Art for your Heart
A weekly podcast where the host provides art therapy assignments to help us explore our emotions and express ourselves.
Art for your Heart
3M ago
Assignment: Creating a cut paper flower and decorating it with positive affirmations. Artforyourheart@yahoo.com Instagram: artforyourheart2021 artforyourheart2021 Image source- Jon Tyson, unsplash.com ..read more
Art for your Heart
3M ago
Creating a bag self portrait filled with “I Am” statements. Instagram: artforyourheart2021, #artforyourheart2021 Sources: http://www.arttherapyblog.com/art-therapy-activities/bag-self-portrait-art-therapy-activity-2/#.YE5pveZOmX0 Image source: Jon Tyson, unsplash.com ..read more
Art for your Heart
3M ago
Assignment: Create a tree with blessings for leaves.
Instagram: Artforyourheart2021, #artforyourheart2021
Image Source: Jon Tyson, unsplash.com ..read more
Art for your Heart
3M ago
Assignment: Create a found poem.
Instagram: Artforyourheart2021, #artforyourheart2021
Sources: poets.org
Image source: unsplash.com, Jon Tyson ..read more
Art for your Heart
3M ago
Assignment: creating a “Happy Place” book to relieve anxiety.
Instagram: artforyourheart2021, #artforyourheart2021
Sources: https://positivepsychology.com/art-therapy/, post by Elaine Mead ..read more
Art for your Heart
3M ago
Create an intention stick.
Instagram: Artforyourheart2021, #artforyourheart2021
Sources: https://theyogahub.ie/why-do-we-set-an-intention-at-the-beginning-of-a-yoga-class/#:~:text=The%20Sanskrit%20word%20for%20intention%20is%20Sankalpa.&text=Setting%20an%20intention%20for%20your,whatever%20you%20want%20to%20cultivate.
http://jkrtherapy.com/new-blog-1/2015/3/17/intention-sticks ..read more
Art for your Heart
3M ago
Assignment: Write a message to a source of conflict in your life (person or issue). Create a scribble drawing on front side. Sources: https://therapistaid.com/worksheets/postcard-art-activity.pdf Https://www.huffpost.com/entry/art-therapy-techniques Https://medium.com/beingwell/the-postcard-you-will-never-send Https://creativityintherapy.com/2013/02/scribble-drawings-for-relaxation Image source: Jon Tyson, unsplash.com ..read more
Art for your Heart
3M ago
Week 4: Decorate the outside of a box with the roles you play in your life. At the 8:03 time stamp are the instructions for the inside of the box- you will place items to represent your personal values. Instagram: Artforyourheart2021, #artforyourheart2021 Sources: https://arttherapytechniques.blogspot.com/2010/07/june-art-therapy-techniques.html Andrew Blackman article- https://business.tutsplus.com/tutorials/what-are-personal-values--cms-31561 Scott Jeffrey's personal values list- https://scottjeffrey.com/core-values-list/ Image credit: Jon Tyson, unsplash.com ..read more
Art for your Heart
3M ago
Draw yourself as a superhero with one of your special skills as your superpower. Source: https://lovinartclass.weebly.com/superhero-self-portraits.html Instagram: artforyourheart2021 #artforyourheart2021 Image credit: Jon Tyson, unsplash.com ..read more