Hacking Emotional Intelligence
If you're looking for more connection and respect at work, a stellar performance review, or a prestigious promotion, this podcast is for you. Join author and host Tyler Small, founder and CEO of The 5-Star Approach, who has 10+ years of experience as a Learning and Leadership Development guru, has coached hundreds of leaders, and has designed learning experiences for hundreds of thousands..
Hacking Emotional Intelligence
3y ago
YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE UNIVERSE - Tyler talks with Hetty Roach about her amazing personal experiences with positive thinking, the law of attraction, and intentionally opening herself to the universe. You can connect with Hetty Roach by searching YouTube and Instagram for H.E.R. Positive Thoughts. Follow The 5-Star Approach on: • LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-5-star-approach • Facebook https://www.facebook.com/5starapproach • Instagram https://www.instagram.com/5starapproach ..read more
Hacking Emotional Intelligence
3y ago
EQ AT WORK, EQ AT HOME - Don’t miss this engaging conversation! Tyler swaps provocative questions and thoughtful answers with guest Whitney Johnson: author, speaker, trainer, coach, disrupter & EQ master. Whitney Johnson is the CEO of human capital consultancy Disruption Advisors, an Inc. 5000 2020 fastest-growing private company in America. One of the fifty leading business thinkers in the world (#14) as named by Thinkers50, Whitney and her team are expert at helping people grow their people to grow their organization. She was a LinkedIn Top Voice in 2020, and hosts the weekly Disrupt You ..read more
Hacking Emotional Intelligence
4y ago
WAS IT SOMETHING I SAID? In this episode, Tyler explores how we sometimes -- okay, usually -- share some responsibility for the conflicts that involve us. AND for solving them. Follow The 5-Star Approach on: • LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-5-star-approach • Facebook https://www.facebook.com/5starapproach • Instagram https://www.instagram.com/5starapproach ..read more
Hacking Emotional Intelligence
4y ago
WISE WORDS - Tyler talks with Michelle Melendez about her life, relationships, EQ and more. So much goodness in this feature-length episode! Here are some topic timestamps: 0:01:47 - growing up in truly rural Alaska 0:10:16 - leaving home for a wider world 0:20:56 - a 6-year-old suddenly enters her life 0:24:04 - abuse, growth & forgiveness 0:33:06 - change & rolling with the punches 0:39:52 - the blended family grows 0:49:44 - culture, communication, discipline, authority 1:06:40 - emotional intelligence, listening & being real 1:18:59 - nutrition, health, Lupus + a plug for Isage ..read more
Hacking Emotional Intelligence
4y ago
“I MADE A LOT OF MISTAKES” - Tyler talks with a former colleague and mentor, Evan Pincus, about Emotional Intelligence as a differentiator, and the journey of personal EQ development. Follow The 5-Star Approach on: • LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-5-star-approach • Facebook https://www.facebook.com/5starapproach • Instagram https://www.instagram.com/5starapproach ..read more
Hacking Emotional Intelligence
4y ago
RELATIONSHIPS THAT FEEL LIKE BATTLES? Do you feel some of the people in your life are on an opposing team? Tyler extrapolates from a rewarding experience when he chose to cross the line from resisting to collaborating. Follow The 5-Star Approach on: • LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-5-star-approach • Facebook https://www.facebook.com/5starapproach • Instagram https://www.instagram.com/5starapproach ..read more
Hacking Emotional Intelligence
4y ago
STUBBORN! We’ve all been there. Can you appreciate an opinion that’s very different from your own? In this episode, Tyler considers the potential connection between being stubborn and not respecting the opinions of others. Follow The 5-Star Approach on: • LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-5-star-approach • Facebook https://www.facebook.com/5starapproach • Instagram https://www.instagram.com/5starapproach ..read more
Hacking Emotional Intelligence
4y ago
POOP & ROCKS! How can you avoid the tempting “us-against-them” mentality? In this episode, Tyler discusses the tremendous importance of Perspective Taking. Follow The 5-Star Approach on: • LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-5-star-approach • Facebook https://www.facebook.com/5starapproach • Instagram https://www.instagram.com/5starapproach ..read more
Hacking Emotional Intelligence
4y ago
“THAT’S RIDICULOUS!” - Has anyone asked you to do something that seemed completely ridiculous? What did you do? Tyler has a few ideas for using such moments to build the relationship. Follow The 5-Star Approach on: • LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-5-star-approach • Facebook https://www.facebook.com/5starapproach • Instagram https://www.instagram.com/5starapproach ..read more
Hacking Emotional Intelligence
4y ago
STORY MATCHING? INTENTIONAL METAPHORS? How can you avoid putting people in boxes? Or move past how an experience made you feel to appreciate what it did for you? Andrew Webb returns to share several “Micro-Behaviors” that can boost your emotional intelligence. Check out Andrew’s excellent podcast at: https://mymicrobehaviors.com/the-pod ..read more