Manufacturing NOW
From shop floor management to Industry 4.0, listen to the latest manufacturing insights NOW on Manufacturing NOW podcast. In this show, Keerthana, host, will talk about these insights through various industry perspectives from automotive to aerospace. Tune in every 2nd week of the month to listen to the podcast.
Manufacturing NOW
3y ago
Manufacturing during COVID-19 was a challenge, at least for most of the companies in the world. Companies that identified the importance of industry 4.0, smart manufacturing implemented it much earlier and did overcome these challenges with resilience but the traditional manufacturers were forced to implement these strategies during the Pandemic. Many magazines like Manufacturing Global, Energy Global identified manufacturers who were not just resilient, also innovative and transitioned most of their operations automated. In this podcast episode, Keerthana, host of the podcast, speaks about to ..read more
Manufacturing NOW
4y ago
Digital transformation in the manufacturing industry is becoming increasingly important with time. In this episode, podcast host, Keerthana discusses 5 digital tools that industries can adapt easily ..read more
Manufacturing NOW
4y ago
In this episode, podcast guest, Reuben Benjamin, and host, Keerthana discuss the possibilities for the manufacturing industry to move towards a sustainable future ..read more
Manufacturing NOW
4y ago
Do you often come across these terms like lean manufacturing, Kaizen, six sigma etc. and wonder what would be the differences and similarities of these concepts? Lean is a methodology to reduce waste in a manufacturing system without sacrificing productivity. The customer defines what is of value in terms of what they would pay for the product or service. Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning "continuous improvement." It is a Japanese business philosophy which was followed by the Toyota Manufacturing facility during the 1980's. The focus is on processes that continuously improve industrial operati ..read more