen to the podcast by playing the audio file below, or on streaming sites like Spotify, Stitcher or ApplePodcasts.
Transcript coming soon!
Dr. Whitehouse is the Angela Wright Bennett Professor of Autism Research and the Director of Clini-Kids at the Telethon Kids Institute. He is Professor of Autism Research ..read more
Noncompliant - the podcast
1y ago
I spoke with vaccine researcher and expert Dr. Paul Offit, whose book Autism’s False Prophets explores false narratives about autism, including the myth that the MMR vaccine causes autism. We talked about that history, as well as the present challenge of the current anti-vaccine movement and the need to speak the truth, even when it’s complicated.
Listen to the podcast by playing the audio file below, or on streaming sites like Spotify, Stitcher or ApplePodcasts.
Transcript: Coming soon!
Dr. Offit is t ..read more