Health in a Heartbeat
Health in a Heartbeat is a daily radio series that features two-minute segments providing consumer-health information and the latest news on medical research, patient-care breakthroughs, and healthcare industry trends. The series launched in January 2000 and is available at no charge to public radio stations nationwide. It is a unique project offered by the University of Florida Health in..
Health in a Heartbeat
1w ago
Americans spend billions of dollars on our hair. We shampoo, brush, braid, cut and comb it. Our locks are gelled, moussed, sprayed and blow-dried. Occasionally, our mane coiffed, quiffed and ..read more
Health in a Heartbeat
1w ago
You’re waiting to have surgery, and you’re a nervous wreck. But what if, instead of hospital antiseptic, you smelled lavender? Or maybe eucalyptus? A new study from the University of ..read more
Health in a Heartbeat
1w ago
If you’re feeling the post-holiday blues, you might want to consider adding a new form of exercise into your routine. Research suggests that regularly attending a yoga class can help ..read more
Health in a Heartbeat
1w ago
We navigate our lives with words and learn the proper language etiquette for many situations. It can, admittedly, be a minefield. After all, words have a habit of flying off ..read more
Health in a Heartbeat
1w ago
For some, drinking red wine brings on a thundering headache. And it’s not the morning-after hangover from a night of Merlot madness. Red-wine headaches can come on strong less than ..read more
Health in a Heartbeat
1w ago
Ask the family doctor if you’ll live longer by exercising and expect a quick answer: Of course. That’s a no-brainer well established by medical science. Ask exactly how much longer ..read more
Health in a Heartbeat
2w ago
For more than 50 years, the mantra for reducing the risk of premature death was taking 10,000 steps a day. The idea persisted, even though it lacked a lot of ..read more
Health in a Heartbeat
2w ago
As many of us know, loneliness is different than being alone. But when does solitary time start to correlate with loneliness? It turns out that science has an answer. People ..read more
Health in a Heartbeat
2w ago
If your goal for the year is to eat healthier and exercise more, you might want to focus first on getting some shut-eye. Research suggests that getting a good night’s ..read more
Health in a Heartbeat
2w ago
For a certain subset, little compares to the thrill of a thrift-store find. A pair of Dolce & Gabanna pants marked down to a squeal-worthy price. Or maybe it’s a ..read more