“The Strident Conservative” is a two minute daily commentary focusing on the news and issues relevant to Conservatives and the Constitution. With a focus on holding our political and spiritual leaders accountable for the decline of American greatness, we are an equal-opportunity critic, holding members of every political stripe accountable.
2d ago
In the fiction book 1984, George Orwell wrote about the day when liberty is destroyed by "The Party." Today, his vision is no longer fiction more
4d ago
Trump was elected to fix the illegal immigration problem, but like Obama, he will save DACA, DREAMers, amnesty, and a pathway to citizenship more
1w ago
COVID lockdowns and mandates were merely a trial run for how government intends to deal with future "crises" and destroy liberty more
1w ago
One of the ways that deep state tyrants try to terminate the Constitution is by creating an economic crisis more
2w ago
America finds herself in great turmoil and division at home and around the world, making it important that we remember the words of Lincoln more
2w ago
Trump's appointments prove conclusively that he and the GOP have always been pro-gun control and anti-Second Amendment more
3w ago
Trump's fake news spiel is modeled after the propaganda principles used by Joseph Goebbels during the rise of Nazi Germany more
3w ago
With each passing day, Donald Trump takes another adds another piece to his tyrannical puzzle and "conservative" Republicans are OK with it more
1M ago
As our government grows ever more tyrannical, we need to realize that the only way to defeat tyranny is with a little rebellion more
1M ago
Why do so-called conservatives continue to defend Donald Trump's endless assault on the Constitution more