Spring Tea Party
Living With Thanksgiving
11M ago
I am happy to be a guest blogger for Tea on Tuesday with Pam@Everydayliving and Mary @Homeiswheretheboatis.  Tea on Tuesday takes place on the third Tuesday of each month. At the end of this post you will find images and links to their beautiful posts. "The spirit of the tea beverage is one of peace, comfort, and refinement." Arthur Gray  My spring garden is bursting with blooms and signs of spring. The air is redolent with the fragrance of Confederate Jasmine and it is a gorgeous spring day. The birdsong is delightful. It is the kind of day you dream of during the dead of wi ..read more
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Celebrating Valentine's Day
Living With Thanksgiving
1y ago
Welcome to a  pretend Valentine celebration. It has been a long time since I have posted. There are times you just need a rest and the time to regroup. I've set the table for eight  today to celebrate Valentine's Day. It would make a perfect Galentine table with red and white with gold accents and a little pink. One of these days I am going to have a real Galentine party. The camellias  in my centerpiece all came from my garden and it was a thrill for me to create arrangements from my garden. We had a hard freeze forecast and my bushes were full of blooms and many buds. So I ..read more
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Summertime Tea
Living With Thanksgiving
1y ago
Join me in the garden today for tea and macaroons. I am happy to be a guest blogger for Tea on Tuesday with Pam@Everyday Living and Mary@ Homeiswheretheboatis. Pam and Mary share teatimes on the third Tuesday of each month.     "If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden." Frances Hodgson Burnett. It is cool in my shady garden. You can see the overhead canopy of trees reflecting in the mirror tray. "God Almighty first planted a garden. And indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures." Sir Frances Bacon The vintage Chintz teapot was a ..read more
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Summer Blessings
Living With Thanksgiving
1y ago
Happy June! Our weather has been glorious, with beautiful spring-like weather. As Southerners, we know the humidity is coming soon, but we will enjoy it for as long as possible. Today, I am joining blogging friends and fellow table stylists for a summer tablescape blog hop sponsored by Rita @Panoply.  Twenty total bloggers are participating. Thank you, Rita, for organizing these hops. I've set the table on the patio today using my favorite colors, which are blue and white. I've added a little green color and texture using Bordello Pinheiro chargers. I chose an Asian planter w ..read more
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Monday Morning Blooms
Living With Thanksgiving
1y ago
I am honored to be invited to be a 'guest bloomer' for Monday Morning Blooms.  Pam, Mary, and Lidy are very talented floral designers that showcase their talent on the first Monday of every month. Click on the links below to view their beautiful posts.  The theme today is watering cans. I am so happy to join them for this edition of Monday Morning Blooms. My original plans for this post changed as the wonderful cool morning progressed. My shady garden works well for gardenias, hydrangeas, and other shade-loving plants. I had a delightful time cutting flowers and greenery a ..read more
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Easter Fun
Living With Thanksgiving
2y ago
Today, I am joining twenty other bloggers for a Spring/Easter Tablescape Blog Hop sponsored by Rita@Panoply. Our weather has been beautiful, so I set the table in my garden for the blog hop. Join me as we celebrate spring and Easter. Thank you, Rita, for all you do organizing the tablescape hops! You do a fabulous job.    White hydrangeas accented with pink carnations were arranged in a vintage basket borrowed from a dear friend and placed on a pastel stripe napkin for the centerpiece. Spring has arrived in south Alabama. The azaleas, dogwoods, spirea, flowering trees, and&nb ..read more
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Let Me Call You Sweetheart
Living With Thanksgiving
2y ago
Valentine's Day is fast approaching. In thinking about Valentine's Day, I remembered a song my parents were fond of named,  Let Me Call You Sweetheart. The song was written in 1910 and Bing Crosby made the song very popular in 1945, the year my parents married.  Let me call you sweetheart I'm in love with you Let me hear you whisper That you love me too Keep the love light glowing  In your eyes so blue Let me call you Sweetheart I'm in love with you Beth Slater Whitson- Lyrics Leo Freedman- Music Welcome to a Valentine Tablescape blog hop sponsored by Rita @Pa ..read more
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Thankful and Blessed
Living With Thanksgiving
2y ago
Blessings to everyone today! Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. Today, I am joining Rita @Panoply and a sweet and talented group of bloggers for a Thanksgiving Tablescape Blog Hop. Thank you Rita, for organizing this tablescape hop. I appreciate all your hard work. At the end of this post, there will be links to bloggers participating in this Thanksgiving  Tablescape Blog Hop. Give them some love and leave them a comment.  I named my blog post, Thankful and Blessed because I am very thankful and feel blessed to be a part of this group of table stylists as well ..read more
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An Autumn Tea
Living With Thanksgiving
2y ago
Today, I  am joining my friends Pam at Everyday Living and Mary at Home is Where the Boat is, as a guest blogger, for Tea on Tuesdays. They share this fun virtual treat on the third Tuesday of each month. At the end of this post, there will be links to view their beautiful and creative posts for Tea on Tuesdays. I'm setting up an Autumn tea time in my garden. The weather is glorious. I chose a brass container for flowers and found golden mums, persimmon Shasta daises, ruby-tinged peach roses, chartreuse button mums, and limelights cut from my garden that have turned from whi ..read more
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Fall Vibes
Living With Thanksgiving
2y ago
I'm glad you joined me today for the Welcome Fall Tablescape Blog hop.  This blog hop is sponsored by Rita @Panoply We appreciate all of Rita's work and organization in keeping this group together. It is hard to believe that fall is on the way soon. It is slower to feel like fall in the deep south because it is still very warm here.  This vintage Provencal tablecloth was bought in Provence, in 1997, by my mother-in-law. I deliberately chose to keep the table simple without chargers or placemats to be able to view the design of the  tablecloth.  T ..read more
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