Episode 15: Tackling the issues of AI based facial recognition
IoT at the Edge
by IoT at the Edge
3y ago
With cameras seemingly everywhere, facial recognition is an understandably popular application of AI in the quest for enhancing safety, security and convenience. But it’s also laced with thorny issues around privacy, ethical use and bias. In today’s episode, Anyvision CTO Dieter Joecker helps pull apart those issues, both on the technology the evolving regulations fronts ..read more
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Episode 14: The Achilles heel of Factory 4.0
IoT at the Edge
by IoT at the Edge
3y ago
In today’s episode we continue to focus on that very messy edge-of-network in industrial settings and how to solve this Factory-4.0 Achilles heel. Joining the discussion is PTC Kepware’s Kyle Carreau. Kepware has been solving the messy edge problem for the world of OT since well before “IoT.” Now, under the spotlight of more OT-IT convergence and real progress in deploying Industrial IoT solutions, PTC Kepware finds itself in the right place, at the right time to help solve those messy problems at the edge, both with their traditional KEPServerEX or pushing out to the very networks edge with T ..read more
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Episode 13: Scaling Digital Transformation while Modernizing our Aging Electrical Grid
IoT at the Edge
by IoT at the Edge
4y ago
The world of electrical energy has shifted dramatically in the past few decades, and this shift has been outpacing the modernization of the electrical grid itself. In order to balance and mitigate challenges from changes in the electrical grid, it is paramount that utilities begin to modernize infrastructure and start to participate in active grid management with data-driven, autonomous decisions. This means adding edge intelligence into substations and building a modern infrastructure at the edge. Learn about this and more as Mike Fahrion, CTO of the Industrial-IoT Group for Advantech North A ..read more
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Episode 12: How Substation Virtualization Can Help With Electrical Grid Modernization Challenges
IoT at the Edge
by IoT at the Edge
4y ago
In order to meet modernization challenges, utilities need technologies that allow them to rapidly and easily respond—virtualization is one of those technologies. In this episode, we take a deep dive into substation virtualization and its significance to grid modernization. Intel does not control or audit third-party data. You should consult other sources to evaluate accuracy. Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries ..read more
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Episode 11: Why did IIoT become all about the Edge?
IoT at the Edge
by IoT at the Edge
4y ago
In the early days of the Industrial Internet of things, all the talk and focus was about the cloud and cloud platforms. But as the IIoT started to move from talk to action, that focus has shifted back down to the Edge. Tom Arthur, CEO and co-founder of Dianomic joins today’s discussion to discuss why the Edge has become such a critical piece of the solution architecture, and how to solve the complexities of the Edge of the Industrial IoT ..read more
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Episode 10: Operational AI with Video Analytics has “Crossed the Chasm”
IoT at the Edge
by IoT at the Edge
4y ago
It’s been 60 years since the development of AI based data science and not even five years since AI conquered the complex game of Go. But it’s just in the last couple years where AI based video analytics has begun to move beyond the domain of scientists and into the hands of engineers. 2021 marks the point where video-based AI in manufacturing climbs the curve from early adopters towards the early majority. In this episode, Mehdi Merai, CEO and co-founder of Dataperformers discusses the state of AI in Operations, common applications, how to get started and challenges to overcome ..read more
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Episode 9: Digital Transformation Fails and Recipes for Success
IoT at the Edge
by IoT at the Edge
4y ago
Digital Transformation is becoming the #1 driver to growing shareholder value, able to unlock massive potential in legacy manufacturing companies. Yet, many companies don’t fully understand what digital transformation is, or have a viable roadmap to get there. In this episode, Walker Reynolds, DX architect and CEO of Intellic Integration shares the Intellic recipe for successful Digital Transformation in manufacturing. Perhaps more importantly, we discuss the top Digital Transformation fails and how to identify them before they derail your Digital Transformation journey ..read more
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Episode 8: Digitizing the Microgrid
IoT at the Edge
by IoT at the Edge
4y ago
The North American electric grid is paramount to economic infrastructure and it’s the largest, distributed electric infrastructure we have. But, simply put, it’s old. And with a changing world, the system is becoming more distributed, more complex, and the flow of electricity is becoming bidirectional. What is the path forward to handle it? How do we built a modern infrastructure at the edge? In this episode, Intel’s Prithpal Khajuria helps to answer these questions and more. Listen in to understand one of our biggest digital transformation challenges—the need for modernization of our electric ..read more
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Episode 7 - How Inductive Automation has enabled industry disruption and created innovation
IoT at the Edge
by IoT at the Edge
4y ago
The automation industry is a slow-moving machine. It’s encumbered not only with complex, specialized processes and long-life legacy equipment, but also the lasting effects of automation vendors focused on closed systems and vendor lock in. Taken together, it’s created a landscape primed for disruption. That state has been further exposed by IT/OT convergence and digital transformation. In today’s episode, I talk with Inductive Automation’s Travis Cox about the state of the industry, how Inductive Automation approach has enabled industry disruption, and forward looking trends on where the IA co ..read more
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Episode 6 – The challenge of cybersecurity in the Industrial IoT
IoT at the Edge
by IoT at the Edge
4y ago
Cybersecurity for the Industrial IoT is an often misunderstood or underestimated challenge. While there are many IIoT components that you can learn-as-you-go using an agile approach, that is a high-risk strategy when it comes to security. In this episode, Mocana’s Rolf O’Grady lays out the unique challenges of security for IIoT in comparison to the world of IT and enterprise solutions. If you are on the IoT and digital transformation journey, listen to this episode of IoT at the Edge before taking your next steps ..read more
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