Nutritional biochemistry by Peter Attia
Learn more about nutritional biochemistry, including metabolic pathways, fuel partitioning, mitochondrial metabolism, and relationships between diet, health, and disease.
Nutritional biochemistry by Peter Attia
1M ago
“Sometimes it makes it more universally easy to understand if we think of what kind of sport we do as a function of intensity and duration.” —Olav Aleksander Bu
The post #331 ‒ Optimizing endurance performance: metrics, nutrition, lactate, and more insights from elite performers | Olav Aleksander Bu (Pt. 2) appeared first on Peter Attia ..read more
Nutritional biochemistry by Peter Attia
2M ago
In this special episode of The Drive, Peter tackles a wide range of listener questions submitted over the past year. The discussion spans essential topics such as exercise—covering grip strength, traveling workouts, and why Peter doesn’t consider exercise an ideal weight-loss strategy—and the top biomarkers everyone should track. He also explores promising new longevity research,…
The post #329 ‒ Special AMA: Peter on exercise, important labs, building good habits, promising longevity research, and more appeared first on Peter Attia ..read more
Nutritional biochemistry by Peter Attia
2M ago
“There is no discipline of science or engineering for which our magnitude of certainty is so high relative to such poor quality data.” —Peter Attia
The post 328 – AMA #66: Optimizing nutrition for health and longevity: myth of a “best” diet, complexities of nutrition science, and practical steps for building a sustainable diet appeared first on Peter Attia ..read more
Nutritional biochemistry by Peter Attia
2M ago
A recent study has triggered alarm over the finding that restricting sugar in the first 1000 days of life protects against diabetes and hypertension in later life, but this conclusion hardly constitutes reliable advice
The post A rational look at a sensationalized sugar study appeared first on Peter Attia ..read more
Nutritional biochemistry by Peter Attia
2M ago
A collection of past newsletters on topics including hearing loss prevention, a randomized trial on exercise and lifespan, using a cognitive bias to improve goal achievement, air pollution, and the impact of dietary protein on muscle protein synthesis
The post Oldies-But-Goodies, December 2024 Edition appeared first on Peter Attia ..read more
Nutritional biochemistry by Peter Attia
3M ago
“I suspect that that will be the challenge of the next decade or two. It'll be less about what is technically possible and more about what is ethically defensible.” —Peter Attia
The post #325 ‒ Peter’s key takeaways on bone health, calorie restriction and energy balance, dopamine and addiction, gene editing, and testosterone therapy safety with a prostate cancer diagnosis | Quarterly Podcast Summary #3 appeared first on Peter Attia ..read more
Nutritional biochemistry by Peter Attia
3M ago
“I still believe that a nutritional approach to weight loss without physical activity or exercise prescribed is not a good strategy. We should implement both and try to have people enjoying the exercise.” —Eric Ravussin
The post #324 ‒ Metabolism, energy balance, and aging: How diet, calorie restriction, and macronutrients influence longevity and metabolic health | Eric Ravussin, Ph.D. appeared first on Peter Attia ..read more
Nutritional biochemistry by Peter Attia
3M ago
“When we do things intentionally that are physically or mentally challenging for us, our body senses injury and up regulates feel good neurotransmitters. . .so we get our dopamine indirectly by paying for it upfront.” —Anna Lembke
The post #321 – Dopamine and addiction: navigating pleasure, pain, and the path to recovery | Anna Lembke, M.D. appeared first on Peter Attia ..read more
Nutritional biochemistry by Peter Attia
3M ago
A collection of past newsletters on topics including continuous glucose monitors, fish oil, nutritional epidemiology, fostering meaningful friendships, and traffic safety
The post Oldies-But-Goodies, May 2024 Edition appeared first on Peter Attia ..read more
Nutritional biochemistry by Peter Attia
3M ago
Organ-specific aging, a blood-based test for brain tumors, avoiding bananas in smoothies, stair-climbing tests for frailty, and omega-3 intake and CVD
The post Research Worth Sharing, March 2024 Edition appeared first on Peter Attia ..read more