Why your products don’t rank on Google with Patrick Rice (NEWBIE)
The Recipe For SEO Success Show
by Kate Toon
4M ago
How to make your ecommerce store stand out with SEO   Do you struggle to get your products to rank high on the search engine results pages?    Last year we went through how you can improve user experience on site with Louis Smith.   And today we’ll cover some common mistakes ecommerce owners make that can lead to their products ranking poorly, or sometimes not at all.    Tune in to learn:  How ecommerce SEO differs from service-based business SEO What features ecommerce owners can access in the SERPS Why you should get set up on Google Merchant Center ..read more
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REALITY SEO: Jane Fonti: How I doubled organic traffic to my online store
The Recipe For SEO Success Show
by Kate Toon
5M ago
There is a mountain of SEO advice out there, but how much of it is actually doable for the average business human? In my reality SEO episodes, I talk to real humans and get the truth about how they use SEO and digital marketing to improve their businesses. Today I’ll be talking to a former student of the Recipe For SEO Success Course, Jane Fonti. We’ll chat about how Jane got her start in SEO, the digital marketing highs and lows, and the challenges she’s faced along the way. Head to the episode notes Freebies: Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales) The Ultimate SEO Checkl ..read more
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How to be a better marketer in 2024 with Rand Fishkin
The Recipe For SEO Success Show
by Kate Toon
6M ago
Knowing your audience and cutting through the noise In 2024 with the rise of AI, it can feel like we’re moving further and further away from our humanity. If we can chatbot our customer service, analyse spreadsheets to decide our next move, and Chatgpt our content do we really need to build relationships with our customers any more? Well obviously, yes, yes we do! But where do we start?  How do we really know who our audience is, what they’re talking about and how to reach them? Can we use data and insights to find out what podcasts they’re listening to, which social accounts they follow ..read more
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SEO Predictions for 2024 with Kate Toon and Cyrus Shepard (NEWBIE)
The Recipe For SEO Success Show
by Kate Toon
7M ago
So here we are, a fresh new year to grapple the Google beast and get our site found online. But what should be our SEO priorities in 2024? What’s coming down the pipe? And what is old hat? Today I’m joined by one of our favourite guests on the Recipe for SEO Success podcast, Cyrus Shepard. We’re going to be rubbing our crystal balls together and chatting through what we think are the big things to focus on in 2024. Will AI ruin SEO once and for all? What algorithm updates do we see coming? Can we finally forget schema? We’ll answer all this and more in today’s episode.   Tune in to learn ..read more
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Easy SEO testing tactics: How to get better results with Logan Bryant (NEWBIE)
The Recipe For SEO Success Show
by Kate Toon
8M ago
Taking testing one step at a time Do you ever wonder how effective your site’s SEO is?  You’ve put all this time and effort into finding effective keywords, your images are slim, your page loading time is faster than a fast thing.    But is it bringing in the clicks and sales? Because at the end of the day, ranking is nice, but you know what’s nicer? Making money! Today we’re going to look at some tests you can run on your SEO to make sure it’s all ticking along, and what needs some work. Tune in to learn:  What SEO testing is Where to start - simple tests for small bus ..read more
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REALITY SEO: Elisha de Jonge: Getting Google on board with my rebrand
The Recipe For SEO Success Show
by Kate Toon
9M ago
Embracing techy SEO to get found online Getting SEO advice is one thing, but how much of it is really doable for the average business human?  In my reality SEO episodes, I talk to real humans and get the truth about how they use SEO and digital marketing to improve their businesses. Today I’ll be talking to a former student of the Recipe For SEO Success Course, Elisha de Jonge. We’ll chat about how Elisha got her start in SEO, the digital marketing highs and lows, and the challenges she’s faced along the way. Useful resources: SEO META in 1 CLICK Freebies: Free webinar: Increase your we ..read more
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Being green online with Ray Pastoors (NEWBIE)
The Recipe For SEO Success Show
by Kate Toon
11M ago
Now here’s me thinking that being online means I’m pretty green. My entire business is up in the cloud, with very few physical products, not much post, and a little shed in the back garden that uses minimal electricity.   And I never use my printer, not because I’m green but because I can’t hook it up to my computer properly.   But today’s guest is going to explain how even hosting your website has environmental consequences and some simple steps to minimising your environmental footprint. Tune in to learn:  What it means to be green online How your digital footprint is connect ..read more
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Google Search Console 101 with Sodiq Ajala (Newbie)
The Recipe For SEO Success Show
by Kate Toon
1y ago
Setting up a website is not a one-off process.  In many ways, it’s like having a plant.  Building your website and optimising it to be found is like setting up the nutrient-rich soil.  Hitting publish for the first time is like planting a seed.  Now you just sit back and see what happens right? No, much like that little seed, if you ignore it, it will wither away, much like your website traffic.  You have to monitor it, remove any bugs, and give it plenty of water and sunshine. I’ll leave the plant metaphor there. So how do we keep it healthy and thriving? The answer ..read more
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Ecommerce SEO-friendly UX: from crappy to kerching with Louis Smith (NEWBIE)
The Recipe For SEO Success Show
by Kate Toon
1y ago
Showing Google you've got the goods Hey you, ecommerce store owner. I know you got a sexy theme for your website that promised it was responsive, conversion-focused and all that jazz. But is it? So many ecommerce sites fall down on the basics of user experience. Terrible navigation - check Confusing home page - check Bland category pages - check Cut and paste product descriptions - check And don’t get me started on that checkout experience. Well, today we’re honing in on carts, shopping and making the sale. Telling you how to turn casual browsers into eager buyers. Tune in to learn   Th ..read more
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Improving website user experience with Kevin Indig (NEWBIE)
The Recipe For SEO Success Show
by Kate Toon
1y ago
Leaving your audience satisfied with every click So you have your beautiful new website. You’ve carefully written the copy and paid an arm and a leg for a fancy pants design, you’ve even done a little SEO, optimising your images, writing titles and metas and making an effort to speed up your site. But you’ve noticed something odd when you look at Google Analytics. Your time on site is low. People are only viewing one or two pages. And your conversions are lower than worm doing a limbo. ‘What went wrong?’ you cry, gnashing your teeth. Well it could be your user experience. How people enjoy and ..read more
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