EP 55: How to Stop Self-Doubt
Soft Skills Growth
by Soft Skills Growth
2y ago
With everything going on in our lives, why do we insist on being our own worst enemies?  We already navigate toxic relationships, jealous colleagues, and people who don't believe in us. Why do we decide to double down on all of that negativity by doubting ourselves? How many times has self-doubt held you back from taking a chance?  While we can't control the world around us, we can control ourselves. If you want to nip self-doubt in the bud, then follow these nine tips.  ..read more
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EP 54: How to Stop Making the Same Mistakes
Soft Skills Growth
by Soft Skills Growth
2y ago
There is nothing wrong with making mistakes. After all, making mistakes is one of the key ways we learn, grow and build all sorts of important qualities like persistence and resilience. Mistakes become a problem when we keep repeating the same ones. When we continually repeat the same mistake, we aren't learning anything from it. Worst yet, repeating the same mistakes stalls any positive progress we may be making in life. If this sounds familiar, and you are ready to stop making the same mistakes, consider these nine tips.  ..read more
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EP 53: How to Stop Being so Hard on Yourself
Soft Skills Growth
by Soft Skills Growth
3y ago
It's kind of amazing that in a world where it can feel everyone is out to get us, no one is harder on us than ...ourselves.   Life is hard enough without piling on ourselves. We need to learn to love who we are, accept our flaws, and stop being so hard on ourselves. If you can't quite shake being hard on yourself, try using these nine tips.  ..read more
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EP 52: How to Stop Being So Defensive
Soft Skills Growth
by Soft Skills Growth
3y ago
When you get bad news or criticism, do you ever feel like you are under attack? It's like you are left with no choice but to fight back. While standing up for yourself is important, and in some cases, you will need to "fight back," quite often, this feeling is just us being too defensive. Being too defensive means you let emotion cloud your thinking, and it makes it harder to get to the heart of an issue. If you want to stop being so defensive, follow these nine tips ..read more
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EP 51: How to Stop Being Bitter
Soft Skills Growth
by Soft Skills Growth
3y ago
Bitterness can be problematic because it lasts for a long time, and eats away at you. It can even cloud your judgment. If your feelings of anger have become prolonged, and you feel bitter about something specific, or life in general, use these tips to help overcome it.  ..read more
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EP 50: How to Stay Engaged When Working Remotely
Soft Skills Growth
by Soft Skills Growth
3y ago
Working from home is still very active, and it doesn’t look like it is going anywhere. Even when we all start returning to normality, it is likely that working remotely stays a big part of our lives. Some people will love to hear that because, honestly, you can't beat the commute! Others will worry because they struggle to stay productive when working from home or on the road. If you are one of those people, then hopefully these nine tips will help you ..read more
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Ep 49: How to Spring Clean Your Life
Soft Skills Growth
by Soft Skills Growth
3y ago
When you think of spring cleaning, you probably think of the time of year when you go all out cleaning up your house. You know the time you move the fridge and sweep out all the nooks and crevices. What if you took that same idea, but instead of cleaning your physical surroundings, you tidied up your life? If you don't quite understand what that means, here are nine examples that can get you started.  ..read more
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EP 48: Smarter Small Talk
Soft Skills Growth
by Soft Skills Growth
3y ago
Small talk isn't a popular concept. You will always hear people mention how much they dread it. The idea of getting on an elevator full of neighbors you don't quite know is a literal nightmare. The problem with that is small-talk is a natural starting point. It's how most (or all) relationships begin. If you keep on avoiding small talk, you are missing out on where those conversations might lead.  ..read more
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EP 47: How to Take Care of Yourself
Soft Skills Growth
by Soft Skills Growth
3y ago
Have you ever taken a flight somewhere? The flight attendant always mentions that in case of emergency, you should put your mask on first before helping others. That is basically the same concept as self-care. How can you impact the world around you if you don't ensure that your needs are met? We all have so many people and priorities in life, pulling us in every direction, that sometimes we forget that we need to look after ourselves as well. If this sounds familiar, then you should follow these nine simple self-care steps.  ..read more
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EP 46: 9 Social Skills for Success
Soft Skills Growth
by Soft Skills Growth
3y ago
No matter how introverted or isolated you may feel at times, we all live in a "society." Brushing up on our social skills is vital to our success. Our era's social and technological changes have made social skills an absolute necessity, especially in our careers. If you want to brush up on your social skills, focus on these nine for ultimate success ..read more
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