Science on the Radio
"Science on the Radio" is a 90-second science information segment featuring Marvin Druger, retired chair of the Department of Science Teaching and professor of biology and science education at Syracuse University.
Science on the Radio
2y ago
Dr. Marvin Druger talks about the minor planets known as asteroids more
Science on the Radio
2y ago
Dr. Marvin Druger provides valuable information about the kissing bug. An insect with an adorable name, but less than friendly intentions more
Science on the Radio
2y ago
Dr. Marvin Druger takes a deep dive into the ocean to investigate Sponges, and educate us on the complexity of these seemingly simple creatures more
Science on the Radio
2y ago
It's hard to think about Science Fiction without including Star Trek. This week on 'Science on the Radio', Dr. Marvin Druger talks about the show and Captain Kirk's real space voyage more
Science on the Radio
2y ago
Dr. Marvin Druger drops some knowledge on the Chinese space mission Chang’e, which also happens to share a name with a character from Chinese mythology more
Science on the Radio
3y ago
Dr. Marvin Druger looks at some of the scientific advances to came out of World War II more
Science on the Radio
3y ago
This week on Science on the Radio Dr. Marvin Druger discusses Tigers. You’ll find out where the majority of Tigers in the wild are found, why their existence is currently being threatened and more more
Science on the Radio
3y ago
We use our hands each and every day for basic functions, but how much do we really know about how they work? Dr. Marvin Druger explains this week during Science on the Radio more
Science on the Radio
3y ago
We've seen them numerous times on television commercials and movies, but how much do we really know about polar bears? This week on Science on the Radio, Dr. Marvin Druger will tell us how they locate their main food source, how they're being impacted by global warming and more more
Science on the Radio
3y ago
The next generation of wireless technology for cellular networks debuted in late 2019. 5G comes in a number of different speeds but all are a significant upgrade from it's predecessor and enchance the capabilities of our wireless devices more