Exploring Parenting Challenges by Age: Teenagers
Attachment and Trauma Therapy
by Lebeka Shin
5M ago
The teenage years (ages 13 to 18) can present numerous challenges for parents, so if you’re struggling, just remember that you’re not alone. Below are some examples of issues that parents commonly face with their teens, as well as advice for how to handle these situations: Romantic relationships – It’s common for children to enter their first romantic relationships during their teen years. If your views clash—for example, if you don’t agree with them about who they’re dating, the clothes and makeup they’re wearing, when they need to be home, and whether they can drive—it can lead to arguments ..read more
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Exploring Parenting Challenges by Age: Preteens
Attachment and Trauma Therapy
by Lebeka Shin
5M ago
Are you the parent of a preteen (9 to 13 years of age)? If so, you’ve probably noticed many of their behaviors starting to shift over the past few months or years. Here are a few of the challenges that parents commonly face when their children are in their “tween” years: Friends vs. family – Younger children tend to gravitate toward their families, but once they enter the preteen years, many of them become more interested in hanging out with their friends. Don’t be offended by this—it’s actually healthy, since it encourages independence, improves their life skills, and expands their social ne ..read more
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Exploring Parenting Challenges by Age: Infants
Attachment and Trauma Therapy
by Lebeka Shin
6M ago
Parents face challenges at every stage of their child’s development, and infancy (birth to 1 year of age) is no exception. Here are some of the obstacles commonly faced when children are at this age, as well as some helpful parenting tips: Exhaustion – Regularly feeding, burping, changing, bathing, and soothing an infant leaves little room for sleep, so it’s no wonder that many new parents become fatigued. Taking turns with your partner can make a world of difference, and when they’re unavailable, don’t be afraid to ask for help from another family member or friend. Loss of identity – This on ..read more
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How to Help Your Child Live with a Tic Disorder
Attachment and Trauma Therapy
by Lebeka Shin
6M ago
Parenting can be complicated for any parent, but for those whose children have a Tic Disorder, it can present unique challenges. You’re not just a parent, you must also play counselor, quasi-medical expert, and school advocate. Supporting and encouraging your child will help them thrive as they’re presented with adversity. Here are some tips to help you help your child live with a Tic Disorder. Educate Friends & Family One way to help your child cope is to educate friends, family, and – if necessary – teachers and school administrators about Tic Disorders. As you educate other parents and ..read more
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Exploring Parenting Challenges by Age: Preschool- & School-Aged Children
Attachment and Trauma Therapy
by Lebeka Shin
6M ago
Do you have a preschool- or school-aged child (3 to 9 years of age)? If so, you’re probably beginning to encounter challenges that you didn’t experience during their infant and toddler years. Below are some of the obstacles that parents commonly face with children this age, as well as tips for how to address them: Separation anxiety – It’s common for children to experience separation anxiety when they begin attending preschool, especially if it’s the first time they’ve been away from their parents for an extended period of time. To help ease their fears, you should talk to them about what to ..read more
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6 Signs of Depression in Teens
Attachment and Trauma Therapy
by Lebeka Shin
6M ago
Ask any parent what their main job is and they will tell you it’s protecting their children and keeping them safe. New parents spend hours, if not days, baby-proofing the house. They research the best car seats and bike helmets and figure out ways to ensure their kids are safe online. But, no matter how hard parents work to keep their kids safe, it is very difficult to protect children against mental health issues such as depression. According to the National Comorbidity Survey-Adolescent Supplement (NCS-A), depression affects roughly 11% of adolescents by age 18. If you are unsure a ..read more
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Why to Avoid Using Toddler-Talk with Your Toddler
Attachment and Trauma Therapy
by Lebeka Shin
7M ago
When children become old enough to start school, they have already developed some kind of language ability. The degree to which kids use and understand language is important and has an enormous impact on their entire educational career. How Do Young Children Develop Language Skills? There is a growing body of evidence that points to a strong parental influence on early language development. How many words a child hears as an infant and toddler is an important factor is language development. But beyond the number of words a toddler hears, how those words are spoken matters as well. Ac ..read more
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Is Social Media Bad for Your Mental Health?
Attachment and Trauma Therapy
by Lebeka Shin
7M ago
Have you been feeling a bit low lately, but you can’t quite put your finger on why? It may have something to do with your social media habits. According to a recent study, social media use can increase depression and loneliness. For years people have suspected that social media use might have an ability to negatively impact our mental well-being. After all, it’s hard not to feel inadequate or jealous when looking at photos of people whose lives seem so much more perfect than ours. But now research is actually making a definitive link between spending time on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and ..read more
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3 Everyday Pronoun Exercises to Do with Your Toddler
Attachment and Trauma Therapy
by Lebeka Shin
7M ago
Long before your baby has said her first word, she’s learned to communicate. Her responses to you – such as a cry or a smile – help you understand her needs. As your baby grows into a toddler, her communication will begin to develop. She will go from babbling, pointing and simple words (such as “mama” and “dada”) around 11 months, to understanding simple commands and saying two and three word phrases (such as “all gone” and “I see truck”) around age 2. But not all children develop language at the same pace. Pronouns can be one of the most challenging things for any child to learn. Additionally ..read more
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How to Boost Your Self-Esteem
Attachment and Trauma Therapy
by Lebeka Shin
7M ago
What does it mean to have a healthy self-esteem? Some people think it means you are okay with how you look. Other people think you must accomplish something big in your life to have a good self-esteem. But the reality is, having a healthy self-esteem means you like and appreciate yourself faults and all. A good self-esteem can be the difference between being a happy, resilient individual, able to face life’s challenges head on, and someone who suffers from depression and anxiety and is often overwhelmed with life. If you have struggled in the past with self-esteem issues, there are some things ..read more
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