The Power Platform Show
Welcome to the Power Platform Show. Power platform is basically focusing on Power Apps, Power BI, Power Automate, and Power Virtual Agent. The main goal of this channel is a learning purpose. I will share different tips and tricks.
The Power Platform Show
1y ago
During this short podcast, I will try to explain you what is Microsoft Viva and which are four pillars for Microsoft Viva ..read more
The Power Platform Show
1y ago
Hey everyone, this is Dhruvin and today's podcast we will be talking about what is dashboard in Power BI? So let me talk about what do we mean by dashboard and how it is useful for our business processes. A dashboard is a single place where we can store all the information about the business to monitor and make the decision process faster.
It helps us to ensure all the colleagues are on the same page and viewing and using the same information about the business. This also helps us to monitor the progress of business by analyzing different product review marketing and promotional campaigns.
Now ..read more
The Power Platform Show
1y ago
Hey everyone, this is Dhruvin and in today's podcast we will be talking about what is reporting Power BI, a Power BI report is a combination of pages and visualization. Visualization are either the out of the box visualization or the custom visualization. We can add line, area ,map, KPI, gauge, tree map. Lots of out of the box visualization in Power BI desktop file and prepare some out of the box. Beautiful visualization for our clients.
Now let's talk about the report development process. The very first step that we need to perform in order to develop the Power BI report is that we need to co ..read more
The Power Platform Show
1y ago
Hey everyone, this is Dhruvin. In today's podcast we will be talking about data sets in Power BI. First of all, let's talk about what is dataset?. A data set is a collection of data that we import or connect to. Power BI allows us to connect an import all sort of data set and bring all of it together into a single place.
We can also source the data from dataflows. Datasets are something which associated with the workspace and a single data set can be a part of multiple workspaces. We can open the workspace and check the associated data set under the data Set tab.
Each listed datasets represent ..read more
The Power Platform Show
1y ago
Hey everyone, this is Dhruvin and today we will be talking about what are capacities in Power. BI? Capacities are a core power BI concept which responsible to host and deliver our power BI content capacities are either a shared capacity or a dedicated capacity. Now let's talk about both the capacities in detail.
Shared capacity is shared with other Microsoft customers, while dedicated capacity is fully committed to a single customer. Dedicated capacities requires a subscription, and by default whenever you are creating any workspace, even with the pro license, it is considered as a share ..read more
The Power Platform Show
1y ago
Hey everyone, this is Dhruvin and today we will be talking about what is an app in Power BI? An app is a collection of reports and dashboard. When we wish to share anything with our customer and we don't want to make that editable for the end user. We can share the app with them and the end users and consumers
can easily access our app. One more thing that we need to consider here is whenever we are sharing our app with our consumers, they should have Power BI Pro license activated. If the app is created from the premium capacity then your reception shouldn't require any pro license.&nb ..read more
The Power Platform Show
1y ago
Hey everyone, this is Dhruvin and in today's podcast we will be talking about what our workspaces in Power BI? Workspaces are container for Dashboard reports, data set and data flow in Power BI.
We have two types of workspaces available. One is my workspace and second is workspaces.
My workspace is something which is a personal workspace where we can store our own power BI content. We cannot share anything from our my workspace. For that we need to use a normal workspace. Now what do we mean by Workspace? Let me talk about that.
Workspaces are basically used to collaborate and share your ..read more
The Power Platform Show
1y ago
Hey everyone, this is Dhruvin, and today we will be talking about different elements and building blocks for power BI. Let's first discuss the different elements.
The first element is the Power BI Desktop. Power BI Desktop is a desktop based application where we can develop different power BI report and prepare eye-catching and stunning visualization.
The second component is the Power BI service. Power BI Srvice is a SaaS based application. Using power BI service, we can view our Power BI report on browser or mobile devices.
The third component is Power BI Mobile application Power ..read more
The Power Platform Show
1y ago
Hey everyone, this is Dhruvin and today we will be talking about what is power BI. Power BI is a business intelligence tool developed by Microsoft. We can convert our raw data into meaningful data with the help of Power BI. We can create eye-catching visuals, reports, and dashboards with the help of Power BI.
It also facilities to create eye caching reports, dashboards and visuals.
With that power, BI facilitates to connect any data sources over there.
At this moment we can connect different data sources like File System, Excel, SQL Server, SharePoint Online, Rest APIs, anything with the help ..read more
The Power Platform Show
1y ago
Welcome to the Power Platform Show. The new way of learning the Power Platform concept during free time! Here, I'm going to upload different Power Platform concepts of Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power Virtual Agents in a very easy and effective language. Share your opinion with me on how you like my Podcast series ..read more