Fundraising @ Camp
Welcome to Fundraising @ Camp! A podcast from Go Camp Pro.Join hosts Heather Withrow, Joe Richards, and Travis Allison every two weeks to get insider knowledge on one of the most important, but least trained skills of Camp Directors and Executive Directors around the world.
Fundraising @ Camp
3y ago
View the shownotes at https://gocamp.pro/fundraising-at-camp/capital-campaign-wiwik
Don’t do it…but if you are going to, you need this
Joe, Heather, and Travis share discuss the absolute most basic info about running a capital campaign and what you need to know about the private phase and the public phase. Consider hiring a consultant to help with your feasibility study and have one-third to one-half of the goal already fundraised before you launch your capital campaign. Learn when the best giving season may be for camp for a campaign and the times that Heather you think you should not launc ..read more
Fundraising @ Camp
3y ago
Find the shownotes for this episode at https://gocamp.pro/fundraising-at-camp/mythbusting-fundraising-fallacies
Confirmed, plausible, or busted?
Join Heather, Travis, and Joe as they bust some of the biggest fundraising myths. Tune in to hear them take on some of the following myths:
Folks will remember to give without your “Please Give!” reminders.
Fundraising math is as simple as a $10,000 goal being met by 1000 people giving $10 each.
Grants are the highest source of giving revenue.
You need a professional fundraising consultant to raise money.
I can only ask for donations once a year ..read more
Fundraising @ Camp
3y ago
Find this episodes show notes at https://gocamp.pro/fundraising-at-camp/extreme-basics-planned-giving
The best time to start was ten years ago…
The Fundraising @ Camp podcast welcomes Amber Grundy to join the hosts to share insights about how to get started with planned giving. Some of today’s best tips include the following:
Get to know your bank’s trust department
Encourage donors to bequeath a percentage of their estate to your organization
Have a catchy name for those who participate in your planned giving program so you can spark conversations with “Have you heard about the Legacy Soci ..read more
Fundraising @ Camp
3y ago
Find this episode's shownotes at https://gocamp.pro/fundraising-at-camp/donor-stewardship26
Relationship-building to move your mission
Join Heather, Travis, and Joe as they discuss the ins and outs of donor stewardship. It is easier to make money when donors like YOU. Stewardship is relationship-building. The relationship work will pay off and sets the foundation for making successful asks. The hosts share their best tips to help you actively steward donors and how to push through the research phase towards asking for money.
Hey you! Yes, you, Fundraising @ Camp listene ..read more
Fundraising @ Camp
3y ago
Find this week's shownotes at https://gocamp.pro/fundraising-at-camp/do-this-this-summer
Top Things You’ll Wish You Had Captured or Gathered Over the Summer to Aid Your Fundraising Efforts
Today’s episode features a conversation with Joe and Travis as they discuss the types of photos you want to be sure to capture this summer both before and during camp as well as some of the other must-dos to make your fundraising-life easier. Don’t miss this episode of Fundraising @ Camp!
Hey you! Yes, you, Fundraising @ Camp listener: did you know we are looking for a new co ..read more
Fundraising @ Camp
3y ago
Find the shownotes at https://gocamp.pro/fundraising-at-camp/many-thank-yous
What advantage do camps have over other non-profits when saying authentic thank yous?
On this episode of the Fundraising at Camp podcast, Joe and Travis discuss share creative ways to say thank you to your donors. Find out what ducks have to do with it and what the heck Joe keeps in the Harry Potter closet under the stairs at his camp. Perhaps a challenge coin may be something worth investing. Curious? Check out this episode of Fundraising @ Camp to find out more.
Hey you! Yes, you, Fundraising @ Camp li ..read more
Fundraising @ Camp
3y ago
Check out the show notes for this episode https://gocamp.pro/fundraising-at-camp/iview-cindy-wagman-reluctant
Q: Why are humans so hesitant to ask for money? A: We are wired that way.
Raise It! The Reluctant Fundraiser’s Guide to Raise Money Without Selling Your Soul author Cindy Wagman is the guest on this episode of Fundraising @ Camp. Cindy explains how our focus on perfection is often actually a deflection technique because folks are uncomfortable asking for money. Joe shares about building a sense of reciprocity with your camp community to inspire folks to indulge in your culture ..read more
Fundraising @ Camp
3y ago
Check out the show notes for this episode at https://gocamp.pro/fundraising-at-camp/annual-reports2
How do you get folks to actually read an annual report?
On this episode of the Fundraising @ Camp podcast, Joe, Heather, and Travis discuss best practices for Annual Reports. Tune into this episode to hear what to include and what to leave out and how to get folks to open and read an Annual Report. Our hosts also discuss the pros and cons of printing and mailing Annual Reports. After this episode, you may find yourself tracking exactly many playground balls you used this summer so you can raise ..read more
Fundraising @ Camp
3y ago
Find the show notes for today's episode at https://gocamp.pro/fundraising-at-camp/making-an-annual-plan2
Happy New Year! ‘Tis the season for planning
On today’s episode, Heather, Joe, and Travis examine exactly what an annual plan entails and how you can create one now to work towards your year-end fundraising goals. This episode looks at some of the big picture thinking for designing your annual plan. The hosts also discuss step-by-step how to set a fundraising goal and Joe explains how “the fresh and new doesnt always outperform the tried and true.”
Planning with Purpose - The ..read more
Fundraising @ Camp
3y ago
Find this episode's show notes at https://gocamp.pro/fundraising-at-camp/heather-ethics-of-fundraising
Asking, “Can I do this?” - let’s talk about it.
On today’s episode, Heather walks us through her seven tips for ethical fundraising. Join her and Travis as she discusses how to keep yourself out of legal and ethic turmoil while soliciting donations to support your mission. Hear about some of the biggest donations that Heather had to turn down as well as what she can ethically do with that money that has been sitting in the “Chapel Windows” account for a decade.
Hey you! Yes, you, Fundrais ..read more