The Ziglar Show
The Ziglar Show is about professional development for those working for something bigger than themselves. Join host Kevin Miller and renowned guests as they discuss business, sales, professional performance, faith, and the Zig Ziglar legacy of, "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want."
The Ziglar Show
2y ago
As you listen right now, you are likely thinking of hearing or learning something of interest, and something that will help equip or direct you toward more of what you want from life. We are all here striving to grow and better ourselves for an end result. Otherwise you’d just be listening to music or listening to a crime or comedy show. And I’m a full out believer in this concept of learning and growing which is the point of this Self-Helpful podcast. And, I’m ever more interested in seeing a challenge or commitment catapulting our learning curve from zero to hero almost overnight and in some ..read more
The Ziglar Show
2y ago
We’re in an age when prescription drugs and surgeries are prescribed with little hesitation, especially in the American “healthcare” system. Yet most health minded people, like you who listen to this Self-Helpful podcast, are not so eager to just accept a pill or to go under the knife. I’ve been prone to boycott such things. But my dear friend Randy James, our resident Medical Doctor and Functional Medicine Expert, has taught me there are times when these methodologies are helpful and even necessary. This is my Functional Friday episode where we focus on our health and wellness so we have the ..read more
The Ziglar Show
2y ago
How often do we see a movie depict someone bumbling along, not doing so well, lacking in a lot of personal areas…then a big incident happens, and they quickly rise to the occasion, going from hero to zero. I wonder what percentage of movies depict this, the hero story. So we all tune in to all the self-help info, like this podcast, to try and become the hero. But isn’t it interesting that they don’t show this in the movie. They don’t show the person bumbling along and then years of personal development happen to create them into better people. They incident happens. A purpose. And they just ge ..read more
The Ziglar Show
2y ago
We as people tend to think of learning and training and preparing, so that…we can commit to something truly big and worthy. A grand purpose. My guest today argues, in the most compassionate way possible, we have it backwards, and that the greatest people ever known simply committed to something they believed in, and the journey within it is what made them great. It crafted and honed them. The challenge and trials and triumphs along the way is what refined them. Then the charge is not to prepare to commit, but to commit now, and become what the commitment requires, along the way. My guest is Ly ..read more
The Ziglar Show
2y ago
Here we are striving to motivate and instigate our own good health, and then we have our kids. The cultural norm is to just let them eat, and what they want to eat is what the food industry pumps out to their taste buds. Which I get. As a kid I was eating Lucky Charms and Captain Crunch for breakfast and in my teenage years thought Cheerios and Life cereal were health food. Inspiring kids to eat and live healthy is a massive level of effort. But then, what is our goal? This is my Functional Friday episode where we focus on our health and wellness so we have the physical and mental capacity to ..read more
The Ziglar Show
2y ago
Going without close relationships is like going without water. It dehydrates our life and ultimately we’ll die. A slow death of the soul. Yet when we rely on those relationships for our self worth we endure a similar death of the soul. It’s like needing water for life, but drowning in it. This is part 3 of my focus on Melody Beattie, legendary author of Codependent No More. Here I’m with my frequent co-host and dear friend, Randy James, Medical Doctor and Functional Medicine expert and we get real with how to grapple with this tension in our actual lives. A common perspective in close relation ..read more
The Ziglar Show
2y ago
If you could choose right now what tomorrow would look like, if you had complete freedom, would you rather be consumed with something you are interested in, or be entertained? Really think about it. And you can take it further if you feel exhausted and would just love a day of entertainment. For how long? Two days? A week? A month? I ask because I’m back for part 2 with Melodie Beattie, legendary self-help pioneer and famed author of Codependent No More and we’re talking through her personal Values, Motives & Habits. In regards to spirituality and her overall ethos and purpose of life she ..read more
The Ziglar Show
2y ago
When we look at jobs and businesses our natural inclination is to look to something we’ve learned to do, that people will pay us for. Generally it’s something we’ve done enough to get good at, and we work to get better and hope to make more. What we are significantly missing in the culture is the most important thing for our ultimate success potential; doing something we enjoy enough to gain a level of mastery and sustainability with. We have a majority of people in the workplace and business world engaged in things they have gotten good at. And quite possibly find satisfaction in. But it’s ac ..read more
The Ziglar Show
2y ago
I asked the Self-Helpful audience this question, “For all my health, wellness, and fitness minded friends, what is the primary motive (reason) that drives you to stick with your healthy lifestyle plan?” This is my Functional Friday episode where we focus on our health and wellness so we have the physical and mental capacity to help ourselves and others…We received a wealth of responses to this question and I’m joined by my co-host Randy James, Medical Doctor and Functional Medicine expert. And close friend. We spent a good while talking through many of the responses. There were definite thread ..read more
The Ziglar Show
2y ago
In this episode…I’m back with heralded business leader, best selling author, renowned speaker and top podcast host, Patrick Lencioni, who I find to be masterfully insightful regarding human behavior and performance, which is what he’s famous for and why he’s one of the most influential people in the business world today. This is my values, motives, and habits episode and you’re about to hear Patrick’s insight into his own behavior and performance and what drives him. A key perspective we land on is how as he strives for success in his life, he continues to work on being, as he says, “peacefull ..read more