Thought for July 26th. ‘I HAVE SINNED AGAINST THE LORD’
Bible Truth Feed.
by Christadelphians Talk
9h ago
As God sees our lives all wrongdoing is against him. Are we sufficiently aware of his oversight of our lives?  Paul became dramatically aware and was to write,  “None of us lives to himself … whether we live or whether we die we are the Lord’s” [Rom. 14, v.7,8].  Therefore, as we read today of David being confronted by the prophet Nathan, whom God had sent to him to make him conscious of the terrible reality of his sin of adultery with Bathsheba and in arranging the death of her husband, the “eyes” of David’s mind are suddenly opened and he said, “I have sinned against the LORD more
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Thought for July 25th. “NOT AS I WILL BUT AS YOU WILL”
Bible Truth Feed.
by Christadelphians Talk
18h ago
Today we read the account of the dreadful last 24 hours or so in the mortal life of our Lord Jesus. Yes, he was mortal, otherwise his death was only a sort of ‘mirage.’  His agony of mind in the Garden of Gethsemane shows he knew what awaited him.  It is possible he reasoned, as he prayed to his father, that his father’s will could be the same as with Abraham when he was willing to sacrifice Isaac and at the last moment his action was stopped (Gen. 22 v,10-12).  With what utter urgency of mind Jesus prayed, “if it be possible let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as more
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Thought for July 24th. “LORD, WHEN DID WE SEE THEE … “
Bible Truth Feed.
by Christadelphians Talk
3d ago
 Today’s 25th chapter of Matthew contains 3 challenging parables, the Master’s final ones. Just 2 days later (26 v.2) he is arrested and the major purpose of his mortal life on earth unfolds.  The first parable highlights 5 virgins who were wise in taking “a flask of oil with their lamps” [v.4], in case the bridegroom was long in coming they wanted to make sure they had enough, “for you know neither the day nor the hour” of his arrival [v.13].     We are inclined to think that oil indicates the need for sufficient faith to endure so that we can be sure to ‘se more
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Bible Truth Feed.
by Christadelphians Talk
3d ago
‘The Olivet Prophecy’ as most of today’s reading of Matthew 24 is known – is full of challenging language about events future to that time.   Jesus in this chapter gives clarity to his parable that we looked at in Ch.22:1-14. In verse 7 talking of the Jews Jesus said ‘when the king heard he was angry and sent his armies and destroyed those murderers and burned up their city”. And so the roman armies destroyed the city of Jerusalem and the temple worship in AD70. Matt.24 is about the destruction of Jerusalem and ultimately the return of Jesus or “his coming’  The key question the more
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by Christadelphians Talk
5d ago
Today’s reading in 2 Samuel 7 is one that many know well: it is one of the most significant in the Old Testament.  King David’s love for God and his relationship with God has reached its highest point. It suddenly comes into his mind that he should build a Temple for his God, where God can be worshipped in a truly holy setting.   The prophet Nathan tells him to go ahead, “do all that is in your heart” [v.3], but “the same night the word of the LORD comes to Nathan” [v.4] and among the many things he is told to tell David is “I have been with you wherever you went and have c more
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by Christadelphians Talk
5d ago
One of the most worrying sayings of Jesus is that quoted above, but in looking back on the events of history it makes  sense.  We read in Jeremiah that the call to serve God in the way he desires went unheeded.  Jeremiah is told, as we read today, “Proclaim all these words in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem: Hear the words of this covenant and do them … so you shall be my people and I will be your God.” [11 v.6,4] All those who are convinced there is one real God who created all things and the Bible is his revelation to human beings must respond to appeals li more
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Thought for July 20th. “BEHOLD YOUR KING IS COMING TO YOU”
Bible Truth Feed.
by Christadelphians Talk
5d ago
Matthew in his Gospel is more prolific than the other Gospel writers in quoting the Old Testament prophecies that Jesus fulfilled.  Today we have in his 21st chapter the account of the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem (v.4-11). Matthew writes, “this took place to fulfil what was spoken by the prophet, saying ‘Behold your king is coming to you, mounted on a donkey … and the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David!  … Hosanna in the highest!’  And when he entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred up …” The prop more
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Thought for July 19th. “FOR IN THESE THINGS I DELIGHT”
Bible Truth Feed.
by Christadelphians Talk
5d ago
The LORD tells Jeremiah, “ … for in these things I delight.”   These things form a wonderfully positive statement – following after so many words denouncing the ungodliness of the nation.  We can take these words to heart ourselves; challenging words – and those who appreciate the forthright words of the Creator of all things will respond to them. We read, “Thus says the LORD: Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, t more
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Thought for July 17th. “IT IS NOT THE WILL OF MY FATHER … “
Bible Truth Feed.
by Christadelphians Talk
5d ago
One of the most wonderful messages within the Bible concerns the mercy and forgiveness of God.  Today, in Matthew 18 we read the well-known parable of the lost sheep, it is prefaced by the words, “See that you do not despise one of these little ones”[v.10].  This, we conclude means – those seen to be the “least” as the Gk word is translated in in Ch 11 v.11 – in contrast to the  ‘greatest’ – for the disciples had asked him (18 v.1) “Who is the greatest in the kingdom …”.  In seeking to save the sheep, a little one, that became “lost” Jesus concludes his story by saying more
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Thought for July 16th "Rise and have no fear" Matthew 17:7
Bible Truth Feed.
by Christadelphians Talk
5d ago
What must it have been like to be one of the disciples of Jesus!  The unexpected was always happening – and sometimes it was way beyond human experience. The end of yesterday’s chapter in Matthew (16) has a strange statement by Jesus, “Truly, I say unto you there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom”  Today’s chapter shows Jesus was referring to an experience about to happen to Peter, James and John when he “led them up a high mountain by themselves” [17 v.1] They witnessed a foretaste of his coming glory, it is described more
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