Naomi Watts talks menopause: “Women grin and bear it”
Happy Place
by Fearne Cotton
3d ago
Actor Naomi Watts went through early menopause at 36. She was experiencing symptoms she couldn’t explain, like itchy skin, night sweats, and anxiety, but struggled to find any real information or stories about this midlife transition.   In this chat with Fearne, Naomi explains why she’s become passionate about shining a spotlight on previously taboo topics like fertility, menopause, and sex. She talks about how it felt to be told she was peri-menopausal while she was in the middle of her fertility journey, and how she’s changed her lifestyle to help manage her symptoms.   Fearne and more
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What REALLY happens at therapy?
Happy Place
by Fearne Cotton
1w ago
Do you want to make 2025 the year you start therapy? Maybe you’re still a bit hesitant because you’re not completely sure how it works or what it might feel like... Fearne has pulled together a load of Happy Place chats that will help you get a clearer idea of the benefits of therapy, and in turn make you feel bold enough to send that first booking email. Plus, she talks through the ways therapy has really helped her be more at peace with the past, and stop being so horrible to herself too. You’ll hear from Dr Julie and Owen O’Kane on what the point of therapy is (and isn’t!). Leigh-Anne Pin more
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Millie Mackintosh: “I would drink to forget” Self-esteem, shame, and sobriety
Happy Place
by Fearne Cotton
1w ago
When does a coping mechanism become a problem? Millie Mackintosh talks through the big moments she realised her drinking was affecting both her own health and the people she loves.   In this chat Fearne and Millie cover panic attacks and intrusive thoughts, which can both get particularly bad when secrecy and shame are driving risky behaviours. Then, how do you start to forgive yourself for the things you’re not proud of? And how can you talk to yourself kindly when you fall back into old patterns of behaviour?   Plus, Millie explains how ADHD can interact with addiction, and what sm more
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Sophie Ellis-Bextor: “I’m a healthy amount of delusional!” How to sustain career success
Happy Place
by Fearne Cotton
2w ago
How loud are the voices in your head that tell you you’re definitely going to screw up that big opportunity? Sophie Ellis-Bextor is trying to make a point of talking to herself more kindly.   In this chat, Fearne and Sophie talk about reminding yourself that your thoughts aren’t facts; sometimes you have to override the voice that says you’re not good enough and just get on with it to prove yourself wrong.   Sophie explains why being dropped by her label at 20 encouraged her to take responsibility for her own career, and offers advice on how not to get distracted by what other people more
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“The shame was intense!” How Ben West coped with his brother’s suicide
Happy Place
by Fearne Cotton
3w ago
Ben West was 17 when his younger brother died by suicide. He’s since gone on to become a mental health campaigner, and has found humour can help communicate deeply traumatic messages.   In this chat with Fearne, Ben talks through what signs to look for if you’re concerned about someone’s mental health. Then, how do you break the awkward silence when you both know you need to talk about a big topic like poor mental health? You’ll be able to approach the conversation in a compassionate, rather than confronting, way.   Or, maybe you’re the one keeping big thoughts and feelings inside bu more
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Eat for energy not weight loss! Em the Nutritionist: food impacts mood
Happy Place
by Fearne Cotton
1M ago
Making better food choices isn’t about changing who you are, but about making you the most energetic, vibrant version of you. Emily English, aka Em the Nutritionist, talks through how food directly impacts mood.   In this chat Fearne and Em both share their experiences of having eating disorders. Was it more about weight and appearance or control and secrecy? They also offer advice for those trying to support a loved one who has a difficult relationship with food.   So, how has Em gone from weighing out spinach leaves to piling plates with delicious nutritious foods? Her mindset is a more
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Book Club Meets: Women speaking their minds, with Dame Harriet Walter
Happy Place
by Fearne Cotton
1M ago
Do you find yourself keeping quiet when you have plenty to say? Dame Harriet Walter – who has played 21 of Shakespeare’s female characters – has written She Speaks, which goes between the lines and imagines what Shakespeare’s women might really have wanted to say.   She Speaks was our Happy Place Book Club read for December. In this chat with Fearne, Harriet explains why she felt it was so important to finally let these female characters speak their minds. Harriet also expands on the characters in order to comment on modern day issues like the way ageing women are treated.   Fearne a more
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From panic attacks to psychopaths: Fearne takes you BTS at Happy Place
Happy Place
by Fearne Cotton
1M ago
It’s been a big year on Happy Place! Who was Fearne “shitting her pants” to meet? Who does she want to go for a spicy marg with? And who is she surprised went viral?   In this episode, Fearne reflects on the 2024 episodes that you really resonated with, and that have changed the way she lives her own life too. Plus, she’s got a lot of behind the scenes gossip to share!   You’ll hear from Michelle Keegan about being a happy little hermit at home, Perrie Edwards about coping with panic attacks, and Patric Gagne about being a sociopath. Then, Kate Silverton chats about why kids aren’t more
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Joanne McNally: “I’m problematically independent” Being an introverted extrovert
Happy Place
by Fearne Cotton
1M ago
  Sometimes you have to just power through the self-loathing. Doing stand up comedy has helped Joanne McNally build resilience, take responsibility, and not take things so personally.   In this chat, Fearne and Joanne share experiences of being hyper-independent; but can trusting and relying on yourself go too far? They chat about learning to delegate and ask for help too.   Joanne was adopted as a baby, and she opens up about the process of piecing her identity together when she met her birth parents. Are you able to find the funny in distressing periods of your life? Joanne po more
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Get fillers or age as you are! Caroline Hirons shares the skincare you NEED at every age
Happy Place
by Fearne Cotton
1M ago
Do you feel pressured to look a certain way as you age? CEO and beauty expert Caroline Hirons reckons it’s no one else’s business if you want to get tweakments or simply wash your face at night.   In this chat, Fearne and Caroline pivot looking after your face from something you do to look good... to something you do to feel good. Concerned about the texture or structure of your skin? Caroline clarifies when you might want to get tweakments, and when you just need a solid skincare routine.   Caroline also talks through the effect hormones, diet, alcohol, and stress are having on the more
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