Creating Light with Kelsey
I am an Art Therapist who has been called to share my healing journey. This show will discuss trauma and ways to heal through practices like Art Therapy, tapping into divine sexuality, exploring spirituality, and much more! I believe the only way to create light within ourselves is to feel our darkness. It is my hope that sharing my story inspires you to have the courage to live yours.
Creating Light with Kelsey
3y ago
On this episode, I reflect on the goals I accomplished during the year of 2021! These were pulled from the challenge I completed one year ago which was the "1,000 Lifetime Goals Challenge." From those 1,000 goals, I highlighted all of the things I felt like I could accomplish in 2021. After reflecting on the list, I checked off 87! Did I accomplish absolutely everything that I wanted? No, but I am also completely okay with that because if I did not write out any goals, I know for a fact that 2021 would not have been as magical.
Be grateful for what you DID accomplish in 2021! Even if you ..read more
Creating Light with Kelsey
3y ago
Happy Winter Solstice! In this episode I reflect on the one decision I made last winter solstice, and how it completely changed my life in less than a year. As soon as I mentally committed to this aligned decision 100%, everything unfolded at a rapid pace in the exact way it was meant to. I blew my own mind with how quickly I changed my life, and I had to share it with you all. I want you to know that you also have the power to change your life in one year!
Key takeaways:
When we choose alignment, the universe clears our path.
Have the courage to choose alignment even when you know that the t ..read more
Creating Light with Kelsey
3y ago
This is part two of the interview with my friend Hailey! On this episode we discuss various queer topics. Hailey knew me before I had even started to question my sexuality. When we reconnected, they gifted me with insight involving a memory I had suppressed which ended up inspiring me to bring them on the podcast! This memory was one piece of the puzzle that has helped me continue to come home to myself this past year.
Key Takeaways:
Discussing how being queer didn't feel like an option for us growing up.
Experiencing biphobia and how it is perpetuated throughout society.
The process of comin ..read more
Creating Light with Kelsey
3y ago
On this episode, I interview my friend Hailey and we discussed the dynamic of our friendship. We have officially known each other for 10 year now, and 4 years ago we had a significant falling out. The past 4 years I was having dreams about us running into each other and reconnecting, then it happened in real life! After reconnecting I asked her if she would be open to talking about this on the podcast and she said yes!
I honestly never envisioned us becoming friends again. The past 4 years is when I heavily started my healing journey and who I was when Hailey and I were friends doesn't exist a ..read more
Creating Light with Kelsey
3y ago
In this episode, I dive into the raw data from Week 3 of my study, "Self-Care after Trauma: A heuristic inquiry using Art Therapy, Journaling, and Dream reflection." The raw data consists of all of my art pieces, journal entries, and documented dreams that was expressed for the duration of the 5 week study. Within Week 3, I was still processing the sensations of anger in not feeling "seen." Then I was feeling frustrated with the boundaries I needed in regards to sex, and I was feeling extremely exhausted.
I was feeling the full weight of my trauma in a way I had never experienced before. My st ..read more
Creating Light with Kelsey
3y ago
On this episode, I share some of my experience on how I fell for the societal pressures of getting married instead of reflecting on whether or not it was an aligned decision. How society views marriage as a big part of this check-list of things people "need" to achieve in order to be successful or feel fulfilled had an affect on me. I fell for the pressure, which had me continuously choose to stay with a hurtful person.
You will never win if you are trying to please society. Instead, do what is right for you!
I also felt the societal judgment of getting divorced. I had the saying ..read more
Creating Light with Kelsey
3y ago
Today is the day I finally reveal what I have been alluding to for months. I've mentioned periodically that I have major updates about my life, but was not in a position to be able to share them quite yet. Well... here we are! Truthfully, I still don't feel 100% ready. It feels way more comfortable to continue to be a hermit and not speak on my truth, but change does not happen when we stay silent.
What has been happening for me during 2021?
My legal name is now Kelsey Morgan.
I left an abusive marriage.
I have fully accepted my queerness.
I am putting my whole self, my truly aut ..read more
Creating Light with Kelsey
3y ago
On this episode, I interview a soul sister of mine, Bree! She was the woman who did my Akashic Record reading, and I knew I needed to bring her on the podcast for a full interview. Bree shares what she has been called to give the world. So, tune in to listen how she is one of many creating light for the collective!
Key Takeaways:
Focus on what is your message vs what is your purpose
It doesn't have to be perfect for you to start
Trust your intuition even when you don't have the answers as to why
Let things happen when they are meant to happen and not forcing it to fit your expected timeline
Y ..read more
Creating Light with Kelsey
3y ago
Today, I share how I came to the decision of no longer wearing a bra. Which then unintentionally lead to becoming another tool that has helped the process of healing my sexuality. As a survivor of sexual trauma, there are many layers to contribute to rediscovering the feelings of being whole, confident, secure, and sensual in the aftermath of trauma, or possibly even learning how to feel those things for the very first time. Embarking on this journey of no longer wearing bras gifted me with reconnecting to my body and showing it love.
Key takeaways:
I had let the media's portrayal of boobs di ..read more
Creating Light with Kelsey
3y ago
In today's episode, I talk about how recently I have been letting the universe know that I am open to shed all the layers related to the fear of caring what other people think, which in turn allows me to walk through life not giving a fuck. Well, ask and you shall receive, AND the universe got jokes!! It seems that opportunities have just been flowing in where I have the choice to give a fuck or to not give a fuck. Tune in as I share a funny story while being gifted with a lesson.
Key Takeaways:
No one cares as much as you think they do, so do what makes you happy!
Each time I feel worried ab ..read more