The Maddams-cast
Join Tim Maddams on an audio journey and meet people who do cool things with food, are passionate about it and the ways it is produced. There will be farmers, cooks, growers, foragers and hunters, fisherman and foodie fact finding boffins, lots of laughs and hopefully some great ideas too.
The Maddams-cast
1y ago
Hi Folks - Huge thanks as ever for listening
You can find out more about larder box here
Charmaine chose
good Taste as here food book, She would like to drink a Louder martini - and she has nominated Tom Herbert of The Long Table as a future guest.
I very much hope you all enjoy the episode!  ..read more
The Maddams-cast
1y ago
Chatty and Knowledgeable Josh Joins us to change his three things about the world of food AND offer us 15% off his fab product - tune in to find out more.
Josh Nominated Amelia from the Bold bean company as a future guest
The book he recommends is Quench Your own thirst by Jim Coch
And like to be drinking IVO from Orbit beers
You can find out more about MOMO Kombucha HERE and get 15% off using code MADDAMS15. ENJOY ..read more
The Maddams-cast
1y ago
Gander app was developed in relation to food waste at smaller retailers - the founders of the app wanted to connect people in real time to reductions on items in shops close to them - what a great idea!
Stacey recommended "The Green Grocer" as his food book and also mentioned "The Cranks cook book"
He would drink a crispy cold Devon Red cider whilst reading it and he has nominated Harriet Lamb from WRAP as a future guest.
  ..read more
Wylde Market curator Nick Jefferson Joins me to tell us about what he does, and chance three things.
The Maddams-cast
1y ago
After 6 years of family life abroad Nick returned to the UK and was enraged at the lack of availability of incredible produce - not one to sit about and moan, he started Wylde Market - a virtual weekly market connecting foragers, producers and artisans with eager foodies looking for the good stuff - an inspired idea!
Nick would like to end the tyranny of the supermarkets, their long supply chains and their vicarious ownership of farms. He would also PLEASE like to find some eco friendly vac pack bags that actually work. He also wants kids to learn to cook - at school, at home, any ..read more
The Maddams-cast
1y ago
Listen as Thom talks about the three things he'd like to change about the world of food, with plenty of laughs along the way, and far too many interruptions from me. Theme Park attendance is not compulsory!
Thom would love to sup a pint of Guinness whilst reading The complete Robuchon
He has nominated Marco Piere White as a future guest on the pod.
Thanks as ever to Purple Planet music - for the open source tunes.  ..read more
The Maddams-cast
2y ago
Farmed salmon looks like a great choice on the face of things, as everyone knows the wild salmon are in big trouble - but delve beneath the surface of the open net sea farm cages and the murky underbelly is apparently less appetising than we thought......
Matt chose an Espresso Martini as his nice of drink, his food book choice was Simple and his nomination was Doug McMasters
You can find out all about the Off the Table Campaign and Wild Fish Conservation here
Thanks as always to Purple Planet for the tunes.
  ..read more
The Maddams-cast
2y ago
You can find out all about Jack via his site Over here!
He is also over on Insta - and well worth a follow.
He chose to change Silly foodie fads, the amount of Ceremony around food and wants to also reimagine the way we interact with food, particularly in an educational setting.You can find his latest book all about Vermouth Over there
Enjoy the Pod - and support via Patreon if you fancy it.  ..read more
The Maddams-cast
2y ago
We bounce around from Reconnecting people with food to Localism and Communities, Counter cuisine comes up which is quite a buzz phrase right now. A fun and lively chat from her base in Spain.
Anisha chose to read Kitchen Floyd's "Taste of Floyd and to sip at a cider based version of the classic Sangria - "sidra sangria" which sounds delightful and she nominated Amitabh Bachchan as a future guest on the pod cast!
Anisha has her own podcast called Naughty Bites and is editor for Food unfolded, an EU funded food media site with some amazing content.  ..read more
The Maddams-cast
2y ago
The brilliantly talented Catherine Phipps joins me to change her three things and does so very convincingly despite my getting the name of her new book wrong, constantly interrupting and generally making a hash of things.
You can find out more about Catherine via Insta @ctherinephipps or Twitter @catlillycooks here latest book is available here
Thanks as always to the brilliant Purple Planet  ..read more
The Maddams-cast
3y ago
Lynn and her Partner Sandra took the plunge and left the old rat race behind - purchasing a large Highland hill croft - Their story is available in the fantastic new book Our Wild Farming Life
Lynn has some seriously good ideas on how to improve the world of food and for her final task has nominated Kirsten from the Bothy Bakery would like to drink a nice cold Black Isle Brewery organic "Pale 21" IPA whilst reading and cooking from the Hairy Bikers Curry book ..read more