Great Lakes in Peril: Invasives, pollution, climate change
The Environment Report
by Lester Graham
7M ago
When you visit one of the Great Lakes, whether it’s a sandy beach or a rocky coastline, it’s hard to imagine how something so big could be affected so profoundly by alien invasive species, or pollution, or climate change more
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"Water is life" is the theme of Day 1 of protests to shut down Enbridge Line 5
The Environment Report
by Lester Graham
7M ago
On Thursday, environmental groups and Native Americans plan to present Enbridge Energy with symbolic eviction notices. They want Enbridge to abide by Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s order to shut down Line 5 in the Straits of Mackinac more
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On eve of Line 5 shutdown deadline, Enbridge vows to defy Michigan order
The Environment Report
by Lester Graham
7M ago
Enbridge Energy technically has one more day to shut down the Line 5 pipeline in the Straits of Mackinac, but even the pipeline’s most vocal opponents acknowledge slim odds that the oil actually stops flowing right away more
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Plastic debris is getting into the Great Lakes, our drinking water, and our food
The Environment Report
by Lester Graham
7M ago
There’s been a lot of news about the amount of plastic debris in the oceans. But plastic pollution is also affecting the Great Lakes. A study out of the Rochester Institute of Technology estimates 22 million pounds of plastic debris enters the Great Lakes from the U.S. and Canada each year more
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Scientists concerned about the bottom of the food web in the Great Lakes
The Environment Report
by Lester Graham
7M ago
Right now, scientists are on a ship taking samples and measurements of the Great Lakes. They’re trying to determine how the lakes will fare this year and watching for trends more
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Is the Line 5 tunnel a bridge to Michigan's energy future or a bad deal?
The Environment Report
by Lester Graham
7M ago
As Canadian officials lobbied a Michigan Senate committee in March to keep the Line 5 pipeline open, Sen. Winnie Brinks (D-Grand Rapids) grew frustrated with a conversation that, up to that point, had focused mainly on the immediate economic and safety implications of a possible shutdown more
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Some cities are turning to natural infrastructure to deal with extreme rain events
The Environment Report
by Lester Graham
7M ago
Climate change in the Great Lakes region means more intense storms. Already some towns are finding they’re flooding where they never have before. One city in Michigan is finding the solution is nature more
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Wetlands can help prevent property damage and save lives during floods
The Environment Report
by Lester Graham
7M ago
Midland and other cities were hit hard by a flood caused by heavy rains and the failure of a weak dam more
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Climate change is affecting the kind of fish you can catch in Michigan's inland lakes
The Environment Report
by Lester Graham
7M ago
Parts of Watkins Lake State Park and County Preserve in Michigan are off limits for much of the year because it’s a waterfowl refuge. But in winter time, if it’s cold enough, you can go ice fishing more
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Michigan rivers changing due to climate disruption
The Environment Report
by Lester Graham
7M ago
It’s freezing outside and Larry Scheer is in neoprene chest waders kicking up sediment in Boyden Creek near Ann Arbor, Michigan more
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