The Physiatry Podcast
The Physiatry Podcast - we talk about all aspects of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation, Pain Management, Traumatic Brain Injury and Sports Medicine all in one! We focus on the latest unbiased data, and talk to the experts in the field.
The Physiatry Podcast
2M ago
Today we have Jason Sisernos, who is the Chief Infrastructure Officer of Nurish.me and who works with the SERT ministries and the Slave Free project.
Save 20% on the products with Nurish.me with the code PHP20 ..read more
The Physiatry Podcast
2M ago
COVID psychosis is a rare phenomenon. But, the psychosis is due to multiple things. Could it be due to COVID? Well, yes. How about other reasons? Well, yes. Listen to the podcast to find out more! Dr. Ramchandani talks about multiple different causes of COVID psychosis ..read more
The Physiatry Podcast
2M ago
Over the Counter Pain Medications. Dr. Ramchandani talks about Aspirin, acetaminophen, diclofenac, ibuprofen and naproxen. These are all important medications to us, more information about these medications and some history behind them ..read more
The Physiatry Podcast
2M ago
COVID-19 Long Haulers. Rehabilitation, long term fatigue, and long term issues with patients that develop COVID.   ..read more
The Physiatry Podcast
2M ago
Sleep, what's the big deal about sleep? Why am I not sleeping? Some tips on Sleep Hygiene and increasing sleep duration. Does sleep worsen chronic pain?
Also a brief update of COVID 19. Why not to be scared. Whats the big deal?
Thank you for listening!
http://cdc.gov ..read more
The Physiatry Podcast
3M ago
Dr. Ramchandani Discusses the Buffalo Bills - Damar Hamlin Injury and Commatio Cordis. What is Commatio Cordis? Why does it happen?
Please donate to Damar Hamlin's GoFundMe - https://www.gofundme.com/f/mxksc-the-chasing-ms-foundation-community-toy-drive
Mayo Clinic Website: Commatio Cordis: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/sudden-cardiac-arrest/symptoms-causes/syc-20350634 ..read more
The Physiatry Podcast
3M ago
Dr. Ramchandani discusses ankle sprains, ankle injuries, high ankles sprains, Maisonneuve fractures, and more information about ankle sprains! Enjoy!
#Carloscorrea, #anklesprain, #MaisonneuveFracture, #fibularfracture, #highanklesprain, #ankleinjuries ..read more
The Physiatry Podcast
3M ago
Dr. Ramchandani discusses POST COVID-19 Syndrome and what to do to avoid it.
There are many resources including the PASC website - https://pascdashboard.aapmr.org
Linked from this website are many resources that may help find some information about it! Talk to your doctor if you are suffering from POST COVID-19 Syndrome.   ..read more
The Physiatry Podcast
3M ago
Dr. Ramchandani goes into depth about Monkeypox including the chances of you getting the disease, the possible treatments, the vaccines and how is it different than the COVID-19 Pandemic.
CDC website for Monkeypox:
UK website for Monkeypox:
https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/monkeypox ..read more
The Physiatry Podcast
3M ago
Dr. Ramchandani returns after a 4 month break speaking about diet and exercise and how to loose weight in the right way using the keys to macro nutrients.   ..read more