Snape Primary School Blog
Read articles on outdoor learning, growing season and gardening. Snape Primary School is a happy school and believe that everybody (children and adults alike) should enjoy every day of precious living and learning together.
Snape Primary School Blog
3y ago
Hi Snape Super Stars & Everyone!
We've been so busy with the school garden this growing season that I've got behind with posts on here! Just waiting to upload my photos and you'll soon have a wonderful gallery of all our fabulous advantures this term.
The children have been having the best time sowing seeds, watching them grow and reaping the rewards of their hard work. We celebrated their brilliant gardening and all their hard work before half term with a hot chocolate celebration around the fire. The younger children were learning vocab and the meaning of the word ceremony, so they creat ..read more
Snape Primary School Blog
4y ago
'Everyone has been doing such a great job at school of getting the school garden beds ready for a new year of growing! Most exciting and important work! I'm so proud of them. Eagles and Kestrals have fulfilled and bettered their promise of digging over a bed per week and I think some of them could already get jobs as professional gardeners if they wanted! Lol! :-)
It's incredible what they've achieved. With Covid we couldn't have volunteers, but the older kids are now so skilled at digging that they've managed it themselves, I'm puffing out my chest with pride!
Snape Primary School Blog
4y ago
Are you excited for world book day!?
What are you dressing up as!?
At forest school today, I've chosen the book Superworm and all the children in the school are going to create their own scenes from the book in the forest and garden using natural materials they can forage and find. You can have a go at home too!bWe might have some extra help from plasticine or pipe cleaners or anything useful you can find, but have a go!
You can choose to do a scene from Superworm or pick your own story book to make a scene from outside in the garden. Have lots of fun! Send me pics and tell me what you've done ..read more
Snape Primary School Blog
4y ago
Hello Snape Superstars!
How are you all!?
Did anyone see the most beautiful FULL SNOW MOON last week!?
WOW it was a dazzler.
So excited to see you all next week :-)
If anyone has any worries, don't forget that I'm always here to talk to, but it will all be just as it was before, with lots of fun to be had and I can't wait to see you.
I found this incredible charity which has an endless resource for you and your parents, seriously amazing! It's called Learning Through Landscapes. On this link I found endless fun things for you to do outside, learning with nature. Whether you're at school or n ..read more
Snape Primary School Blog
4y ago
Hi Superstars!
How are you all doing!?!
Hope you've seen my two posts below for this week and that you have a wonderful imaginative time creating your own snow art for my competition.
Did you also see the music video I put up?
How many of the animals and plants were you able to name!?
Can't wait to work out who the winners are :-)
Remember last week I talked about the festival of Imbolc and set a task to see what YOU find is special in nature at this time of year?
What did you feel was worth celebrating and your favourite things?
Thought I'd share what the kids in school thought abou ..read more
Snape Primary School Blog
4y ago
Prize for the best snow art!!!
It can be anything from a standard snowman to something simple to something extraordinary! The sky and your imagination is the limit :-) Post a picture & info below.
Here's some inspiration - what do you think of it?
Tell me your best snow adventures too, I'd love to hear.
Hope you've all been feeding the birds :-)
Enjoy the snow & have lots of fun of course! X Kinna ..read more
Snape Primary School Blog
4y ago
Hi Superstars!
I cannot WAIT to see and hear all about your adventures outside in the snow! What a treat this magical powdery snow is that has arrived from the Arctic. I've got icicles hanging from my window and the forest is covered in a fairyland blanket of white, fluffy, soft, marshmallow cloud which makes it feel like another world entirely!
How would you describe it?
How does it make you feel!?
Have you looked very closely at the beautiful snowflakes!? Just like us, every snowflake has its own individual pattern and shape, isn't that incredible when you think of how much snow ..read more
Snape Primary School Blog
4y ago
We are celebrating being mid-way between the longest night / shortest day of winter solstice and spring equinox / when it is equal day and night. Have you noticed how it's getting lighter all the time!? The birds are singing more, the earth is warming up and bulbs are sprouting their pretty heads?! Spring is starting to be in the air which is so SO exciting!
Time to get outside, what birds can you spot & hear, start planning your gardens!!! Start digging, adding compost & manure, write a list of what you'll grow, order the seeds and be excited about the growing season ahead! Plant broa ..read more