Episode 18, feat. Alexander Siegenfeld
by Epistik
9M ago
TIMESTAMPS 2:35 Natural Scientists vs. Social Scientists in Complexity Science 8:29 Alex’ paper about elections 27:00 Professor Friston’s work in relation to Complexity Science 36:13 Can data be to weak to be useful? 40:35 Complexity Science in relation to philosophy and empiricism vs. rationality 46:29 What is the hardest thing in your work? 55:38 Successful people in academia 1:02:00 Circles & Loops 1:05:00 Measuring success 1:10:30 Are religions circular? 1:17:09 Language compression and emotion transfer devices 1:21:00 Meta-talk 1:24:29 Why is it hard to talk about ”deep things”? 1:28 ..read more
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Episode 17, feat. Karl Friston
by Epistik
9M ago
TIMESTAMPS: 6:15 Is the reduction of uncertainty in the Free Energy Principle more compareable with Occam’s razor or simple deterministic laws? 18:03 Tautologies and compression of information. 30:00 Free will 37:48 Where does the first prior probability distribution come from? Do you believe in revelation? 49:20 How can we describe parameters of epistemic foraging in terms of the Free Energy Principle and Philosophy? 1:04:15 Practical applications of Friston’s work in relation to policy-making in the corporate world and the public sector. 1:16:10 Should people aspiring to work in Public Admi ..read more
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Episode 16, feat. Jacob Lagerros
by Epistik
9M ago
TIMESTAMPS: 23:39 Subagents in our heads. 35:00 What can we learn from how we perceive people we encounter on the street? 42:26 The Game of Life in relation to RL and MDPs. 58:35 Summarizing question ..read more
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Episode 15, feat. Kiran Garimella
by Epistik
9M ago
TIMESTAMPS  13:00 Computer scientist vs social scientists 17:50 Is quantification effective? 24:00 Why did you choose to work with CSS? 49:00 NLP & Marketing 54:10 NLP vs regression 57:20 What kind of variable would you like to maximize? Dr. Garimella’s website and GitHub: https://users.ics.aalto.fi/kiran/   https://github.com/gvrkiran Sorry for bad audio from my side ..read more
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Episode 13, feat. Devdeepta Bose
by Epistik
9M ago
4:26 What did you learn from Prof. Collin Camerer 10:10 Neuroeconomics vs Metabolomics 14:07 Defining wellbeing 15:30 A proxy for wellbeing 20:00 The theory of reflexivity and the delta between money and value 25:33 Hedonic recalibration/calibration 28:08 Can our projection of wellbeing be 100% epistemically correct? 31:35 Is computational power or lack of information the primarily limiting factor in deriving a path to wellbeing? 46:15 Do we have a tendency to turn infinite games into finite games? 57:50 Simple stats vs sophisticated maths 1:17:20 Can one force oneself to like any smell? 1:19 ..read more
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Episode 12, feat. Dario Krpan
by Epistik
9M ago
TIMESTAMPS 8:00 Hegelian dialectical logic vs. statistical inference in Psychology. 13:45 Problems with defining wellbeing. 23:30 Data gathering 31:10 Subconscious hard-limiter. 40:00 Behavioral Scientists' impact in society 53:00 Paternalism v libertarianism. Links to Professor Krpan's social media: Linkedin Twitter Google Scholar ..read more
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Episode 11, feat. William Hedley Thompson
by Epistik
9M ago
TIMESTAMPS 20:25 Comp. Neuroscience & Public Policy 31:50 Comparing brains with computers. 38:00 When should we note something down? 52:40 Does logic have to be mathematical? 1:02:10 Why is it so important for us that some other consciousness has registered our acts/experience? William's podcast: akademiskasmadad.se ..read more
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Episode 10, feat. David Ebbevi
by Epistik
9M ago
TIMESTAMPS 27:20 Could you explain your research project at the Stockholm School of Economics? 32:50 The balance between using computers and brains 40:00 Could we have a subconscious hard limiter that prevents us from having it ”too good”? 43:00 Do you think that doctors have a place in management consulting? 57:29 How vulnerable is Swedens healthcare ..read more
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Episode 9, feat. Paolo Vineis
by Epistik
9M ago
TIMESTAMPTS: 3:56 What insights from your research has surprised you the most? 8:35 Advice to researchers when it comes to international collaboration? 17:45 Data linking  21:35 Finding the balance between finding new ideas and focusing on ongoing projects. Sorry for bad audio quality ..read more
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Episode 8, feat. Jonathan Gorard
by Epistik
9M ago
TIMESTAMPS 0:20 Are the laws of logic a priori or a posteriori? 7:55 Ideas in applied mathematics 27:50 Why did you choose to work with automated theorem proving? 43:50 An argument for theism and deism 1:06:44 Can automated theorem proving be applied in the field of philosophy? 1:24:10 Our emotional states, wellbeing, and rationality ..read more
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