Query method in C# .net [closed]
Stack Overflow » MySQL
by Filtrix Log
28m ago
Boa noite, tudo bem? Estou tentando exibir dados armazenados no banco de dados em um comboBox em C# .net e quando o usuário selecionar um dado, exibir no textBox. Até o momento o código não apresenta erros, porém os dados não estão sendo exibidos no comboBox. Código para exibir dados no comboBox: private void comboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Agressor agressor = new Agressor(comboBox1.Text); MySqlDataReader r = agressor.consultarTipoAgressor(); while (r.Read()) { textBox2.Text = (r ..read more
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Is it possible to update a field with the result of mysql concat and join?
Stack Overflow » MySQL
28m ago
Is it possible to update a field with the result of mysql concat and join? i have this Query Working SELECT CONCAT_WS(" - ",TblReemplazos.option, TblReemplazos.spare, TblReemplazos.assembly, TblReemplazos.model) from TblReemplazos group by TblReemplazos.`option` and i need something like this: update TblPartes left join TblReemplazos on TblPartes.codigo1 = TblReemplazos.`option` set TblPartes.stock_reemp = SELECT CONCAT_WS(" - ",TblReemplazos.option, TblReemplazos.spare, TblReemplazos.assembly, TblReemplazos.model) from TblReemplazos group by TblReemplazos.`option` Where TblReemplazos.`opti ..read more
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Use @ literal in SQL command text
Stack Overflow » MySQL
by Mensur
28m ago
I want to change a password for a user in MySQL which requires @ symbol. However, C# SQL command uses that as a parameter holder and because of that the following command fails. command.CommandText = $"ALTER USER {user}@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{password}'"; How does one escape or force SqlCommand to use literal @? I am aware of SQL injection issues. I am going this in a console app as one time maintenance to do some data migration ..read more
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ERROR 1044 (42000) while updating mysql database
Stack Overflow » MySQL
by Yagmur CA
28m ago
I'm trying to send a json file to my MySQL database from bash script. As far as I know the syntax for json file part is correct but there is a strange error that I cant understand. I run the following code: EXPORT_DIR="sunum" file_name="105069_2024-03-19_20:09:06.mp4" IFS='.' read -ra ADDR <<< ${file_name} report_filename=${ADDR[0]}".json" report_dir="${EXPORT_DIR}/${report_filename}" echo "${report_dir}" VAR=$(cat "${report_dir}") echo "${VAR}" echo "${file_name}" mysql --user="sql_vestelrecog_" --password="H76X53WN2ZaaJY84" --database="sql_vestelrecog_" \ --port="3306 ..read more
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How to organize sellers and buyers in a SQL query, or remove duplicates or aggregate rows?
Stack Overflow » MySQL
by InfZero
2h ago
I have this SQL statement: SELECT Datos_Propiedad, Datos_Primer_Vendedor AS Datos_Primer_Vendedor, Datos_Primer_Comprador AS Datos_Primer_Comprador, Datos_Segundo_Vendedor AS Datos_Segundo_Vendedor, Datos_Segundo_Comprador AS Datos_Segundo_Comprador FROM ( SELECT CASE WHEN v.Placa IS NOT NULL THEN CONCAT('Vehículo: ', v.marca, ' ', v.modelo, ', Placa: ', v.Placa) WHEN i.Direccion_exacta IS NOT NULL THEN CONCAT('Inmueble: ', i.Tipo, ', Dirección: ', i.Direccion_exacta) END AS Datos_Propiedad ..read more
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Get the file address using / instead of
Stack Overflow » MySQL
by Никита Буянов
2h ago
I encountered the following problem: I need to pass a link to the file in the backgroun-image. Данный файл лежит в папке storage/test/... The address for it is stored in the database in the form of \May2024\f4sOIqLjhYnhVNdNtxwM.png Using the command below I don't get what I need. <div $tt->image")}}); I get the following: url(http://laravel.l/test\May2024\f4sOIqLjhYnhVNdNtxwM.png) And this is not what is needed. But if you replace \ with / then everything works as it should. Please help ..read more
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Dbeaver import all rows into one column
Stack Overflow » MySQL
by Sebastian Raszkiewicz
4h ago
literally every single time I try to import some dataset there is some kind of error. This time every row imports into id column. Here is dataset which I'm using: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/heesoo37/120-years-of-olympic-history-athletes-and-results At this point i just have no idea whats going on and im losing any left hope that i will finaly import something correctly. Tried changing headers so they dont have "", deleted all ' from data ..read more
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MySQL to S3 replication fails after updating table metastore
Stack Overflow » MySQL
by The Onin
6h ago
I have MySQL to S3 replication on AWS DMS in CDC mode (target prep mode: do nothing, aka don't drop existing data after (re)starting task). After the CDC task inevitably fails and I need to restart it (restart, not resume) it truncates the partition list on the Glue table (partitioning by date). To fix that, I run a Glue Crawler, which in turn crashes the DMS Task: 2024-04-28T12:41:09 [TARGET_APPLY ]E: Error executing data handler {operation:COMMIT (7), txnId:48309804031215, streamPosition:mysql-bin-changelog.011248:11886116:-1:11886143:48309804031215:mysql-bin-changelog.011248:11885893 ..read more
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Can someone help me in php code i realy need help . i am having some issue in my php code [closed]
Stack Overflow » MySQL
by tawkeer bhat
6h ago
"I'm encountering an issue with my web app where the database displays the correct details, but the web app isn't reflecting them accurately. Can someone assist me in troubleshooting this discrepancy? Additionally, I have another task to implement in the code. Any guidance on how to approach this would be greatly appreciated." is that okay ..read more
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Can't resolve ERROR 13 (HY000) at line 22: Can't get stat of '/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/PERSON.csv' (OS errno 2 - No such file or directory)
Stack Overflow » MySQL
by speakeasy_
7h ago
I am trying to build a basic CRUD web application using docker-lamp. I want to read Data from a CSV file, but when I run the docker-compose up -d command, I get this error: ERROR 13 (HY000) at line 22: Can't get stat of '/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/PERSON.csv' (OS errno 2 - No such file or directory) in the mysql(version 8.0) log and the container stops. This is the sql file: SET SQL_MODE = "NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO"; START TRANSACTION; SET time_zone = "+00:00"; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */ ; /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS ..read more
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