Honest as a Mother
Join Amanda as she is sitting down with other moms and having the tough conversations surrounding motherhood. Amanda is a full time working mom who's passionate about discussing the "taboo" topics of motherhood. Join Amanda as she gets honest as a mother on her own feelings about what motherhood is really like.
Honest as a Mother
1w ago
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Amanda is joined by mindset coach Kayleigh Kennedy and they are diving into mindset, growth and so much more.
Included in this episode:
What is a "real" job anyway?
Our mindset - why it is so important and how we can get out of own way.
What is the messy middle of growth and why is it so important?
The role that grief plays in your growth
How can we get clear on what we want?
Kayleigh shares how changing her mindset helped her through the one of the hardest times of her life.
Want to unlock your Limitless Business? Work with Kayleigh: www.kayleighkennedy.com ..read more
Honest as a Mother
2M ago
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Amanda is joined by an author of Breakthrough, Stefy Covelli to chat about her breakdown and then her breakthrough.
Included in this episode:
How Stefy's career held so much value to her and how it filled her with a sense of fulfillment.
The struggles that she experienced going through the loss of her career because of a workplace injury.
Stefy having to relearn who she is after her injury.
Follow Stefy on IG @_namaste_fy
Follow Amanda on IG @amanda.gurman ..read more
Honest as a Mother
2M ago
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Amanda is joined by Cierra Bailey who is a mother and a powerhouse in the mental healthy advocacy world to chat about grief, growth and grace in our motherhood journeys.
Included in this episode:
How powerful lived experiences are in the motherhood space.
Motherhood and identity, how COVID times changed us as humans but also as parents.
The grief in motherhood, the beauty of it but also how normal it is to feel this "up and down" feeling in motherhood
Follow Cierra on IG @notmothergoose
Follow Amanda on Ig @Amanda.gurman ..read more
Honest as a Mother
2M ago
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Amanda is joined by one of the authors inside her new co-author project, Breakthrough to chat about what her breakthrough was and why she decided to write about it.
Included in this episode:
How Jenn woke up one day and started to ask herself "Who am I" and came to realize she is more than her labels, but did not know who that person was.
The steps she has taken to start learning more about herself
Motherhood - How being a single mother and caring for her son played a role in her losing herself.
Follow Jenn and purchase your copy of Breakthrough with her @drojen7
Follow Amand ..read more
Honest as a Mother
2M ago
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Amanda is joined by Crystal Shadwell to have a real talk about what marriage is like after kids and even in the thick of parenting school-aged children.
Included in this episode:
How do Amanda and Crystal feel about what they see online vs what is really happening behind closed doors.
How does our relationship become the last thing on our lists? What does "making it work" look like for both Amanda and Crystal.
Being in survival mode, COVID pandemic - how did these things affect our relationships?
Relearning who we are as individuals but also as a couple now that we have childr ..read more
Honest as a Mother
2M ago
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Amanda is joined by Christine Dainard who is a personal coach who champions authenticity and self-worth to chat about self-discovery, growth and all the messy in between.
Included in this episode:
Christine and Amanda share their stories of growth but how grief coincides with growth. Grief shows up at any point of a healing journey.
How can we start changing? If you are someone who is struggling and wants to change but you do not know where to start, this is for you.
The stories we have been told about who we are - how do these impact us?
What has been the most difficult ..read more
Honest as a Mother
2M ago
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Amanda is joined by Toni Primiano who is a mother, author and a divorce lawyer to talk about marriage and divorce.
Included in this episode:
Toni shares what it has been like to be a single mother with a very demanding career.
What we are teaching our children while we go through a divorce, and how we can handle ourselves best for them.
Prenups - What is Amanda's opinion on them and what are they actually.
The reality of marriage - we are not covering the "happily ever after".
Purchase Toni's book: https://a.co/d/bObkFGi  ..read more
Honest as a Mother
3M ago
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Amanda is joined by Amanda Otterman who is a nurse who specializes in Menopause and hormone health to chat about all things Perimenopause.
Included in this episode:
What is the age range for perimenopause?
What to do if you are being brushed off by your MD?
Long term health problems that can come from hormone issues
Mental Health and hormones
How can we pay attention to our cycles and prioritize ourselves during each phase?
Why your coffee MAY be adding to the stress in your body
Some resources:
The New Menopause by Dr. Mary Claire Haver, Dr. Stacy Sims, and Kristin M ..read more
Honest as a Mother
3M ago
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Amanda is joined by Aaron Bailey who is a ADHD coach that works with both adults and kids to chat about ADHD.
Included in this episode:
How Aaron taught himself that his ADHD symptoms are not a character flaw and how to work through this.
The unknown sides of ADHD
Parenting and ADHD - How our children trigger us, and how they act as a mirror to us.
How dysregulation affects us as parents and how learning about dysregulation can help us when it comes to parenting our children.
How an ADHD diagnosis can help us understand ourselves/our children.
Highlighting the strengths of ADH ..read more
Honest as a Mother
3M ago
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Amanda is joined by Elisha Zavier who is a Pelvic Floor Fitness Coach and she is here to help Amanda break down some pelvic floor myths and empower women to take charge of their bodies.
Included in this episode:
Why we need to prioritize pelvic floor health
Why it is NOT normal to pee yourself after children
Girl math when it comes to urinary incontience
The mental load of incontenience
Anatomy 101 Why Pelvic Floor is SO important and the impact it has on our entire system
Just in case peeing - why can it be harmful
Womens health - why we need to stop putting banda ..read more