40 Best Gift Ideas For One Year Olds (2023)
Amber Izzo
by Amber Izzo
11M ago
The time has come. I have no idea how, but the last 12 months have gone in the blink of an eye and I am weeks away from my darling boy’s first birthday. Which means I am on the hunt for gifts, and knowing what to buy a one year old I have found is a pretty tricky task. They’re not quite at the age of having keen interests, and the difference between 12 and 18 months is huge, so trying to buy a gift that won’t have run its course within six weeks it relatively tricky business. As always, I turned to my trustee Instagram community and within minutes I had an inbox full of ideas. So, I’ve rounded ..read more
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The Fourth Trimester
Amber Izzo
by Amber Izzo
1y ago
The fourth trimester. Three words I had heard thrown about throughout my pregnancy; words I had read about in the pregnancy books; words I had seen mentioned endlessly in posts on Instagram, accompanied usually by a photograph of a postpartum mother; her hair scraped into a signature probably due a wash ‘mum-bun’, sat in her large maternity knickers and nursing bra, fashioned with a breast pump and a half eaten bagel, or to that effect. That picture is usually styled to high-heavens, staged to look candid and yet far too aesthetically pleasing to represent the actual reality. I knew it was com ..read more
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Time To Stop – Deciding To Move On From Infertility (Guest Blogs)
Amber Izzo
by Amber Izzo
2y ago
The most difficult part of my infertility struggle wasn’t the miscarriages I endured or the failure to become pregnant each month. Believe it or not, it was accepting an involuntary childless life. I knew it was time to close the door on trying to conceive when my mental health hit rock bottom. After ten years of non-stop IVF treatments, the medication became more intense, causing severe anxiety – I was at an all-time low. Over the years it felt as though my husband and I had wasted thousands of pounds only to keep getting IVF fails! Deep-down, I knew we were heading towards a childless path w ..read more
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Coping With The Anxiety of Another IVF Failure
Amber Izzo
by Amber Izzo
2y ago
It’s funny really, how you never expect to be one of the statistics. I never expected to be part of the 1 in 6 couples who struggle to conceive. If I’m honest, even three years into trying, until the words ‘You can’t conceive without IVF’ came out of my surgeon’s mouth, I never quite believed we were even ‘struggling’. I managed to convince myself that things happened when they were meant to, and it just wasn’t yet our time. Once our IVF ‘journey’ had started, I had no reason to believe it wouldn’t work first time. I knew on average it took 3 attempts, and yet I still managed to believe it wou ..read more
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My Top 5 Books of 2021
Amber Izzo
by Amber Izzo
2y ago
2021 was the year we all expected normality to come crashing back in, we hoped for a year better than 2020, and yet it stormed by with as much turbulence and as much confusion as the former. Reading is something I find incredibly therapeutic; it helps me to escape my own mind no matter what’s happening in the real world and immerse myself into the depths of someone else’s. Throughout the year, I have shared on Instagram my own personal reviews of the books I’ve read, from the ones I’ve loved and struggled to finish. So, without further ado, here are my top 5 books I read in 2021! Some of the l ..read more
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The Endometrial Scratch: My Experience
Amber Izzo
by Amber Izzo
2y ago
When going through fertility treatment, it’s fair to say that you will explore any option that’s given to you. You reach a new level of somewhat desperation, willing anything to work and willing to give anything a try. Furthermore, when you enter the territory of multiple cycles, I’ve found that willingness can go one of two ways; you’re eager to try almost anything to help improve your chances of success and reduce your chance of needing to go through the whole rigmarole again, and yet, you become somewhat reluctant to try certain things because those sold to you before in which you invested ..read more
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The Calm During The Storm: Staying Sane When TTC
Amber Izzo
by Amber Izzo
3y ago
I don’t remember exactly when trying to conceive became my entire life; I quite often try and pinpoint where I spiralled. When did ovulation sticks, and basal body thermometers become part of my daily routine; when did pregnant women become a thing to avoid and baby showers the equivalent to putting a hand in a blender? When I look back over the last six and a half years, I’m not sure when I crossed the bridge into the murky territory, but I do know that keeping my head above the dirty water has been tough. On Sunday, I joined The Fertility Show for their first online summit for a chat about s ..read more
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How to Make the BEST Super Slutty Caramel Brondies
Amber Izzo
by Amber Izzo
3y ago
Hi, my name is Amber and I am a chocoholic. I have been a self-proclaimed chocoholic for as long as I can remember; I have never and will never relate to those individuals who tell me they don’t like it. If I’m really honest with myself, it’s more of a sugar addiction than a chocolate addiction. Whilst I truly believe that chocolate is the top tier flavour and nothing quite beats a large bar of Dairy Milk when PMS takes hold of me, I love anything sweet, and anything that means the nutrition information on the packaging is solid red. My love for sweet has developed more recently into a love fo ..read more
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FRIENDS Reunion – My Top 10 Friends Moments
Amber Izzo
by Amber Izzo
3y ago
Tonight on Sky, we are being graced with the long awaited FRIENDS reunion. Ross, Rachel, Chandler, Monica, Joey and Phoebe are all taking their place on our TV screens once again, 16 years later. This time however, they are coming to us on Sky and not in character. Instead, we are looking forward to reminiscing one of (if not ‘the’… definitely ‘the’) best TV shows ever to have landed on our screens. Could we be any more excited? Absolutely not. So, what a better time to get nostalgic in preparation and look back at my 10 top Friends moments. I like to consider myself to be an expert in Friends ..read more
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Dear My 14-Year-Old Self
Amber Izzo
by Amber in a Teacup
3y ago
Dear my 14-year-old self, You’re approaching 27 now; you’re not much taller, if anything you’re slightly smaller, and life hasn’t quite turned out the way you’re imagining that it will. You’ve graduated from University, you’ve got a good job, you’re married (to an Italian may I add, you always vow to never marry someone with a dull surname, so congratulations on that front), you have a house, a car and a Labrador. On paper, it’s all turned out pretty sweet. However, in just short of 10 years, you are told that you’re infertile. I know this is going to come as a shock to you now; it came as one ..read more
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