A Musical Gift for You!
Harpist Anne Roos' Blog
by Anne Roos
3y ago
I am working on a brand new, full-length album! This music has been a long time coming. I am working with the talents of flutist David Blonski and Grammy® Award Winning recording engineer Michael Eardley. As we head into 2022, this album will be in its third year of production. Why is it taking so ..read more
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Where Have I Been?
Harpist Anne Roos' Blog
by Anne Roos
3y ago
I can’t believe that I’ve taken an entire year to write in this blog after my crazy promise of last year… No, my website and blog wasn’t ransomed and stolen, as it was last year. I just didn’t write. I promise to add a bit here and there, and make this more of a running ..read more
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Returning from the Land of the Lost Blog
Harpist Anne Roos' Blog
by Anne Roos
4y ago
A LOT has happened since the last blog article that appears here…. January of last year. Yikes! What happened??? Did I take a vacation from blog writing? Sort of. To encourage myself to write a bit more often, my future posts may be shorter (unless I get going on a meaty topic). I also removed ..read more
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Unbelievable Secrets to a Long Life (Can Music Be One of Them?)
Harpist Anne Roos' Blog
by Anne Roos
4y ago
I marvel at the life of Richard A. Overton, who lived to 112 years of age. His recipe for a long life was that he just did whatever made him feel good. Twelve cigars per day and maybe more (but he didn’t inhale), four cups of coffee each morning with a shot of whiskey (to ..read more
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How to Use Music to Rescue Conversation
Harpist Anne Roos' Blog
by Anne Roos
4y ago
We live in contentious times. Friendships can be blown to smithereens by holding a contrary political stance or religious belief, carrying strong social opinions, or simply disagreeing about whether the earth is round or flat. Is there a way to hold a healthy conversation while accepting differences, understanding that we are good human beings behind ..read more
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Unraveling the Mystery to Creativity
Harpist Anne Roos' Blog
by Anne Roos
4y ago
Gioachino Rossini composed music at the blink of an eye. He boasted that he wrote “The Barber of Seville”, one of the greatest comic operas ever, in only 13 days. He wrote the overture to “The Thieving Magpie” the same day it opened on stage. What was his secret to lightning-fast creativity? Even if you ..read more
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Keeping Up Appearances
Harpist Anne Roos' Blog
by Anne Roos
4y ago
Regardless of whether I’m sitting behind my harp or not, I’m not allowed to have a “bad hair day”. I’ve got to look simply mahvelous, dahling, whenever I walk out the front door. I can’t look out-of-sorts even when I’m puttering around town grocery shopping, visiting the bank, and running other mundane errands. Am I ..read more
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The Top 10 Ways to Use Live Harp Music
Harpist Anne Roos' Blog
by Anne Roos
4y ago
Like superheros, harpists swoop down to save the day. We appear as if from nowhere, brandishing an instrument that has the power to alter mood and atmosphere. We look like your ordinary Clark Kent until we wield our harps and go out into the world to do good! Harpists may be as rare as other ..read more
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Music for the Coolest Party
Harpist Anne Roos' Blog
by Anne Roos
4y ago
The unexpected makes a party memorable. Guests talk about it for months afterwards around the water cooler and for years afterwards at family get-togethers. My Aunt Dorothy fell into the pool, fully clothed, at a backyard party, but that’s not the kind of surprise I’m hinting at…Of course, I’m talking about the music! Coming up ..read more
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Ridiculous and Not-So-Ridiculous Requests
Harpist Anne Roos' Blog
by Anne Roos
4y ago
I love a good challenge. I get bored playing the same set list over and over again. So long ago, I stepped up to the plate and accepted music requests, playing whatever my audience wants to hear. This can invite trouble, though… My wedding couples deliver their music selections to me well in advance so ..read more
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