Aviation Safety Community Podcast
Hosted by Grenville Hudson, the show follows a series of conversations with field experts to share insight about aviation safety, the newest trends in the industry, and more.
Aviation Safety Community Podcast
2y ago
Just culture is a topic that is frequently raised in the aviation industry, but quite often misconstrued. In this episode, Grenville Hudson speaks with Jerry Allen, Senior Advisor at The Just Culture Company, LLC. Together, they discuss the just culture model, the concept of no blame culture, how just culture fits in with an organization’s safety culture, and more ..read more
Aviation Safety Community Podcast
2y ago
Safety leadership exists throughout all organisational levels and across all industries, not just aviation. In this episode, Grenville Hudson speaks with Aaron Jones, a Senior Safety Consultant from JVAT. Together, they discuss what pragmatic safety means, groupthink and alignment of attitude, and a call to action for current and future safety leaders in the industry ..read more
Aviation Safety Community Podcast
3y ago
How are astronauts assembled to ensure that the best team is sent into space? In this episode, Grenville Hudson speaks with Sally Tindall, an astronaut candidate from AdvancingX. Together, they discuss a new paradigm in developing teams, called the Organizational Team Index (OTI), resulting in optimized performance for future aerospace applications ..read more
Aviation Safety Community Podcast
3y ago
No matter what industry you are involved in, recognizing mental health and its impact is crucial. In this episode, Grenville Hudson speaks with Lawrence Harvey from Headspace to discuss what mental health means, how the COVID-19 pandemic has propelled mental health acknowledgement, and the steps that organisations can take to ensure that workers get the support that they need.  ..read more
Aviation Safety Community Podcast
3y ago
The subject of sleep can at times be misinterpreted. In this episode, we will delve into the science behind sleep and how it affects pilots. One of the key issues pilots face is managing fatigue. Rosemary Clancy from LetSleepHappen joins us to talk about the physiology and psychology of sleep, long haul and night operations, and how alcohol and prescription medication can affect sleep ..read more
Aviation Safety Community Podcast
3y ago
This week, we are joined by Simon Hooper, the Head of Underwriting and Head of Product at Precision Autonomy to talk about drone operations and the risks involved, Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) operations, the future of drone activity, and more.  ..read more
Aviation Safety Community Podcast
3y ago
This week, we are joined by Sue Keating, an emergency and critical incident management expert, to discuss how Covid-19 changed emergency response and business continuity planning, the importance of emergency exercises, and more.
The Aviation Safety Community podcast will continue to feature a series of conversations with field experts to share insight about aviation safety and the newest trends in the industry.
Be sure to rate, review and subscribe so you don’t miss out on our latest episodes ..read more
Aviation Safety Community Podcast
3y ago
How is fatigue management in the aviation industry understood now compared to the past? How does knowledge, engineering, and technology fit into fatigue risk management? What are the potential future effects of Covid-19 on pilot fatigue? Join us as our host Grenville Hudson speaks to Robert ForsterLee, Fatigue Management Specialist for the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, to answer these questions ..read more
Aviation Safety Community Podcast
3y ago
Join us as our host, Grenville Hudson, speaks with Dr. Matt Ebbatson for our debut episode about virtual reality and automation technologies in the cockpit, single pilot operations and what this means for flight crew, flight data analysis programs, and much more ..read more