Better With Paul
Better With Paul is a podcast, newsletter, and community for everyone who values legacy, culture, and financial freedom. Each week, Paul unpacks and explores business, relationship, and health lessons from the journeys of innovators, entrepreneurs, and creators from the U.S., UK, Caribbean, and Africa.
Better With Paul
4y ago
This is an extra special episode of Better With Paul, it features none other than the astounding Enver Yucel! Enver is a globally renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist who has dedicated his life to education. As my mentor he has been a pivotal figure in my life and one of my entrepreneur role models. Our discussion is full of insightful content as I reflect on my growth and have a profound conversation with my mentor.
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Better With Paul
4y ago
On this week's episode of Better With Paul, I present a recap over an amazing Live that was done awhile ago. With it being a new year, I thought it would be essential to really bring this to you because I believe this value is timeless. Take a listen at this Live that I taught, I truly think you will walk away with a few gems set forth by these amazing entrepreneurs!
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Better With Paul
4y ago
On this week's episode of Better With Paul, we continue with part 2 of 10 Steps Entrepreneurs Can Take to Make 1 Million Dollars in 2021! It's your choice to take advantage of this year to commit and stay disciplined to your goals. Don't make excuses, make an effort to plant these seeds now so you can reap the benefits and thrive as an entrepreneur in your market. I can guarantee that if you implement these steps, you will achieve 1 million and beyond with commitment, consistency and patience.
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Better With Paul
4y ago
With a decade plus of hardcore work and hustle, I'm no longer here to debate but to spits facts! On this week's episode of Better With Paul, I believe if you put forth all 10 of these steps you will see a stride in your business and grow 1 million and beyond if you sincerely commit and put in the work! Let's get into action and make this the year you truly put in the effort to accomplish milestone goals!
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Better With Paul
4y ago
Untold Stories of Reginald F. Lewis: Personal Life of The First African American Billion-Dollar Dealmaker
On this week's episode of Better With Paul, I have one of my favorite conversations of my career with Christina Lewis. It includes a look at the personal life of one of the most important dealmakers in modern history.
Reginald F. Lewis is famed for his fierce intellect, drive, vision and for breaking racial barriers on Wall Street. Yet he was also a visionary and active philanthropist. A desire to "do the deals myself" led Lewis to establish TLC Group, L.P. in 1983. His first successful ..read more
Better With Paul
4y ago
Boosting Your Sex Life & Building Strong Sustainable Relationships
Marriage is hard work but are you willing to persevere through those tough times of relationship struggles? On this week's episode of Better With Paul, I have a conversation with two relationship experts I hold in high regard, Esther Boykin & Dr. George James. We discuss the many facets of navigating through relationship roadblocks and how to know what indicators are creating the issue. It's not easy to confront relationship hardships with your partner but the very problem could be because of having a stagnant and stub ..read more
Better With Paul
4y ago
How to Find Your Passion in 2021
In your lifetime I'm sure you've wondered or pondered, what am I passionate about? On this week's episode of Better With Paul, I talk with guests Richie Holmes Grant & James Lopez on the topic of how do we identify our passion. Their stories and journey present some valuable thought on how do we create our passion and once identified, how do we go about creating a purposeful path that elevates our continued growth.
This episode is full of value and insight!
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Better With Paul
4y ago
On this week's episode of Better With Paul, I discuss what 10 habits I learned from working with two billionaires. I tackle this conversation with special guests, Jared Brown, Nina Oduro & Kwame Som-Pimpong. We go into detail about mentors, influential leaders, business habits and what pivotal lessons we learned while navigating our beginners journey through career and entrepreneurship.
This episode is full of intriguing perspective and insight!
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Better With Paul
4y ago
Do you recall the first time you heard the term Yoga?
For many like myself you might've been introduced with confusion. On this week's episode of Better With Paul, I have a conversation with expert masters of yoga Faith Hunter & Quentin Vennie. In this discussion, we delve into understanding the massive benefits of yoga and why they are passionate about it. After our conversation, I was left intrigued and wondering how can I create my very own successful implementation of yoga.
This episode is full of enlightenment and insight!
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Better With Paul
4y ago
In this episode, I have a conversation with Kwame Som-Pimpong & Nina Oduro about important lessons I've learned in marriage. Everyone's journey is different but one thing for sure is that getting to a good place takes a heart to heart moment. Being honest and transparent with your spouse is the ground work and foundation building that forms a long-lasting relationship and bestfriend bond.
This episode is full of fun and insight!
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