Advancing Sustainable Solutions
Welcome to the podcast 'Advancing Sustainable Solutions', produced by the IIIEE at Lund University. The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) is an interdisciplinary research & education institute located in Lund, Sweden with activities focusing on the transition to low-carbon and resource-efficient economies. In this podcast, we will share ongoing..
Advancing Sustainable Solutions
2y ago
Businesses are an essential driver for sustainability, yet managers struggle to make decisions about their business model that actually improve their sustainability performance. In this episode, we meet Florian Lüdeke-Freund, Henning Breuer, and Lorenzo Massa, authors of the new book called ‘Sustainable Business Model Design’. They introduce the concept of sustainable business model patterns, to support practitioners eager to make sustainability work in their business context. A sustainable business model pattern is knowledge based on experience, which includes a statement of a challenge, and more
Advancing Sustainable Solutions
2y ago
There is a clear and urgent need to accelerate the implementation of sustainability solutions. We must move beyond simple conceptual understanding of solutions, instead experimenting with collaborators in contexts in order to improve effectiveness, share learnings with others, and avoid future mistakes that waste time. In this episode, we discuss nature-based solutions as a holistic approach addressing the why, what, who, and how to achieve sustainability through integrating nature in cities. PhD Student Björn Wickenberg shares his latest research on implementing nature-based solutions, includ more
Advancing Sustainable Solutions
2y ago
If we want to imagine a more sustainable future, we need to be emotionally connected with that vision. Providing the latest facts and figures alone won’t do the trick. We suggest storytelling can be a great way to convey these facts in a compelling way to envision and connect with a possible future. Stories are an effective narrative device, because they activate areas of the brain responsible for memories, emotions, and critical thinking. As such, stories can be a powerful tool to engage, inspire, and imagine. In this episode, we consider the why, what, and how of storytelling. Why do we need more
Advancing Sustainable Solutions
2y ago
We use energy in almost every aspect of our lives. Yet, often, we do not know the source of electricity that powers our homes or heats our food. In this episode, we explore energy communities as a form of decentralised and democratic energy production. Community energy sees people coming together to take control of their energy needs, by finding alternative ways to organise and govern the energy system. For example, initiatives may focus on the energy generation via local energy cooperatives, distribution via local smart grids, or energy efficiency projects. But, how may energy communities sup more
Advancing Sustainable Solutions
2y ago
The global population living in cities is expected to reach nearly 70% by 2050. This trend in urbanisation will require massive amounts of infrastructure to be built from concrete and other natural and manufactured materials. In the second episode of our miniseries on the circular economy, we explore the business case for circular resource flows - such as concrete, wood, and glass - in the construction and building sector. We meet Associate Professor Yuliya Voytenko Palgan, who discusses why cities are so important in addressing our sustainability challenges. Then, we invite PhD Candidate Juli more
Advancing Sustainable Solutions
2y ago
The circular economy is promoted by government and industry as an approach to reduce resource consumption while maintaining a high standard of living. In this episode, we explore circular business models that leverage strategies of closing, narrowing or slowing resource loops. This episode is the first of three episodes part of our mini-series on the circular economy. We invite PhD Candidate Katherine Whalen to join us to discuss her research on circular business models as well as her participation as a coach in C:/BOOT, an international coaching programme for circular entrepreneurs more
Advancing Sustainable Solutions
2y ago
Our global sustainability challenges are complex and require partnerships and collaboration across disciplines and sectors. As such, as a society, we must value interdisciplinary perspectives and work together to address these challenges. In this episode, we discuss the value of interdisciplinary education to address our complex sustainability challenges. We share the experience from our two interdisciplinary Master's programmes as well challenge employers, educators, and students to consider the value of interdisciplinary knowledge and skills more
Advancing Sustainable Solutions
2y ago
There is growing interest among funding agencies, governments, and society in general to understand the impact of research conducted within academia. However, evaluating research impact is tricky and finding as well as leveraging impact pathways can be daunting without first considering the desired impact early in the research planning process. This is especially relevant when considering sustainability research. We sit down with Master’s student Edward Dickinson to discuss his ongoing thesis research regarding research impact and knowledge dissemination. We provide listeners an overview of ho more
Advancing Sustainable Solutions
2y ago
Given the global sustainability challenges that we face, we need new forms of production and consumption. However, will the sharing economy be a part of the solution? Or, part of the problem? In this month's episode, Sofie and Steven discuss the sharing economy broadly before elaborating on business models in the sharing economy. Speaking critically, they elaborate on aspects of the sharing economy that are more likely to lead to more sustainable consumption. They also interview Nancy Bocken - professor at the IIIEE in sustainable business management - as well as Ida Björling, Oskar Henriksson more
Advancing Sustainable Solutions
2y ago
Kiruna, a small and industrious mining town in the arctic north of Sweden, is facing a unique challenge - the mine has expanded so far under ground that it is weakening the town’s foundations and will eventually pose a threat to inhabitants. City leadership and the mining company decided that much of the town would have to be demolished and moved. While many might see this as a problem, Kiruna instead sees an opportunity. “We have a unique situation that everybody actually should envy,” says Mats Nilsson, head of the Kiruna Sustainability Center. “We have a white piece of paper and the possibi more