2 Guys 0 Planners
2 guys, halfway around the world from each other, talk about stationery with the occasional guest.
2 Guys 0 Planners
1M ago
This week, we talk about why things got delayed, Yvgenii finally talked about audio gear, and the guys talk about photography and pen shop options in Germany.
Pen Chalet: Go to Pen Chalet. Click on the Podcast link at the top of the page. Enter the code “2guys”, and take advantage of some amazing deals and a site wide coupon. Thank you to Pen Chalet for sponsoring 2 Guys 0 Planners.
Email: ask2g0p@gmail.com
WA Bus Comp
Phil Bebbington
Yvgenii's pictures
6x17 panoramic pinhole camera
Pentax 17
Stationery haul from Heidelberg
Yvgenii's LinksYvgenii.com
Urban ..read more
2 Guys 0 Planners
3M ago
This week, we sort of rushed through a recording so I (Yvgenii) could go be democratic. Before that though, we talked about certain pen drama of old, inks that look like drinks, and the loss of one of my favorite papers. Oh, Urban is also MacGyver.
Pen Chalet: Go to Pen Chalet. Click on the Podcast link at the top of the page. Enter the code “2guys”, and take advantage of some amazing deals and a site wide coupon. Thank you to Pen Chalet for sponsoring 2 Guys 0 Planners.
Email: ask2g0p@gmail.com
Goulet Pens Megathread
Mitsubishi Has Discontinued Bank Paper and Spica Bo ..read more
2 Guys 0 Planners
5M ago
This week, the guys get really sidetracked by school…or the process of going back to it. Also, this episode was recorded before the news about a particular pen retailer and their unfolding issues emerged. I just forgot to post this episode in a timely manner. Urban and I will probably be discussing it next episode.
Pen Chalet: Go to Pen Chalet. Click on the Podcast link at the top of the page. Enter the code “2guys”, and take advantage of some amazing deals and a site wide coupon. Thank you to Pen Chalet for sponsoring 2 Guys 0 Planners.
Email: ask2g0p@gmail.com
Pentax ..read more
2 Guys 0 Planners
7M ago
This week, Urban is back from vacation and has been rather busy working on FPC Ink. At the time of release, I can already tell you that I regret the things I suggested in this episode.
Pen Chalet: Go to Pen Chalet. Click on the Podcast link at the top of the page. Enter the code “2guys”, and take advantage of some amazing deals and a site wide coupon. Thank you to Pen Chalet for sponsoring 2 Guys 0 Planners.
Email: ask2g0p@gmail.com
FPC Blog - Speeding up the site
FPC Blog - Tags tags tags!
FPC Blog - New columns for pens
FPC - Pens leaderboard
FPC Blog - First steps t ..read more
2 Guys 0 Planners
9M ago
This week, the guys stick to their schedule, record an episode on time, and manage to get off topic so many times that it was both really easy and really hard to pick a title for this one.
Pen Chalet: Go to Pen Chalet. Click on the Podcast link at the top of the page. Enter the code “2guys”, and take advantage of some amazing deals and a site wide coupon. Thank you to Pen Chalet for sponsoring 2 Guys 0 Planners.
Email: ask2g0p@gmail.com
Sunspot Photos
Lackluster Aurora
Photos for Sale
Warm Audio WA73eq
Warm Audio BusComp
Yvgenii's LinksYvgenii.comPatreon
Urban's LinksM ..read more
2 Guys 0 Planners
1y ago
Holy Carp! It’s two episodes in two months! Sorry for the clickbait on the last title. The podcast isn’t going anywhere. If anything, Urban and I are planning on bringing more episodes to you this year and beyond. This time around, we discuss Lamy shenanigans and I try to describe Palworld without feeling like a horrible human being.
Pen Chalet: Go to Pen Chalet. Click on the Podcast link at the top of the page. Enter the code “2guys”, and take advantage of some amazing deals and a site wide coupon. Thank you to Pen Chalet for sponsoring 2 Guys 0 Planners.
Email: ask2g ..read more
2 Guys 0 Planners
1y ago
This week we talk about burnout, where we’ve been, and some things other than pens. The show notes are short for this one.
Pen Chalet: Go to Pen Chalet. Click on the Podcast link at the top of the page. Enter the code “2guys”, and take advantage of some amazing deals and a site wide coupon. Thank you to Pen Chalet for sponsoring 2 Guys 0 Planners.
Email: ask2g0p@gmail.com
Yvgenni’s YouTubeUrban’s pens for saleFPnibs flex nibsCute guinea pig from Urban’s herd
Yvgenii's LinksYvgenii.comPatreon
Urban's LinksMastodonInstagramFPCPatreon
**Patron Thanks**
Todd S.
Urban H ..read more
2 Guys 0 Planners
1y ago
This week we talk about a whole bunch of randomness from video games, to Guinea Pigs, to pens arriving late. It was a good conversation and it’s nice to see we can do one of these per month again! YAY!
Pen Chalet: Go to Pen Chalet. Click on the Podcast link at the top of the page. Enter the code “2guys”, and take advantage of some amazing deals and a site wide coupon. Thank you to Pen Chalet for sponsoring 2 Guys 0 Planners.
Email: ask2g0p@gmail.com
Guinea pig YouTube channelSchon Monoc nibSchon Pocket SixFranklin-Christoph 66Baldur’s Gate 3 Genital Options By RacePeli ..read more
2 Guys 0 Planners
1y ago
Hey! It didn’t take us 7 months to get to this episode. Join us as we talk about AI, Pen Sales, Dog Fur, and other Randomness. I really don’t know why I capitalized those words, but I’m just going to run with it.
Pen Chalet: Go to Pen Chalet. Click on the Podcast link at the top of the page. Enter the code “2guys”, and take advantage of some amazing deals and a site wide coupon. Thank you to Pen Chalet for sponsoring 2 Guys 0 Planners.
Email: ask2g0p@gmail.com
Yvgenii’s latest videoAtoma discbound notebooksDiscbound hole punchEndless Creative BlockIssues with Endless R ..read more
2 Guys 0 Planners
1y ago
Has it really been almost 7 months since the last episode?!?! I guess it has. Thank you for hanging in there during our pseudo-hiatus. I think we have a recording on the calendar here soon, so join us for this brief “what have we been doing” episode and let’s see if we can get another one in the can sooner rather than later.
Pen Chalet: Go to Pen Chalet. Click on the Podcast link at the top of the page. Enter the code “2guys”, and take advantage of some amazing deals and a site wide coupon. Thank you to Pen Chalet for sponsoring 2 Guys 0 Planners.
Email: ask2g0p@gmail ..read more