The fortnightly show dedicated to food and drink produced and enjoyed in and around Cambridge.
2d ago
A cafe, bar and arts space that help to honour the legacy of Syd Barrett. Inder (ex-Inder’s Kitchen) returns with a pop up of Indian food. Details of a Latin ..read more
2w ago
A stunningly stylish, deliciously different new café opens in the centre of Cambridge whilst another celebrates its first 25 years. Meanwhile, a café in Mill Road has new owners and ..read more
1M ago
A look back at some of the stories we covered in 2024: the local food trucks, markets, coffee shops, bakers, writers, growers beekeepers, cattle, providers of free food and chefs ..read more
2M ago
The Mill Road Winter Fair cancellation and how it affected traders. A home bakery leaves Washington DC and opens in Cambridge. What the people of Cambridge and local chefs and ..read more
2M ago
Food and drink at the Mill Road Winter Fair. Christmas dinner wine recommendations. Winter Foraging. A trip to Trumpington Allotments. Plus, lots of food news, including a top Cambridge chef ..read more
2M ago
On the track of The Wandering Herd, finding out why their meat is world class and how to get your hands on some. Tristan Welch on what he’s been up ..read more
3M ago
A Supper Club begins in Gwydir Street. We catch up with Tine Roche of Cambridge Cookery. There’s wine recommendations to go with game. We talk about the Cows on Cambridge’s ..read more
3M ago
A highly regarded local chef who adjusts the flavour of a dish by how it smells whilst cooking. A visit to Northstowe Tap and Social to find out how it ..read more
4M ago
Ellimatta, a highly praised new cafe set up by a couple new to this country with no local food links, no previous experience and who make almost everything themselves. How ..read more
5M ago
A celebration of the Cambridge Cheese Company’s 30th anniversary; a look at how it has developed over the years, and at its new initiative enabling customers to try items they’ve ..read more