You Play Rugby?
Meet the University of Leeds Women's Rugby Union Team. Join us as we delve deeper into the world of Women's Rugby, discovering our club and sport's origins, discussing our rugby experiences and stories, and get to know the weird, wacky and wonderful that is LUUWRUFC.
You Play Rugby?
1y ago
We're finally online discussing our 2022/23 Women's rugby season! Tune in as our Club captain (Aleena) talks with our future club captain (you guessed it, Tash) about all things rugby, club growth and development, with a *sprinkle* of Uni and fun ..read more
You Play Rugby?
1y ago
In this episode we were lucky enough to interview Marlie Packer on her rugby career, advice and an insight into her game day. You asked the questions, she answered! She's represented England since 2008 and with over 70 England 15s appearances, she's the real deal. You don't want to miss this ..read more
You Play Rugby?
1y ago
In this episode, we're joined with Izzy Mackinnon (last season's Treasurer) as we discuss balancing rugby and your university degree or work life. We discuss making time for training, committee responsibilities, the all important tour and all the other opportunities the club and rugby has to offer ..read more
You Play Rugby?
1y ago
In this episode, two of your favourite LUUWRUFC members discuss their experience of the growth of the game alongside how rugby has changed their life... and ultimately, will change yours ..read more
You Play Rugby?
1y ago
In discussion with James Woodward, we'll be exploring concussion, ACL injuries and the physical differences between men and women in rugby. We'll be looking into how this impacts injury rates and the women's game as a whole, as well as the implications this has for the future of women's rugby ..read more
You Play Rugby?
1y ago
In this episode we discuss and debunk questions every female rugby player is asked, as well general misconceptions about female sport. Yes we're allowed to tackle and we play on a full size pitch, and no we haven't lost any teeth ..read more
You Play Rugby?
1y ago
Join us on our first episode with guest Carol Isherwood as we discuss the origins of the University of Leeds Women's Rugby Union Team, her international Rugby Union career, the evolution of Women's Rugby Union as a sport and gain some top class advice from the woman who essentially made Women's Rugby Union what it is today ..read more
You Play Rugby?
4y ago
In this episode we were lucky enough to interview Marlie Packer on her rugby career, advice and an insight into her game day. You asked the questions, she answered! She's represented England since 2008 and with over 70 England 15s appearances, she's the real deal. You don't want to miss this ..read more
You Play Rugby?
4y ago
In this episode, we're joined with Izzy Mackinnon (last season's Treasurer) as we discuss balancing rugby and your university degree or work life. We discuss making time for training, committee responsibilities, the all important tour and all the other opportunities the club and rugby has to offer ..read more
You Play Rugby?
4y ago
In this episode, two of your favourite LUUWRUFC members discuss their experience of the growth of the game alongside how rugby has changed their life... and ultimately, will change yours ..read more