Towards a metaphysics of neurodivergence
Fair Folk Podcast
by Fair Folk
1M ago
In this episode I share my most popular Substack mailing list post from 2024, as well as some ways you can work with me this January. Sign up for my mailing list on Substack: Sign up for Entheos workshop: Sign up for Wolf Milk or the Cave of Dreams series: Make a coaching appointment with me: Listen to the Wolf Milk almanac episode from 2023: Listen to Cr more
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Little Christmas: December Almanac
Fair Folk Podcast
by Fair Folk
2M ago
This episode surveys the folklore of the first half of December, including St. Nicholas' Day on Dec 6th, St. Lucia's day on Dec. 13th, and the solstice. As we approach the darkest point of winter, I ask the listener to follow the rhythm of nature and turn your gaze to the small, the domestic and the precious. Join my mailing list: Music in this episode: St. Nicholas by Anúna Buy this track: Luciavisa by Lisa (singer Emma Härdelin) Buy this track: more
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Winterfylleþ - October Almanac
Fair Folk Podcast
by Fair Folk
4M ago
Sign up for October's Cave of Dreams workshop: Find me on Substack: In this almanac episode, I survey some themes of the folklore of October, from fire rituals to guising, and invite listeners to dream into the relationship they would like to cultivate with the unseen in the winter months of the year. The full moon of October this year is October 17th, from which this episode took its Anglo-Saxon name, Winterfylleþ, winter-full, the full moon marking the start of the winter half of the year. Music in this episode: Opening more
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Haligmonað / Holy Month - September Almanac
Fair Folk Podcast
by Fair Folk
5M ago
In this episode I share about September as harvest month in folklore, Old English names for the month and season, spirits of the grain, the meaning of the equinox in tradition, the upcoming lunar eclipse, and Michaelmas! Sign up for the Cave of Dreams workshop series: Find me on Substack: September Almanac playlist: Music in this episode: Opening theme: "Forest March" by Sylvia Woods Buy Sylvia Woods’ music: more
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Lughnasadh Special with Scottish storyteller Daniel Allison
Fair Folk Podcast
by Fair Folk
6M ago
Subscribe to my Substack newsletter: Join the Cave of Dreams workshop series waiting list: In this episode, Daniel Allison tells the story of the god Lugh (after whom Lughnasadh is named) at the hall of the king Nuada, leading us into a discussion of how we might approach Lughnasadh folklore and mythology now. Then we share what each of us has been up to lately, especially emphasizing the role of pagan devotion in each of our work, and diving into the role of “permission” to embody sacred traditional culture more
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The Twelve Days: December Almanac
Fair Folk Podcast
by Fair Folk
1y ago
This episode explores folklore and pagan origins of the 12 days of Christmas, with a focus on the feminine winter figures of Perchta, Holle, and Grýla, featuring a conversation with Jenn Campus, author of A Guide to Celebrating the 12 Days of Yule. Pagan Ritual Song course: Buy Jenn Campus’ book, A Guide to Celebrating the 12 days of Yule:…-days-of-yule/ Emilia Blom, who shared the solstice wishes ritual with me: My Big Fat Solstice playlist on Spotif more
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Little Christmas: December Almanac
Fair Folk Podcast
by Fair Folk
1y ago
This episode surveys the folklore of the first half of December, including St. Nicholas' Day on Dec 6th, St. Lucia's day on Dec. 13th, and the solstice. As we approach the darkest point of winter, I ask you to follow the rhythm of nature and turn your gaze to the small, the domestic and the precious. Sign up for the (online) Pagan Carols Singalong!: Join my mailing list: Music in this episode: St. Nicholas by Anúna Buy this track: Luciavisa by Lisa (singer more
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Fire & Water: June Almanac
Fair Folk Podcast
by Fair Folk
1y ago
We have reached the energetic peak of the year. The main ancient and folkloric themes of June ritualise the human relationship to two of our primary life-givers, the sun and water. Our romance with these elements (and one another) reach a peak as the year completes its in-breath around the summer solstice. This episode outlines a faint thematic arc in historical Whitsun practices at the start of June, and Midsummer at the end, focusing especially on the folk rituals and folksong of the Baltic countries, Eastern Europe and Ireland. Purchase my new Gathering the Gods course on Thor, Odin, & more
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Who & What are the Old Norse Gods?: Bonus Intro Unit to Gathering the Gods Course
Fair Folk Podcast
by Fair Folk
1y ago
This episode, a bonus introductory unit to my upcoming Gathering the Gods course, introduces Old Norse culture and language, and describes the status of gods in the Old Norse religion and cosmology. This course will give an overview of the surviving historical texts and traces of the gods Thor, Odin, and Freya. Gathering the Gods begins May 7th! Sign up here: Access the reading and materials for this intro unit: more
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The Generous Wood: May Almanac
Fair Folk Podcast
by Fair Folk
1y ago
This episode outlines the key themes of May folklore embodied in the celebrations of May 1st, aka May Day or Beltane: bonfires for purification and protection, veneration of plants and trees, the leading of animals to green pastures, erotic expressions of pleasure, and the blooming promise of earth's abundance. Join the Gathering the Gods course on Thor, Odin, & Freya: Listen to the Big Beltane Spotify playlist (newly updated): Big Beltane: May Day Song and Custom episode more
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