4 Skills Employers are Consistently Seeking (#202)
Career Growth Made Easy
by Craig Ancel
1w ago
Send us a Text Message. 4 Skills Employers are Consistently Seeking Get the 411 when it comes to the most commonly desired hiring skills! During a recent visit to a South Florida university, they confirmed the top skills national companies are looking for from college graduates. Many schools participate in the National Association of Colleges and Employers, NACE.  They conduct meetings and surveys to determine the most commonly sought-after skill sets. Whether you are entering college, a recent grad, or active in your career - see how your skills stack up against these top 4! Support the ..read more
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3 Reasons You're Stressed at Work and What to Do About It! (#201)
Career Growth Made Easy
by Craig Ancel
3w ago
3 Reasons You're Stressed at Work and What to Do About It! Do any of these feelings describe you at work?  Overloaded, unrecognized, and underappreciated Overloaded comes from today's climate, being asked to do more with less. Unrecognized, you're putting in time and effort but not getting the feedback you deserve. Finally, underappreciated - when performance reviews and pay raises come around, do you feel short-changed? If any of these situations describe you, you're not alone! Tune in to find out what you can do to overcome them! Support the Show ..read more
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What's Wrong with My Resume? (#199)
Career Growth Made Easy
by Craig Ancel
1M ago
What's Wrong with My Resume? Are you applying for jobs and not getting interview callbacks? If so, you're not the only one! Many career coaching clients have struggled with this, too. Today's show breaks down some common areas where our resumes do us a disservice. If you'd like free tips on key areas to watch out for and correct, tune in today! Chapters [04:40] Do you apply to job after job without success? [06:51] Many companies use software to sift through resumes. Make sure yours is ATS-friendly and compatible with these systems! [09:11] One of the reasons you're not hearing back could b ..read more
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Lost Your Job? Help is Here! (#198)
Career Growth Made Easy
by Craig Ancel
2M ago
Lost Your Job? Help is Here!If you've recently lost your job, or know someone who has, this episode is for you. If you feel like you're in a toxic work environment, and are capable of so much more than your circumstances allow, this episode is for you. Today, we're talking about a sensitive spot to be in, but rest assured, you are not alone. Let's go through the steps you can take to get back on track for success! Chapters [03:18] When I lost my job in 2008, I had no idea where to turn... [05:31] Hold onto your resume, don't throw it away! [08:10] We market/sell ourselves every day. [08 ..read more
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Do You Suffer from Verbal Diarrhea? (#197)
Career Growth Made Easy
by Craig Ancel
2M ago
Do You Suffer from Verbal Diarrhea?Have you ever been told you talk too much? Do you ever see people's eyes start to glaze over when you're sharing too much information? Ouch. You may have a case of...verbal diarrhea. Let's talk (but not too much) about it. Maybe you've never been directly told you talk too much...but do you? Your audience may be giving you subtle clues that they're not interested. Your time, and their time, is too valuable. Get tips on how to focus on the important items and gain confidence when communicating with today's episode! Chapters [02:19] LIM - Less Is More! It's s ..read more
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Identifying and Overcoming Your Weaknesses (#195)
Career Growth Made Easy
by Craig Ancel
3M ago
Identifying and Overcoming Your WeaknessesAre there people in your life that you wish you were like? When you pass by a manager or leader, do you recognize certain talents or skills that you wish you had, too? You're thankful they're in charge of their specific projects, since they do a good job, but you wish you had the ability and opportunity to lead as well? It's time to figure out and overcome your weaknesses! In today's episode, let's perform a personal SWOT analysis and learn how to identify and overcome struggles at work ..read more
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A Lack of Confidence Can Hurt You (#194)
Career Growth Made Easy
by Craig Ancel
4M ago
A Lack of Confidence Can Hurt YouDoes it feel like others around you are getting chosen or promoted ahead of you? This could be attributed to their confidence. If you struggle with being confident, you could be losing out on opportunities around you - all because you don't show faith in yourself! In today's episode, we're going to talk about walking the line between uplifting others and uplifting yourself! Allowing those around you to shine, but not outshine you. When you have confidence, your colleagues are confident in you ..read more
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Re-entering the Job World? Here's How to Update Your Resume! (#193)
Career Growth Made Easy
by Craig Ancel
4M ago
Re-entering the Job World? Here's How to Update Your Resume!If you've been out of work for some time and you're considering going back into the field...the most important thing you can do...is listen to this episode! If you want to make this transition a lot smoother, let's update your resume! You deserve the best possible chance to get the best possible job. A current resume is the ultimate weapon. Tune in now! Chapters [02:06] Did you know the content on your resume helps hiring managers determine your value? [04:20] Envision what you're doing now, what you've done before, and what you c ..read more
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Thinking About Leaving Your Job? Listen To This First!
Career Growth Made Easy
by Craig Ancel
5M ago
Thinking About Leaving Your Job? Listen To This First!If you've ever thought about leaving your job  - or you're thinking of leaving right now - this episode is for you! Tune in for a FREE coaching session as we  perform a quick self-check to figure out what to do next! We'll be looking at money, benefits, and environment. Let's evaluate your situation and conduct an assessment to determine your best move, even if that really means leaving your job...ASAP! Chapters [02:04] We'll cover 3 main topics: money, benefits, and environment [03:28] Money is a main motivator [05:30] How we ..read more
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Why YOU Need a Career Coach (#191)
Career Growth Made Easy
by Craig Ancel
6M ago
Why YOU Need a Career Coach Are you excited yet overwhelmed by the new year? Resolutions, goals, commitments, big changes...it can all pile up and feel completely unobtainable. The good news is - you don't have to go through it alone! Professionals, like myself, are here to make your challenges a team effort. In today's episode, let's talk about why everyone, even YOU, needs a career coach. Coaching comes in many forms, so there's certainly a type that best fits your needs. Let's get into it on Career Growth Made Easy!   Chapters [02:05] Coaching comes in many forms.   [02:55] To l ..read more
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