Hygiene Edge-ucators
A podcast all about dental education. Created by 3 dental hygiene educators on a search to find the best ways through education to build up our future.
Hygiene Edge-ucators
4y ago
Hygiene Edge-ucators
4y ago
Hygiene Edge-ucators
4y ago
Are you a new clinical teacher in a dental or dental hygiene school? Are you thrown into being an educator without any previous experience? Jess, Shelley and Melia give advice for what they wish they had realized before becoming clinical faculty. After years of being involved in dental hygiene school and working with different students and other instructors, we share our tips of how to be your best ..read more
Hygiene Edge-ucators
4y ago
Why are we starting up Hygiene EdgeUCATORS? Listen to find out all about why Jessica, Melia and Shelley want to help dental educators become their best.  ..read more