Hospice: "This Is How Nursing Should Be"
Still A Nurse
by Tristan BSN
1y ago
Episode 49 Hey Listeners! Sorry to have disappeared for a bit there. Some exciting life decisions and changes have popped up and Still a Nurse has had to take a back seat for a while till things normalize again. This is the caboose episode for season 4! I assure you that Still a Nurse will be back, but it may take some time. So please be patient with me!  You all probably know by now that I have a special place in my heart for Hospice. As such, I am very excited to share some absolutely wonderful nursing stories from the hospice world today! Meet Nurse Hadley, she is a super fun and stel ..read more
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Nursing School in Your 40's: The Pros and Cons of a Delayed Start
Still A Nurse
by Tristan BSN
1y ago
Episode 48 Welcome SaN listeners to the year 2023!  Our guest this week is here to encourage any out there who long to be a nurse, but are not sure if they have missed that train. Mindy is a wonderful woman who knew from a young age that nursing would one day be her thing. Life sometimes has a way of sending our plans off course however, and her time for nursing was pushed back. Working first as a dental assistant, then enjoying time as a stay at home mother, she did not begin Nursing school until her kids were all in school and she was 45. Achieving your goals can sometimes take longer t ..read more
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Using an RN/MBA to Make BIG Changes in Nursing
Still A Nurse
1y ago
Episode 47 My guest this week is an incredible woman who started in obstetrics and discovered a passion for nurse leadership and desire to learn more. After earning her MBA she found she had a unique skill set to fix a problem she found while working as a nurse director. The financial reports continuously showed the need for fewer nurses in her units, when her experience working in those areas, and the nurses she was over, told her the exact opposite. Tune in to hear how Heidi is using her natural grit to disrupt hospital reporting to show the actual nurse staffing needs in the obstetrical re ..read more
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RN network: Could Travel Nursing Offer You More Flexibility, Freedom, and Adventure?
Still A Nurse
1y ago
Episode 46 Are you searching for an adventure but not sure how to make that work with your nursing career? Travel nursing could be the answer for you!  While my guest this week is not a nurse, she is currently the president of RN network, a travel nurse staffing agency that staffs all across the US. With 24 years of experience in this field, Lynne Grosse shares what RN network can offer you and your nursing career. From more flexibility, the opportunity to travel and explore, great benefits, competitive pay, and a fantastic network of support from the company, it seems RN network has it ..read more
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Bedside Nursing + Love For Marketing + Creativity = Serial Entrepreneur
Still A Nurse
by Tristan BSN
1y ago
Episode 45 *I apologize for my bad sound in this episode. I had technical difficulties and had to use the mic that would work at the moment. Unfortunately it was the laptop mic. My guest however has fabulous sound, so I know you will enjoy listening to him.* If you are a creative thinker, have an entrepreneurial spirit, and like solving problems you see in nursing, then this episode is DEFINITELY for you! My guest this week, Zach, worked at the bedside for 6+ years before taking his nursing knowledge to uncharted waters. He shares why he chose nursing over advertising in college, how he taugh ..read more
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The Emotional Balancing Act That Is The NICU
Still A Nurse
by Tristan BSN
1y ago
Episode 44 We all have areas of nursing that we hope to work in someday. Some of us achieve those dreams and never want to leave. Others work tirelessly, get the job of their dream only to find out that unit is more like a nightmare and leave discouraged. Today's guest falls into another group. Those who fully expect to end up in one area of nursing only to find their true passion somewhere unexpected. Keeley was determined to become a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) until she did her preceptorship in the NICU and fell in love with the work and the patients there.  Our nursing dreams do not ..read more
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So...What Does that PhD in Nursing Do?
Still A Nurse
by Tristan BSN
2y ago
Episode 40 Howdy there Still a Nurse fans, and thanks for tuning in to this weeks episode! My guest this week was actually a professor of mine back in nursing school and a darn good one too! Now, have any of you wondered what that PhD does in the world of nursing? I am pleased to be able to share the answer to that with you all today. Francine does an excellent job in breaking down the why's of getting this advanced nursing degree and even explains what you can do with one as well. She makes a compelling argument for why the nursing field needs more individuals with this credential to really i ..read more
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You are never alone in nursing: Learning to trust and rely on your shift-mates
Still A Nurse
by Tristan BSN
2y ago
Episode 38 Hello SaN listeners! Welcome to the first episode of SEASON 4! It has been such an awesome experience hosting this show and getting acquainted with so many amazing nurses! I am really looking forward to sharing this new batch of experiences, stories, laughs, grimaces, encouragement, and inspiration with you all. All of my guests have wonderful and insightful experiences to share with all of us and I know that I have personally learned and grown a ton throughout this process, and I hope you all have as well! Kicking off this new season we are keeping it very real with night shift La ..read more
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What to do When Your Desired Path in Nursing is Currently Unavailable: Take the Atypical Path and Jobs it Offers!
Still A Nurse
2y ago
Episode #37 Show Notes:So many of us get into nursing school with a preconceived notion of what we want our nursing career to look like, only to either have that change through our schooling experience or have it blocked from us for a time. This is the case for my guest this week, Melissa, an RN in Las Vegas, NV. When her nursing job of choice was unavailable she found alternative jobs that not only showed her the various places nursing can lead, but also continued to add valuable nursing tools, knowledge, and skills to her "tool box".  True she may not have landed her "dream job" yet, bu ..read more
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Nursing: There's an App for that? Stories From a burnt-out COVID-19 Nurse and her discovery of Nursa
Still A Nurse
by Tristan BSN
2y ago
Episode 34 This week we have the opportunity to dive into the chaos and stress that was caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in a California hospital system. I know, I know, we are all sick if hearing about this darn pandemic. However, I found my discussion with nurse Rylee to be very eye opening. While her nursing career has only been going for 3 years, I have to say she is a true veteran of nursing after everything she experienced in the height of the COVID outbreak. Like so many nurses, she felt burnt out and uncertain about her nursing future.  Upon moving back to Utah from California she ..read more
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