Lean From The Frontlines
Join Tom DeForge and Drew Butler as they interview Lean Six Sigma experts about positive changes they have had on their businesses using real-life examples of success and change for the better!
Lean From The Frontlines
3y ago
Why do Lean? In this podcast we talk to Jeff Wagoner and discuss his experiences implementing Lean, and the changes and significant improvements it made to the organization. We talk about where to start Lean in your organization and how to create a Continuous Improvement Culture ..read more
Lean From The Frontlines
3y ago
Change. It's all around us, and trying to persuade people to change and accept new ideas in your personal and professional life can be very challenging. Join us as we talk to Sui Lang Panoke about the rethink mindset, a mindset that empowers you and your team to face any challenges and not be afraid to tackle them. When you adopt this mindset, when you hit that wall, instead of stopping you go right thru it ..read more
Lean From The Frontlines
3y ago
In this podcast Dr. Gerhard Plenert talks about the seven Ingredients of breakthrough thinking and how Toyota uses these throughout their organization to gain a competitive advantage. Many times we only think of breakthrough thinking as applying to manufacturing, but that’s not right. Toyota uses it throughout their entire organization and it's part of their culture! Listen in to see how you can leverage this in your own organization ..read more
Lean From The Frontlines
3y ago
Missing Small Parts? Damaged Small Parts? In too many cases, assembly lines are started and have to stop because they are missing small parts. This delays delivery to customers and also adds the possibility of mistakes because of the starting and stopping of the assembly process. In this podcast, we talk to Phil Mader, founder of UPC LLC & MaagKit, about better ways to kit small parts to avoid these issues, prevent damage, FOD and how to add value to the assembly process by creating a process where people can be successful ..read more
Lean From The Frontlines
3y ago
Industry 4.0, 4th Stage of the Industrial Revolution, Robotic Process Automation.......Over the last decade, strides have been made in technology that now allow us to eliminate waste at a whole new level. What was once a manual and “value add” task can now be eliminated or automated through the adoption of technology. Two areas that are seeing exponential growth fall under 1) collaborative work management and 2)robotics process automation (RPA). In this podcast we take a look at the future of Operational Excellence and introduce the 9th waste ..read more
Lean From The Frontlines
3y ago
The first principle of the Shingo model is “Respect Every Individual”. This principle is foundational and if it is not followed, organizations will find it difficult, if not impossible, to implement a Lean transformation. In todays COVID-19 environment, this principle has gained increased significance as working remotely has become the new norm and has created tremendous challenges for organizations. How do we “Respect Every Individual” while providing people with the right tools to perform their work, caring for their mental health, and tracking performance, all while working remotely? In thi ..read more
Lean From The Frontlines
3y ago
In this podcast Gurmeet Mangat discusses how he has applied Lean Thinking to the maintenance of wind turbines. Gurmeet has used Lean principles to reduce the time it takes to perform the maintenance, created standard "work" bags that contain all the necessary tools to perform the function and overall has improved the technicians work life. This is a fascinating application of Lean Principles and an episode you won’t want to miss ..read more
Lean From The Frontlines
3y ago
Tim Pettry went from leading change at the Ford Cleveland Engine Plant, where he was part of the team that helped plant #2 win the Shingo Prize, to leading change in healthcare at the Cleveland Clinic. Hear how he led change in these challenging environments and how he working to make a difference by implementing Lean principles in healthcare ..read more
Lean From The Frontlines
3y ago
Tune in to this podcast to hear Jim McNeil's journey from UAW President to Lean Champion and how he changed the hearts and minds of his Union members by listening to them and getting them involved. A fascinating story you won't want to miss ..read more
Lean From The Frontlines
3y ago
In this very timely podcast, we talk to Craig Higton, who trained teams from L3Harris on the use of 5 Day Innovation Sprints. Hear how and how they used this innovation tool to quickly design a bagless ventilator to help in the fight against COVID-19. In the current environment, businesses have to be able to pivot and innovate very quickly to stay ahead of the competition. Hear how 5 Day Innovation Sprints can help you do this ..read more