HMP Governance Lab
In this HMP Governance Lab podcast, Professor Holly Jarman from the University of Michigan talks about doing qualitative research that aims to make a change in health policy and politics.
HMP Governance Lab
3y ago
Prof. Jarman gives you the basics - what is qualitative research? How does it get used? Are you listening to the wrong podcast? Find out here!
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HMP Governance Lab
HMP 622 Canvas Site
Twitter: @HMPgovlab ..read more
HMP Governance Lab
3y ago
So...you're coming to the end of your qualitative analysis, but you want to share your findings with a wide audience. What next? Prof Jarman talks about her experiences disseminating her policy-engaged research.
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HMP Governance Lab
HMP 622 Canvas Site
Twitter: @HMPgovlab ..read more
HMP Governance Lab
3y ago
What is a mixed methods research project? What are some different ways you can approach data integration in mixed methods research? Prof Jarman gives you some tips and tricks!
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HMP Governance Lab
HMP 622 Canvas Site
Twitter: @HMPgovlab ..read more
HMP Governance Lab
3y ago
Prof Jarman discusses different ways to analyze your qualitative data and turn it into something meaningful, including grounded theory, narrative analysis, process tracing, discourse analysis, and more!
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HMP Governance Lab
HMP 622 Canvas Site
Twitter: @HMPgovlab ..read more
HMP Governance Lab
3y ago
Prof Jarman talks you through some practical tips and tricks to consider when engaging in qualitative interviews.
Interested in learning more? Come and find us!
HMP Governance Lab
HMP 622 Canvas Site
Twitter: @HMPgovlab ..read more
HMP Governance Lab
3y ago
Prof Jarman discusses some approaches to thinking about your interviews and incorporating that thinking into the research design process.
Interested in learning more? Come and find us!
HMP Governance Lab
HMP 622 Canvas Site
Twitter: @HMPgovlab ..read more
HMP Governance Lab
3y ago
When are focus groups appropriate? What's the best way to run a focus group? How many groups do I need? Prof Jarman discusses all things group.
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HMP Governance Lab
HMP 622 Canvas Site
Twitter: @HMPgovlab ..read more
HMP Governance Lab
3y ago
What are 'observations' and how should you go about making them? What are some 'dos' and 'don'ts' for observational and participant-observer research? Prof Jarman takes you through some of her own observations.
Interested in learning more? Come and find us!
HMP Governance Lab
HMP 622 Canvas Site
Twitter: @HMPgovlab ..read more
HMP Governance Lab
3y ago
Sometimes regression isn't enough. Sometimes you need configurational methods! Profs Jarman and Greer discuss what a 'case' is, the rationale for case study methodology, and some ways to compare cases.
Interested in learning more? Come and find us!
HMP Governance Lab
HMP 622 Canvas Site
Twitter: @HMPgovlab ..read more
HMP Governance Lab
3y ago
It's important to understand your own mind when it comes to qualitative research and what's possible to know from doing qualitative analysis. Let's take a minute to think about the big picture: what does knowledge look like in qualitative contexts? What values do we carry with us during qualitative research projects? Start this journey here!
Interested in learning more? Come and find us!
HMP Governance Lab
HMP 622 Canvas Site
Twitter: @HMPgovlab ..read more